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Posted by Alesa on August 16, 2004, at 11:33:18
In reply to Re: Alesa: How do you know Depression ended?, posted by Waki on August 16, 2004, at 2:11:00
My cat is just a tabby, but she's very sweet and cute. She's all striped and coloured just like a grey bengal tiger. I love her so much, and she is so attached to me that if I were gone, she'd be the most hurt and confused out of anyone in my life. At least my friends and siblings would know where I'd gone, but she'd have no idea, the poor thing. She is one of my reasons for living because she brings so much joy in my life.
Interesting about the cat's purr. The sound and sensation of it is so therapeutic and relaxing and makes everyone smile. There is nothing more satisfying. Aren't cats so amazing? I also heard that research has shown that the purring helps maintain their bone density and helps keep their bones strong. Scientists are trying to find out if cats can help people fight osteoporosis. Maybe if they sit on your lap alot it can help strenghthen your bones!
I am 35 years old, and having been dealing with anxiety and depression since I was about 12 years old. I remember having my first panic attack in class, and I thought it was the flu. I was so terrified of it happening again, I stayed home for a week. My depression was really bad as a teen, and I used to cut my wrists, but not bad enough to substantially hurt myself or cut the vein, but enough to draw blood. I used to hit myself alot too, and pull my hair, spit at my reflection in the mirror. My self hatred and anger at myself was all consuming at times. People would always tell me how miserable I looked. My panic attacks intensified over the years, and I had to miss work because they would get so bad.
I would always blame others around me, like boyfriends or my job for my condition. It wasn't until my late 20's that someone pointed out it was pyschologically related, and then I started to re-think things. I blamed my father and family for YEARS after that. I hated my father and was so angry with him. He is partially to blame, but not entirely. It wasn't until Mom died three months ago I could finally forgive him and move on. I knew my depression needed to be treated or else I would die this way,just like Mom did. She was in so much pain and didn't know how to help herself, or accept help from others.
I realized it was also partially hereditary, and since it had been plaguing me for so long that I needed medication.
Funny how when you're depressed, you attract the kind of people that make you feel bad about yourself. When you recognize this, then you attract people that make you feel good about yourself, but you can't accept their compliments. You twist their words in your mind so that they come out critical and insulting.
So far, I still feel better on meds, but last weekend I felt a bit down and lethargic. We've had a heat wave here, so I'm hoping it's just the heat as our apartment gets stifling hot. Still no panic attacks, and I still can't cry. I still feel things, and still feel sad when I think of Mom, but no tears.
Posted by calico cat on August 16, 2004, at 12:45:43
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by captain on August 16, 2004, at 8:07:12
Poor Captain. It sounds horrible to think that something serious is always wrong with you.
I think counseling is a good idea when you are worrying like you do. I went to therapy for about a year after my mother died. I had a wonderful therapist who helped me realize some of the reasons of my angst. I am thinking of going some day again as I know my emotions are getting the better of me and I needed to stop because I needed a break from therapy - it was my choice. One thing about therapy - I found - is that it is work that you do alone. I spent a great deal of time thinking and reconsidering how I perceive things. It is a lot of work but well worth it.
Good luck, Calico Cat
Posted by captain on August 16, 2004, at 13:17:10
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by calico cat on August 16, 2004, at 12:45:43
Hi Calico- thanks for the email. I am sorry to hear about your mother passing. I am 28 years old and my best friend lost her mother suddenly in april and my other best friend is most likely going to lose her mom in the next few months. I feel like we are too young for this and these instances have pushed my anxiety thru the roof as I am abnormally close to my mother and worry about something happening to a family member. I don't think I could handle it.
The lexapro has helped but i don't think anything can take away that kind of fear and worry. My sister has started to go to counseling and they said she needs to change the way she thinks about things, so I may try the same thing.
I hope you are doing well and I appreciate the post.
Posted by mystic on August 16, 2004, at 17:11:56
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by calico cat on August 16, 2004, at 12:45:43
Hey girls...and guys if there are any..I've had a terrible day obsessing..i was on bactrim for 2 days and this morning i woke up and have this terrible terrible ache in both my legs and my left arm and it is driving me crazy..I have called both my gyno and my regular primary nurse and she said oh it could be the bactrim but not a usual side effect..that makes me feel if i stroke out tonight or have a heart attack then glad to have met all of you..dont you hate obsessing and it is sooooo worse when you just know that there is something wrong and they might not believe you because you are on lex..not that it is my experience that this happens just I dont know peranoid..anyone else paranoid about these things in here..hahahah of course we are..well thanks for listening..your freind mystic
Posted by calico cat on August 16, 2004, at 17:56:42
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - calico cat, posted by captain on August 16, 2004, at 13:17:10
Hi Captain. Wow, you are very young - my mother died when I was 40; now I am 43 - I am almost 44 which makes me in my mid-40's. Actually, I like being older in many ways - even though I have teenagers, I still like this better than diapers, naps, etc.
To tell the truth, my 10 of lexapro definitely has effects, but not glimmers of happiness. I am just going day by day. I try not to dwell on too many worries. My daughter on the other hand, is struggling because we have had some rainy days. At 15, I can see her life is not going to be an easy one - but then, whose life is easy? Even under the best of circumstances, life is hard.
Once I start writing, I can't stop. I guess I have let too much get plugged up, and this is definitely an issue I have to work on. that's what is good about this web site. Maybe we should all write a book, and then when we come to Chicago, we can all be on Oprah. Actually, can we go to the Oprah show any way? I would love to see her in person. Calico Cat
Posted by captain on August 16, 2004, at 20:09:38
In reply to RE::: Hey everyone, posted by mystic on August 16, 2004, at 17:11:56
Hey Mystic - that sucks. I know that feeling of obsessing. I woke up with bites all over me this morning and was freaking out that i have some internal worm of some sort and my boyfriend just called and said we have chiggers! I feel like a country hick - haha. he just bought a cabin outside of the city and we went walking yesterday and sure enough - we are covered in bites.
But i know how you feel about worrying. Do you have something like xanax that can help mellow you out and take your mind off of it?
Posted by waki on August 17, 2004, at 14:04:51
In reply to Re: How do you know Depression ended?, posted by ednababish on August 7, 2004, at 9:24:18
I did what you said. I asked my research treatment program what would they think of if I went to therapy. They said we can discuss it later if I persist. It appears that when one is a medical experimental rat as I am, they need results that are purely from their treatment. I do understand it, think about it, when they write about my results medical research needs to know what effect it took on me. After all they are investing an enourmous amount of money in me.
Anyway, I searched for a hospital that has a very reputable Psych department. I have an appointment in 10 days. I want them to fully evaluate my thinking and behavior. I then want to know what available cognitive behavior changes are available.
If the cards fall that I really need therapy, then I will have some decisions to make in the future.
I guess this is a good problem. For the first time in my life I am trying to decide which solution I want for a specific problem. After not knowing I had a problem this is a huge deal for me.
Thanks so much for your advise! I hope you win the lottery or something.
Posted by ednababish on August 17, 2004, at 15:30:10
In reply to Re: EDNABABISH How do you know Depression ended?, posted by waki on August 17, 2004, at 14:04:51
If I win the lottery after you made that wish, I owe you.
Posted by Mrs. C on August 17, 2004, at 21:46:27
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by captain on August 16, 2004, at 8:07:12
HI Captain,
Let's see. Do I go to therapy? Yes, or at least I was going. I have the kids home with me during the summer and its very hard to get away for appointments without finding someone to watch them for me. I just started going in May and found it to be interesting. I have been suffering from this for over 10 years now and this is the first time I have ever asked for help. I got to the point where I wasn't able to function. I was starting to worry about some health problem almost daily and my life was starting to suffer for it. I was becoming depressed and very anxious. I went to my doc crying and she prescribed the lex. I felt so much better. Less anxious, happier but I still worry over my health. I am currently on 20mgs of Lex. It has helped but no much with the OCD. Although this last problem with the gland in my neck subsided after about a week of constant and grouling worry. Before Lex I would probably still be worrying and obsessing. So I guess that is progress. I think that I could use Zanax too but my doc won't give it to me. I should also see a pdoc. Anyway back to therapy. The therapist really thinks that I can overcome this and we were beginning to make some progress before I stopped going. I was starting to realize why I obsess the way I do. Which helps alot. I plan to go back as soon as school starts again.
So far I don't obsess over my kids health. Thank goodness. I sure dont want to pass this along to them. This is a terrible way to live sometimes and I am thankful for the support I have found on this board. It has been the most helpful thing to me. I also have had times where I believe I have some terrible disease. I have had them all at one point or another. Every symptom that comes along cause extreme worry. I can spend hours on the web or looking in medical journals. I have even locked myself in the bathroom so that no one in the house knows what I am doing. I probed my neck so much over this last incident that I gave myself a bruise. I am telling you this so that you realize that you are not alone in your obsessions. I dont tell many people about how bad I really have been with this illness and I know that many are reading this right now. But if I can help someone else feel even a little better, it's worth the embarassement. Keep hanging in there. I have improved so much since last September when I first sought help with this. I understand myself alot better and I dont feel so alone with it anymore. Lex has lifted the depression and anxiety and it's up to me to lift the obsessing and compulsive behavior. Let me know what I can do to help you. Mrs. C
Posted by Baz on August 18, 2004, at 8:20:51
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by Mrs. C on August 17, 2004, at 21:46:27
I found this board today looking for some info about a new or perhaps recently realized side effect to Lexapro-buzzing. I feel like I have a small motor in my legs and hands.
I am so sorry I started to try new anti depressants this year. I had been on Celexa and was feeling nothing. Bummed to be taking daily meds and feeling nothing. So I started on Lex and the first effect was higher blood pressure.
The Dr put me on a plan to increase the dose to 20mg. After being several days at that dose I started to feel MORE down than I originally felt. I have learned that doseage is everything because these meds seem to "inject" you with the "hair of the dog that bit you"!
I damn the day 10 years ago when I started this trek. I feel everyone of these meds have made me fat and captive!
I know I sound cynical but I am exhausted with try this/try that.
Posted by captain on August 18, 2004, at 9:18:57
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by Mrs. C on August 17, 2004, at 21:46:27
Hey Mrs. C, Thanks for sharing that story. It does make me feel less like a freak as I really don't know anyone else at all that worries about their health as much as I do. My sister is a worrier but she kind of does the opposite - she would rather NOT go find out what is wrong! My friends tease me that my favorite place to be is in the doctors office getting tests.
I never really thought about hypochondria being an OCD - but i guess it is? I saw that you mentioned that. I guess I always think of that as someone who has to have everything Just So and locks their locks three times EVERY time. haha - but I do obsess over illness. Lex has helped somewhat, but I can't be on this forever and want to change the way I think which is why i feel a pdoc would be helpful.
I am glad you don't obsess over your childrens health. I do not want to pass this down. It runs HORRIBLY thru my gene pool as it is! I had my 10 year high school reunion this year and we were looking at year books before we went and I realized that as my senior gift, they gave me (and this was in WRITING!) "A first aid kit to cure all the concocted diseases in her head." I didn't even realize that I had been this way for so long - and so openly. I just want not to worry about my health. When I have an odd sensation of any sort, i start to sweat and my heart races and i just want to run from wherever i am - just full blown anxiety attacks. That is where the lex has helped some. You know your hypochondria is bad when you are hiding it from other people. I try not to tell anyone now when i think something is wrong. No one ever believes me anymore as it is. (which of course makes me think that i really WILL get something!)
On top of that - I worry that worrying will actually give me something! How about that for a vicious cycle! haha -
Oh well, I am at work and better get back to it... thanks a bunch for your post. If you ever want to email me, here is my address:
I hope you have a carefree day!
Posted by calico cat on August 18, 2004, at 11:37:30
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by captain on August 18, 2004, at 9:18:57
Hi everyone. Mrs. C. - my birthday is also in October. I will be 44. I think we should have a big fiesta.
I went to my psych. nurse today. I am going to stay on 10 mg. of lexapro and 150 mg. of wellbutrin. She says this is a good combination so I won't be dozing off at 1 pm. like a two year old. Plus I will hopefully have a lot more energy. If any of you have tried this combo, let me know how it worked.
Off to the Lion King tonight. I am sooo excited, Calico Cat
Posted by Mrs. C on August 18, 2004, at 22:07:43
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by Baz on August 18, 2004, at 8:20:51
Hi Baz, I am sorry that you are having such a hard time. But I do remember that "buzzing" that you are experiencing when I first started Lexapro. Sometimes I still fill it a bit. I have been on Lex for almost a year now. I started at 10mgs and now take 20. So far so good. The side effects do subside after a few weeks. Hang in there. Lex has improved the lives of many on this board and I hope that you feel some improvement soon. Keep coming hear, it's full of wonderful and supportive friends. Mrs. C
Posted by Mrs. C on August 18, 2004, at 22:10:34
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by captain on August 18, 2004, at 9:18:57
Hey Captain, I actually had a great carefree day today. This crisis of last week has subsided. I am free until the next symptom comes up. Hope that you are feeling good as well. Nice to share with someone who is in the same boat. Call on me anytime! Mrs. C
Posted by Mrs. C on August 18, 2004, at 22:12:53
In reply to Re: mrs. c's birthday, posted by calico cat on August 18, 2004, at 11:37:30
Hi Calico, where are you going to see The Lion King? I have wanted to see it for some time now. How fun for you. I am glad that you feel better about your med combo and I pray that you continue to feel good. I am only on Lex so I can't give out much advice about the combo but I think others here have tried it. Have a great time tonight and let us know how it was. Mrs. C
Posted by LynneDa on August 19, 2004, at 9:14:45
In reply to Re: mrs. c's birthday, posted by calico cat on August 18, 2004, at 11:37:30
Hi! I was on Lex for 9 months, ending at 20mg, got too, too sleepy (could hardly drive home from work some days!) and gained weight so went off it while going on Wellbutrin SR 300mg. It really woke me up, made me feel more focused and motivated. But, after waiting 2 cycles to see if it was just adjustment issues, my PMDD symptoms are back with a vengeance! I started taking 5mg of Lex last night to see if I can stop crying and being so angry :-).
Please let us know how you are doing with the combo and I will report too. I'm hoping this does the trick!]
~ Lynne
Hi everyone. Mrs. C. - my birthday is also in October. I will be 44. I think we should have a big fiesta.
> I went to my psych. nurse today. I am going to stay on 10 mg. of lexapro and 150 mg. of wellbutrin. She says this is a good combination so I won't be dozing off at 1 pm. like a two year old. Plus I will hopefully have a lot more energy. If any of you have tried this combo, let me know how it worked.
> Off to the Lion King tonight. I am sooo excited, Calico Cat
Posted by captain on August 19, 2004, at 21:30:37
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by Mrs. C on August 18, 2004, at 22:10:34
Hey Mrs. C - I am glad to hear you had a good day! I know how nice and important those are! I am doing pretty well myself. My only complaint is that I am thinking the lex has caused me to gain about 5 pounds that i cannot kick. I am training for a half marathon that is taking place in 6 weeks, and am eating more than usual because of all the training - but I just know my body and know that these pounds are NOT normal given the amount of exercise I am doing. It is causing me to want to get rid of the lex, but I worry about anxiety coming back full force. Even though I have not had 100% relief from the lex, it has been enough to worry about what it will be like without it.
So basically instead of worrying about my health -I am worrying about these extra pounds!I actually forgot to refill my lex so won't be taking one this evening and wonder if I shouldn't just take this opportunity to wean off. It's a tough call. The good thing is that I guess I could get right back on after a few weeks if it didn't go well.
What do you think? Have you tried going off of it and found you were back to your old anxious ways?
I would be curious to anyone's response to that!
Off to watch the Olympics from bed....
Posted by Mrs. C on August 19, 2004, at 23:34:21
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by captain on August 19, 2004, at 21:30:37
Honestly Captain I think that you would be crazy to go off Lex just because of a five pound weight gain. Just my opinion. Mrs. C
Posted by captain on August 20, 2004, at 9:59:27
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by Mrs. C on August 19, 2004, at 23:34:21
I know - I guess I start to think that because I am feeling better that maybe I am better and it is not due to the lex. That is probably a very wrong assumption! I am really short and small framed so for me - 5 pounds is a very visable weight gain and also makes it hard to fit into my clothes believe it or not!
I am not going to go off of it without trying a few changes to my diet first. I don't want to be back in anxietyville - that is for sure.
I was sitting in a meeting this morning and felt this odd sensation in the back of my neck and began rubbing it and then started to freak out cause it wasn't going away and of course started to have an anxiety attack. Thank GOD for the xanax.
Ok, i have now talked myself into NOT stopping the lex. hahahaha - :)
Posted by devrisr on August 20, 2004, at 15:04:16
In reply to Re: 20%?, posted by inertia on August 1, 2002, at 18:50:33 girlfriend who is 16 was just perscribed lexapro by her doc, and i was wondering if it's good for her to start it at such a young age. Also, he says she'll only have to take it for up to 12 months, and more likley 9, but from what i've heard she'll probably be on it for life. What is the truth here? I'm very concerned for her, and want what is best, but also, don't want her to become addicted at this young of an age. What are the probabilities of her becoming dependent on lexapro, or addicted to it? I'm worried taht when those 9 to 12 months have passed, she won't be allowed, or able to quit. Am I completley wrong, or at all justified in my worries?
Posted by JenStar on August 20, 2004, at 16:02:04
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by captain on August 19, 2004, at 21:30:37
hi Captain & all,
I have been off Lex for about 3 weeks now; I weaned down from 10 mg/ to 5 to zero.I DO feel more anxious and my hubby notices, too -- he keeps making comments like "You need to go back on the Lexapro" whenever I get cranky. Although I think it's a bit unfair (hey, he's cranky too, sometimes, and I don't bug HIM to take meds!) I know that I'm more anxious than I was.
I find myself starting to worry more about my heart again (actually had the PVC's again!). I also am starting to think I have cancer again. I KNOW it's a problem and I had hoped that my mind would 'learn' how to behave and make its own serotonin or whatever it needs, but it seems that it cannot do it alone, yet.
I haven't lost weight yet, though - hopefully my 5-10 will come off. (Captain, I sympathize -- Lex did make me gain too!)
My detox wasn't too bad. I had some swooping dizziness but it wasn't strong. I didn't have some of the awful symptoms I've heard about, luckily.
But I AM feeling more anxious. I guess I feel like I'm admitting failure if I go back on the Lex. I'm too weak to handle "stuff" on my own. I'm a loser. (I know that's not true! I just wanted to be able to do it w/out the drug!)
Wow. I originally started with a post to help support YOU guys, and now I'm whining for help.
Can you guys help me think positively about going back on Lex if I need it? It doesn't mean I'm weak....right? Or that I'll need to be on it forever and then get accustomed to it and then it will stop working and nothing will work and I'll be an even worse anxious mess than I am now????
> Hey Mrs. C - I am glad to hear you had a good day! I know how nice and important those are! I am doing pretty well myself. My only complaint is that I am thinking the lex has caused me to gain about 5 pounds that i cannot kick. I am training for a half marathon that is taking place in 6 weeks, and am eating more than usual because of all the training - but I just know my body and know that these pounds are NOT normal given the amount of exercise I am doing. It is causing me to want to get rid of the lex, but I worry about anxiety coming back full force. Even though I have not had 100% relief from the lex, it has been enough to worry about what it will be like without it.
> So basically instead of worrying about my health -I am worrying about these extra pounds!I actually forgot to refill my lex so won't be taking one this evening and wonder if I shouldn't just take this opportunity to wean off. It's a tough call. The good thing is that I guess I could get right back on after a few weeks if it didn't go well.
> What do you think? Have you tried going off of it and found you were back to your old anxious ways?
> I would be curious to anyone's response to that!
> Off to watch the Olympics from bed....
> Captain
Posted by Baz on August 20, 2004, at 16:26:20
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C » captain, posted by JenStar on August 20, 2004, at 16:02:04
JenStar~I did what you did once before and numerous times I mess with the doseage because I need to feel I dont' really need this stuff! It bums me out to be taking meds everyday.
When I stopped taking Celexa I weaned myself off. It took FOREVER! I was getting brain zaps and dizziness but I was starting to feel sharp again~like my true self. Then my daughter was due to fly home from college and I started to obsess about her on the plane and I totally lost it. (I forgot to mention that I really started to lose some weight not automatically but on EDiets and I was able to concentrate and actually feel like I had some self control!) Anyway, I worried so much I called a psychiatrist and begged him to see me that day and put me back on the Celexa. He did and about a year later I told my doctor the Celexa seemed "flat" and that I had been told Lexapro was good with less side effects well he did what I told him and now about 10 lbs heavier and dull and buzzing I am on this.
I suppose I have to be on this type of med but I do believe I am now addicted to what it does and to be off makes my symptoms WORSE than they were.
Good luck to all of us. This is our brain remember it controls everything.
Posted by captain on August 20, 2004, at 22:36:31
In reply to Re: had a bad day today - Mrs. C, posted by Baz on August 20, 2004, at 16:26:20
Hey guys - Jen! How are you?!? I am so intrigued by your post because I have been wondering what it would be like going off of the lex. I am worried I will be worrying again! How insane does that sound!
I do not think you are a failure if you get back on the meds. Everyone is wired differently which means we all may need "something" to help us function properly. That something could be working out or sky diving or cooking or medicine! I want to eventually get off of the lex but I feel like I will need some counseling first to try to train my brain to NOT think the worst case scenario when I have one odd sensation.
Are you keeping a journal? I think it would be especially helpful to keep a journal right now to be able to reflect on the differences of when you are on and when you are off.
And also - about the weight - I would think it would take longer than three weeks. How long did it take you to gain? It seems to have taken me about 3 months to gain so I would assume the same time to come off. It slows your metabolism and it will take time for that to change.
I wonder if it would be better to be depressed or suffer from health anxiety. I know that the latter is so miserable so maybe they are somewhat equal.
Anyway, I need to go to bed - it is late! :)
Jen - great to hear from you!
Posted by ednababish on August 21, 2004, at 8:56:02
In reply to worried...please help, posted by devrisr on August 20, 2004, at 15:04:16
I would think that at sixteen, your girlfriend's chances of short-term treatment and complete recovery are greater than for those of us who have reached adulthood with lifelong problems and set patterns of self-defeating thinking patterns. Because she is young, and because lexapro paves the way for restructuring the negative thought patterns, with therapy she probably stands a greater chance of having a SSRI-free life.
Lexapro is not "addictive," to my knowledge; it makes those who take it more functional because it enables the brain to use it's seratonin the way nature intended but depression has inhibited. After nine to twelve months, she will be weened off of the lexapro if she feels better. It is only after this AND if she has a relapse will her doctor be able to tell if she will need an antidepressant for the long term--perhaps even for life.
I am puzzled by your concern in this matter, though. You DO want your girlfriend to feel better, don't you? Whether she will need an antidepressant for life is her problem, not yours, so please don't assume that her depression has anything to do with you. She has a physical disorder--Depression is a physical disorder. Taking Lexapro does not make her a drug addict; it makes her someone who has a real physical problem and needs medication to become and remain better. If she had cancer, would you be concerned about the amount of chemotherapy she would have to have?
WE tend to assume that depression is a sign of personal weakness. It's not. And that taking antidepressants is a lot like taking something like ecstacy. Trust me, it's not. They take a long time to work, and they make you anything from sick to nearly deathly ill in the beginning.
One word of caution: do NOT "sweat" her about this. This will only add to the problem and make her feel worse. She is not dropping lexapro to get high; she is not a druggie. She has been prescribed this because she has a physical condition that warrants medical intervention.
Posted by Missy K on August 21, 2004, at 10:37:38
In reply to Re: worried...please help, posted by ednababish on August 21, 2004, at 8:56:02
I wanted to thank you (ednababish) for your response to that post. I was on Lex back in January for SAD, went off in April as I was feeling better, but started having anxiety attacks and depression again a month ago. So my doc put me back on Lex. I'm past the side effects and feeling 100% better (aside from a little shakiness on occasion), not snapping at my kids, just all around happier, and I'm grateful for this. But I am having trouble reconciling myself with the idea that I truly need this medication, that this is not something I should be ashamed of. I know intellectually that this is a physical problem, that it is not a sign of weakness, (my family has a very strong history of depression, addictions, etc, on both sides) but I still have trouble accepting it. Your (very well worded) response had a very reassuring effect on me, and I appreciate it. I knew there was a reason I came back here...Thanks.
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