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Posted by Sulpicia on February 7, 2001, at 16:19:06
In reply to Permanently damaged!!!!!!!!!, posted by kane on February 7, 2001, at 15:00:48
> I came across a post at a message board last night that scared me, I think everyone on Effexor should read these following sites that were givin by this person.
> Matt stated he had done quite a bit of research over the past few years,since his wife was prescribed Effexor with devastating conseqences on his family.He suggest the following sites and will be posting some more info in a couple days,he is getting messages daily from people who are being permanently damaged. He welcomes any e-mails also.
> and the e-group toxic psychiatry and drug awareness.Hi Kane --
I can honestly say that I am unfamiliar with the extent of Matt's research and can only extend my sympathies.
I must, however, respectfully point out that IS NOT a reliable source of information on meds or psychiatry. This man is not a researcher, he does not have privileges at any hospital; he is simply an anti-psychiatry crusader.I came across him when I was researching treatment for my Attention Deficit Disorder. His articles on this disorder are untrue, unfounded, and only focus on hype and sensationalism to further his agenda of bashing accepted and well-studied treatments [in the case of ADD/HD].
I cannot comment on the other sites as I've not seen them but Breggin is NOT a legitimate source of information.
I would suggest the following strategies to Matt [which he may already have done so please don't be offended.
Go to the FDA homepage and search the adverse drug reaction data-base.
Search pubmed for all the trials of the drug in question -- trials generally have to include ALL side effects, especially if it's early on in the drug's appearance on the market.
Search pubmed for the drug per se -- it will generate a ton of stuff but you can sort thru it fairly quickly.
This will generate the sort of scientific info that will make the scientific community take notice if there is a recuring problem with this med.No educated person or member of the scientific community would take anything Breggins says as valid data. In fact, association with him will hurt Matt's cause. If there is a problem, find hard data.
Good luck,
Posted by Simon P on February 7, 2001, at 17:53:59
In reply to Re: im trying to quit, im losing my mind, posted by RL on August 19, 2000, at 23:34:36
Hi !
I read your messages and that get me a bit scared.
I'm 17 years old and I'm a very good student.
About 95% in all courses.Last year, I had several problems in my life. I found out my "ex" was cheating me. I found out my friends were not really my friends.
My head was going at 150 mph searching to understand the life. I discover the world at 17 years somes say !
Having my head constantly thinking got me into a kind of psychological burn-out. I'm experiencing memory problems, concentration problems and fatigue.
Now, I "understand the life" and know what to take and what to let pass but, the physical effects are always there.
I sleep and sleep. I'm always tired.
I saw a psychiatre and after few weeks, he gives me Effexor XR.
I began yesterday and i'm experiencing side effects.
Now is my question: My troubles were due to a situation. Now, I'm okay in my head and I need a little help to get back on feet with my physic.
I read all of you who tried a lot of drugs. Who cannot live without drugs.If I begin to take Effexor XR to help me getting back on feet, will I be stick with it forever ? or after I will be OK, my life will continue like it was ?
I never experienced problems like that and I always had a good mood even in my depress periods. I laugh. I'm joking and talking to people. Never had black thoughts.
Short, all my life long, I was like everybody.
Thank you all,
Simon P
P.S: Sorry if my english contains some mistakes, I'm a french canadian ;)
Posted by DBW on February 7, 2001, at 18:08:23
In reply to Please read Dad personality is changing Effexor XR, posted by Tee on February 6, 2001, at 14:51:21
> My dad recently got on this and we have noticed a huge difference in his personality. He tends to want to snap at people. Is this common with some people. Please post to this board asap so that I can come back and see if anyone is experiencing family members on this that are snapping at them or maybe you are on it and may want to share experiences. I need for him to know that this may be the cause of his personality change. Thanks to all.
>In my own experience with depression, snapping at the people around me--odd as it sounds--has been a sign that the depression is lifting. I think I begin to move from having no fight in me whatsoever, to being a bit more energetic and irritable, then to becoming myself again. Your dad's personality might not be changing; he might just be getting better.
Posted by willow on February 7, 2001, at 18:35:38
In reply to Will I get back normal?, posted by Simon P on February 7, 2001, at 17:53:59
Your English is excellent! Are you in Ontario? As a teenager you would be able to receive counselling through an agency for no charge or minimal.
Have you taken any anti-depressants before?
PS From my understanding effexor is becoming the next prozac. It's probably helping a lot of people, but the ones that are needing help are looking for answers. (eg experiencing side effects)
Posted by Simon P on February 7, 2001, at 19:52:33
In reply to Re: Will I get back normal?, posted by willow on February 7, 2001, at 18:35:38
I'm from Québec.
No, I didn't take anti-depressants before.
I didn't ever take antibiotics before. I've always been in excellent health.
Posted by willow on February 7, 2001, at 20:55:09
In reply to Will I get back normal?, posted by Simon P on February 7, 2001, at 17:53:59
My depression started when I was 15-16. I too never really experienced sad moods. Now I am having fatigue and concentration problems. The effexor has helped for them, though it took four months. Talk to your psych about your concerns and if you are not satisfied with his answers or want a second opinion ask your family doctor and a pharmascists.
Hope this helps! And no it doesn't mean that you'll need medication all your life. Oh I envy you your youth! Enjoy life!
Posted by Simon P on February 7, 2001, at 21:25:37
In reply to Re: Will I get back normal?, posted by willow on February 7, 2001, at 20:55:09
The sources of my problems were very "situational".
Even now, I'm don't experiencing mood problems.
I'm happy. I love the life. And my problems are now gone.I take this drug to helping me getting over my body who don't seems to be able alone.
I don't have a "depress mood".
Simon P
Posted by Lynn V on February 11, 2001, at 0:19:23
In reply to Permanently damaged!!!!!!!!!, posted by kane on February 7, 2001, at 15:00:48
Has anyone heard of myalgic (fibromyalgia) starting AFTER taking Effexor? Or if you did have fibromyalgia before, did it get worse with Effexor?
Posted by willow on February 11, 2001, at 1:04:38
In reply to Re: Permanently damaged!!!!!!!!!, posted by Lynn V on February 11, 2001, at 0:19:23
"Has anyone heard of myalgic (fibromyalgia) starting AFTER taking Effexor? Or if you did have fibromyalgia before, did it get worse with Effexor?"
Effexor could make the pain worse because it disturbs sleep.
Posted by welch on February 12, 2001, at 10:35:22
In reply to Re: RE: Insomnia on Effexor., posted by leckroj on January 17, 2001, at 15:38:58
Does the insomnia ever go away" I am on 37 of Effexor for energy problems and for anxiety. Does Effexor help with thee problems. Is it better to take at night or am. My doc did not say when?
Posted by Alex on February 12, 2001, at 10:36:42
In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14
> Hi there,
I'm doing so well on Effexor XR that I wonder if it is possible
to ween off. Anyone have any experience?
Posted by NMichele on February 12, 2001, at 12:56:27
In reply to Re: Anyone try to ween off of Effexor XR?, posted by Alex on February 12, 2001, at 10:36:42
> > Hi there,
> I'm doing so well on Effexor XR that I wonder if it is possible
> to ween off. Anyone have any experience?I am now beginning my 5th week coming off of effexor xr. The first three were gradual declines of the medicine. I am STILL feeling many withdraw symptoms. It is beginning to get better each day but it is not an easy process. Just be sure you are really ready when you decide to go off of Effexor XR
Posted by Shell on February 12, 2001, at 22:36:03
In reply to Re: Anyone try to ween off of Effexor XR?, posted by Alex on February 12, 2001, at 10:35:29
> > Hi there,
> I'm doing so well on Effexor XR that I wonder if it is possible
> to ween off. Anyone have any experience?If you are doing well on Effexor, why do you want to discontinue it? If it is because your depression (or whatever condition for which you are taking it) is gone, it is usually recommended that you continue on the medication for at least 6-9 months after resolution in order to prevent relapse. I would hope that you wouldn't consider weaning yourself from any antidepressant without your doctor's recommendation. If you do so too early, your depression could return.
Can you wean yourself from Effexor? Absolutely. Many here (me too!) have done so. Again, it is best done only under your doctor's guidance. Effexor is notorious for the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms most (but not all) users suffer. It is best to decrease the dosage very slowly and be prepared for symptoms which include nausea, dizziness and fatigue. Your doctor can also help you through this process by prescribing medication that will help with your transition.
I guess what I am trying to say is, yes it is possible, make sure your doctor thinks it is a good idea first, and don't do it on your own.
Shell (been there, done that)
Posted by Kathleen on February 12, 2001, at 23:40:43
In reply to Re: Permanently damaged!!!!!!!!!, posted by Lynn V on February 11, 2001, at 0:19:23
Hi willow, tried to post just after your note about effexor and pain and it did not work. Anyway, I have had biofeedback training and took elavil for 14 years. went to a psychologist and he did not help much. Of course I am depressed, I hurt all the time. I am not by nature a depressed person, just from the constant pain. Thanks for writing back. Kathleen
Posted by Leo on February 13, 2001, at 11:55:34
In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14
I have been taking Effexor since 1997. At first, I thought this was a wonder drug. I started feeling much better. Now, after all these years, I think I've been wrong. I just recently began to ween myself off of this drug. I have experienced all the withdrawl side effects but even more so, have experienced additonal effects of Effexor that have recently come to light and that may be permanent. I would like to caution all of you on this drug. I strongly reccemend that you look into this drug before you commit yourself to another perscription. Of the posts that I have read, many of you seem to be on very high doses of this drug. I'm not so sure that the dosage taken plays into what happens when you try to get away from this med. I have been taking only 37.5mg and the withdrawl effects are as severe as those of you taking those massive doses. My fear is for those of you that are are taking these large daily doses. I can't imagine what you will experience or what permenant damage has been done when you try to get off of this stuff. I have also determined, through my own personal experience, that Effexor isn't what you may think it is in the beginning. It masks things. It effects your thought process. It adversly effects
your memory. As I fight my way out of the withdrawl and during the periods when the side effects don't have me flat on my back, I feel fantastic. I'm ambitious and motivated. I suggest that you go to some of the sights that appear to be uncovering the truth about this drug. I visited the that someone else posted on this sight and found it to be right on the money with everything that is says. Don't waste your time with the others. I sincerely hope, for all of us that have been taking this drug that we haven't been some drug company's money making lab rats. I am going to launch an investigation into the drug and the company that developed and manufactured this drug. My reasons for doing this are not financial. I am a surviving cancer patient. I went through one year of pure hell being treated for that 15 years ago. I'll be damned if I'm going to let some drug company that has been hiding the truth about Effexor get away with possibly degrading the quality of my life any further than it already has been. Take some advice from someone who's been where you are. Get off this drug. Get you doctor to prescribe something else. Ask questions and get answers and then get well. I don't think Effexor is going to get you where you want to go.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted by Leo on February 13, 2001, at 12:19:55
In reply to Re: Withdrawal From Effexor, posted by dj-1972 on January 30, 2001, at 15:57:04
Go to
It's a bevy of information on Effexor. Take heed though. The information is quite disturbing.
Posted by Cam W. on February 13, 2001, at 14:12:33
In reply to Serotonin Syndrome and Effexor, posted by Leo on February 13, 2001, at 12:19:55
> Go to
> It's a bevy of information on Effexor. Take heed though. The information is quite disturbing.Leo - The information on this site is very flawed and unscientific. I have seen and read the clinical trials, both pre- and post-marketing; have seen serotonin syndrome with all serotonergic antidepressants when used inappropriately; have seen serotonin withdrawl symptoms, (especially in serotonergic drugs with short half lives; like Effexor), when weaning from the drug was done inappropriately. I have read quite extensively on the effects of antidepressants at multiple receptor sites, including Effexor, and my conclusions differ from yours and those of the above site.
I did not see any information at the above site that scientifically proves any permanent damage from Effexor. I would appreciate if could post scientific proof of how Effexor causes permanent damage to any part of the body, when used correctly. It would be of great interest to me.
Thanks in advance - Cam
Posted by willow on February 13, 2001, at 14:37:24
In reply to Re: Effexor » Leo, posted by Cam W. on February 13, 2001, at 14:12:33
My psychologist had advised me to have my blood pressure checked because of symptoms I've been having. I assumed it was anxiety. (I'm probably gone overboard with this somatoform thing.)
Has anyone's blood pressure regulated after elavating on Effexor? Or maybe I'm feeling better because of it. My blood pressure is now 140/90 and pulse about 103. This isn't so bad is it?
Posted by Leo on February 13, 2001, at 14:42:50
In reply to Re: Effexor » Leo, posted by Cam W. on February 13, 2001, at 14:12:33
> > Go to
> >
> > It's a bevy of information on Effexor. Take heed though. The information is quite disturbing.
> Leo - The information on this site is very flawed and unscientific. I have seen and read the clinical trials, both pre- and post-marketing; have seen serotonin syndrome with all serotonergic antidepressants when used inappropriately; have seen serotonin withdrawl symptoms, (especially in serotonergic drugs with short half lives; like Effexor), when weaning from the drug was done inappropriately. I have read quite extensively on the effects of antidepressants at multiple receptor sites, including Effexor, and my conclusions differ from yours and those of the above site.
> I did not see any information at the above site that scientifically proves any permanent damage from Effexor. I would appreciate if could post scientific proof of how Effexor causes permanent damage to any part of the body, when used correctly. It would be of great interest to me.
> Thanks in advance - Cam
We will have to agree on disagreeing. Are you an Effexor med patient or do you work of Wyerth-Ayerst. The information on the site I refered to is not and all flawed. It is dead on acurate. If you have never had first hand experience with actually using Effexor then your research is just that-research. If you have actually used the drug and experienced the side effcts then you would totally agree with me that what the website I referenced says-scientific or not, is extremely acurate. If you have never taken Effexor, give it a try and then discontinue its use. You'll have your scientific proof through first hand experience as I have. I'm sure that as the facts become known that Wyerth-Ayerst will be quietly settling millions of dollars in lawsuits. Again, a little bit more of the scientific proof you refer to. There are quite a few scientific studies on serveral of your linked sites that report Effexor as a dangerous anti-depressant that is extremely difficult to discontinue. Perhaps you should read some of those reports as
Posted by Janie on February 14, 2001, at 11:39:17
In reply to timing and sleepiness, posted by ty-leigh on January 11, 2001, at 22:05:57
> I seem to be in the sleepy-group of effexor-takers. I take 150mg of xr in the morning, and am extremely sleepy and apathetic all day until about 7:00 pm. I used to be a total morning person before taking this, but now find it so hard to drag my butt out of bed. Has anyone found that taking effexor before bed helps to reduce the daytime sleepiness? I'm wondering if it just takes that long for it to kick-in for me?
Glad you mentioned this problem. I've been taking Effexor since June of last year, and actually lowered my dose from 75mg to 37.5mg/day because of the somnolence. I STILL can't get my butt out of bed in the mornings. What good would it do to take it at night? If one is still sleepy 24 hours after ingestion, could you ever get up just 8 hours later? Thank God I'm a nurse and work the evening shift!!! Is anyone else experienceing the sleepiness on such a low dose...and also fatigue, I might add?Thanks,
Posted by Di Dee on February 14, 2001, at 20:10:48
In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14
> Hi there,
> Anyone care to comment on the use of Effexor? Anyone
> "happy" with it? I have tried Prozac (too much anxiety),
> Serzone (too sedating). I am currently on Buspar for anxiety.
> Been reading many different reports... Effexor seems
> to have a lot of success...
> please share your thoughts on this.
After 5 months on 75mg. of effexor I am functioning sexually again..anyone else experience this?
Posted by Rachel on February 15, 2001, at 5:44:08
In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Di Dee on February 14, 2001, at 20:10:48
I've been on 150mg of Effexor for about 3 months now and its probably saved my life. They changed me to cipramil 20mg which reduced me to a suicidal alcoholic mess within days of beginning it. After much pleading they put me back on the Effexor which has given me a quality of life I didn't think I would ever have again and I'm not drinking again! Give it a go I've found its the only thing that works for me. Good luck everyone
Posted by Janie on February 15, 2001, at 18:12:52
In reply to NO Motivation on Effexor XR, posted by Sandee on January 7, 2001, at 20:19:00
> I've been on Effexor XR for about 3 months and I thought this side effect would eventually go away. Currently taking 150 mg. Instead it has gotten worse. I have NO MOTIVATION to do ANYTHING!!! Sometimes even taking a shower seems a huge undertaking. (But of course I manage. lol) I don't want to go out anywhere. I am bothered or irritated by the presence of people more than usual. I just want to veg out and hibernate. I can't even imagine taking a class or anything.
> I too, experienced the jerking as I drifted off to sleep the other day. I was also awakened by this zapping feeling in my feet the other nite. Today I had my teeth bump together and I couldn't prevent it.
> I am going to go off this med because the bottom line is that it has not helped my depression at all. In fact, at times it seems worse. Guess I'll start by removing some of the little balls and doing all the other prescribed things I've read on this board.Hi guys. I'm rolling through these Threads again because I have been on a reduced dose of Effexor XR, 37.5 mg/day since last October, and I think the lethargy and sleepiness gets worse over time. I am also considering weaning off the drug. I have to FORCE myself to go to the gym, I rarely leave the house on off-days, wash my hair about once a week, and have no interest or motivation for doing anything except sitting in front of the computer, smoking cigs. That's another problem. My smoking has increased, and I have NO motivation to control or stop it. Sometimes I feel like I've been reduced to an infantile state again...just eat, sleep, and veg out. This has got to stop...there must be more to life, and perhaps a little anxiety is what I need to get me moving again.
Posted by MarkinBoston on February 16, 2001, at 0:01:46
In reply to Re: NO Motivation on Effexor XR » Sandee, posted by Janie on February 15, 2001, at 18:12:52
I hear ya! I've been on Effexor twice before and lack of drive is the #1 reason I stopped taking it - well, maybe after anorgasmia. Yes, going off and on and... insures that I'm going to have relapses for the rest of my life, but not having any drive or passion feels like not having a life.
I think the whole apathy/complacancy effect is from too much serotonin. It took a while after getting off meds for the gradual improvement in motivation to become noticeable. One thing I'm doing this time is taking a stimulant with Effexor and not feeling so apathetic. I guess I had ADD and never knew it until noticing that stims helped me and reading what people wrote here about how they thought and perceived things so typically ADD. It was a revelation to me that most other people DON'T think that way.
> > I've been on Effexor XR for about 3 months and I thought this side effect would eventually go away. Currently taking 150 mg. Instead it has gotten worse. I have NO MOTIVATION to do ANYTHING!!! Sometimes even taking a shower seems a huge undertaking. (But of course I manage. lol) I don't want to go out anywhere. I am bothered or irritated by the presence of people more than usual. I just want to veg out and hibernate. I can't even imagine taking a class or anything.
> >
> > I too, experienced the jerking as I drifted off to sleep the other day. I was also awakened by this zapping feeling in my feet the other nite. Today I had my teeth bump together and I couldn't prevent it.
> >
> > I am going to go off this med because the bottom line is that it has not helped my depression at all. In fact, at times it seems worse. Guess I'll start by removing some of the little balls and doing all the other prescribed things I've read on this board.
> Hi guys. I'm rolling through these Threads again because I have been on a reduced dose of Effexor XR, 37.5 mg/day since last October, and I think the lethargy and sleepiness gets worse over time. I am also considering weaning off the drug. I have to FORCE myself to go to the gym, I rarely leave the house on off-days, wash my hair about once a week, and have no interest or motivation for doing anything except sitting in front of the computer, smoking cigs. That's another problem. My smoking has increased, and I have NO motivation to control or stop it. Sometimes I feel like I've been reduced to an infantile state again...just eat, sleep, and veg out. This has got to stop...there must be more to life, and perhaps a little anxiety is what I need to get me moving again.
Posted by CrystalThacker on February 16, 2001, at 9:16:54
In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14
> i have done very well on effexor. i have been on it for 2 years now. i have heard all about the bad withdraws from it but i dont plan to get off of it real soon. i was unable to leave my house before i started taking it. now i can drive and go to stores again alone. i think it works great.
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