[dr. bob]

by Dr. Bob

General information about Psycho-Babble

Here's some general information about Psycho-Babble. And links to more stuff here at dr-bob.org.



Registration is required to post. A confirmed e-mail address is required to register, but you don't have to give it out when you post. You can confirm (or update) your registration (or register for the first time) now or when you post. You don't need to register a separate time for each board. No money or waiting is required. You register using a secure web server, so information you submit is encrypted before it's sent, so you don't have to worry about it being intercepted.


Anti-addiction limits

No Yes: refreshes per 24-hour period


Automatic (next time): No Yes

List of boards

There's a lot to babble about! Here are the active Psycho-Babble message boards:

And here are the inactive ones. These discussions now take place on Medication or Social, so follow-ups are automatically redirected there.



Psycho-Babble has a Facebook page.

If you like it, please click the "like" button. :-) If you do, your Facebook account will link you to Psycho-Babble. But that doesn't mean you're necessarily a Babbler, and if you are a Babbler, that doesn't necessarily identify which Babbler you are. Using the share button on a post doesn't automatically make you "like" Psycho-Babble on Facebook.



Psycho-Babble also has a Twitter account.

Please feel free to "follow" it. If you do, your Twitter account will link you to Psycho-Babble. But that doesn't mean you're necessarily a Babbler, and if you are a Babbler, that doesn't necessarily identify which Babbler you are. Using the tweet button on a post doesn't automatically make you follow @psycho_babel on Twitter.



 [thermometer] You can use the Babbleometer to track how you do over time: fill out some questionnaires, save your responses on the server, and review your progress whenever you like. Doing this in a consistent way may give you a helpful perspective on how things are going and a better idea of what helps and what doesn't.

More at dr-bob.org

[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD, bob@dr-bob.org

Revised: February 10, 2010
URL: http://www.dr-bob.org/babble/general.html
Copyright 1998-2013 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.