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Posted by Janelle on March 18, 2002, at 21:01:54
In reply to Janelle from BCat » Janelle, posted by BarbaraCat on March 18, 2002, at 20:13:28
I'm sorry to hear that your husband isn't working either because he got laid off. At least he is getting some retraining so hopefully he will find a new job soon. It sure does sound like your fibromyalgia is an outcome of the intense stress you've dealt with.
I'm in the SAME boat you are - I don't know that I will ever feel as *good* as I would like to so like you, all I'm really hoping for is to prevent myself from going down into what you described as "those deep dark scary places where I cry all day and have panic attacks and everything is totally overwhelming." -- This is the PERFECT description for what happens to me.
I get to the point where I sometimes can't or don't get out of bed for much of the day. Other times when I'm up and about I cry alot, have panic attacks and anxiety, worrisome thoughts and feel overwhelmed by EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING.
When I was working and would have an *episode* I'd wind up calling in sick for awhile and if I felt I couldn't go back for the forseeable future I'd take leave time or just have to quit. I HATED doing that.
Believe it or not, right now, today, I SHARE what you referred to as a "black mood" - nothing interests me either and everything seems difficult or pointless (even the simplest things just to get by, that can be taken for granted).
I've been staying with my sister because I got overwhelmed being at my own place (I live alone; my boyfriend had to go out of town for an extended, indefinite period of time) and can't cope with things like for example having to decide what to make for dinner, then cooking it. I'm also weary and bored.
I share your goal and hope of getting getting to a point where I have the motivation and energy to be on my own again, to FIND A JOB without fear that I won't be able to hold it because of this condition.
To answer your question, I don't do a whole lot during the day while I'm not working ... I sleep late, watch TV, take a long walk (I live in a warm climate), go on the computer. Yes, I do find it hard to stay structured and motivated. And I'm the kind of person who when I am well NEEDS STRUCTURE.
What about YOU - what do you do all day since you're not working?
I'm feeling SLIGHT effects from my meds (I'm on EffexorXR, Lamictal, Zyprexa, Klonopin and a natural thyroid supplement). I'm hoping that once I'm up to a therapeutic dose of the Lamictal that it will augment the Effexor (AD) and give me the much needed jump start.
And thank you too, for being my 'pen pal'.
Posted by Kelty on March 19, 2002, at 22:19:10
In reply to To BCat from Janelle » BarbaraCat, posted by Janelle on March 18, 2002, at 21:01:54
Dear Janelle and BarbaraCat:
I hope I am not horning in on your conversation, but I got so interested in the initial posts that I ended up following the whole thread today. I know you have both found that you are not alone in your illness, I just wanted to add that both of you struck a chord with me as well. I was diagnosed with depression about 12 years ago, was unable to tolerate or had no benefit from a long list of meds and finally "settled" on a tricyclic that kind of helped but has also made me gain enormous amounts of weight. I have fibromyalgia and have not worked in some time, as much due to depression as to any physical symptoms. I too tend to cycle, but not to mania. When I am not down, lethargic and foggy, I tend to be irritable, have very high levels of anxiety and some obsessive thoughts. This week I will be pursuing a change in meds, because the extra weight is becoming a real health issue. I sometimes find the days long, although I am able to engage in activities that keep me busy at home when I am not in the real down/lethargic phase. Because I have not had a med change in a long time, I am very nervous about getting back on the roller coaster, but believe at this point it is my only choice.Anyway, I just wanted to let both of you know that there are more like you out here. Thanks for being a bright spot in my day by pointing out the same thing to me.
Posted by Janelle on March 19, 2002, at 23:00:41
In reply to Re: To BCat from Janelle, posted by Kelty on March 19, 2002, at 22:19:10
Hi Kelty,
No, no you are NOT horning in on the conversation - the more the merrier, I feel like we're all in this together.
It is a *relief* to find that both of us struck a chord with you as well. I myself was diagnosed with depression 10 years ago and began on a tricyclic because I was *afraid* of Prozac because it had just come out and had gotten a bunch of bad publicity. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have tried the Prozac. Who knows, it might have worked and I might very well have still been on it today and doing okay. Oh well.
It's also a *relief* to hear of someone else who has not worked in some time although I'm sorry that you are in this situation.
The cycling you described sounds JUST LIKE MINE - I also cycle, but not to mania. When I am not down, lethargic and foggy, I tend to be edgy, have very high levels of anxiety and some obsessive thoughts.
I'm curious as to what meds are you currently on (before you pursue the change)?
And do you know what you will be switching to?
Also, what kinds of activities do you engage in duringn the day that keep you busy at home when you are not in the real down/lethargic phase?
I can understand your being nervous about getting back on the roller coaster, but it does sound like this will be the right thing for you to do. Are you going to be making the med changes with the same pdoc or are you starting with a new doc also?
Thank you for taking the time to let us know that there are more like us out here. And how nice that you said we have been a bright spot in your day - right back atchya!
Posted by BarbaraCat on March 19, 2002, at 23:04:46
In reply to Re: To BCat from Janelle, posted by Kelty on March 19, 2002, at 22:19:10
Welcome, PenPal Kelty!
Wish there could be a better excuse for belonging to this club than what we go through - the dues are pretty steep! You bring up a good point about how being overweight in itself is unhealthy and compounds the other miseries. Having fibromyalgia myself as well as depression, there is no motivation to exercise and besides it hurts worse for the next few days. I already wake up and hobble around in the morning like a 90 year old and a good brisk workout does NOT make it better. But I am excited, I have hope...I just received from Amazon today my new Oxycise videos ( and the principle behind them makes alot of sense as far as using oxygen to burn fat without whipping oneself to a frenzy. If I could only get to a steady state, just a little movement every day, I really think I can maintain my own in this depression/anxiety/fatigue battle. Laying in bed or flopping on the couch will not make this thing go away.
It is so important for us all to support each other through this. No matter how much someone loves you, or wants to understand, if they haven't walked through this Hell they can't really go there with you. If you find a med combo that works, please let us know. And if we're ever so down we can't do anything else, let's at least log on to Babble and hang out with our buds. Take care and hope to hear from you soon. Hi Janelle! - Barbara
Posted by Janelle on March 19, 2002, at 23:59:36
In reply to Hi Kelty » Kelty, posted by BarbaraCat on March 19, 2002, at 23:04:46
Hi Barbara,
Don't know if you noticed my follow-up message to you a bit further above in this thread - sometimes it gets hard to distinguish messages within threads. Anyway, I shared some of my experiences that are similar to yours and asked you what do YOU do during the day since you are not working? Just curious. (I mention what little I do in my note above)
Posted by Kelty on March 20, 2002, at 0:37:21
In reply to Hi KELTY and welcome in, more: » Kelty, posted by Janelle on March 19, 2002, at 23:00:41
Janelle, thank you for making me feel welcome.
Currently I am taking only nortriptyline. I have been on it for about 5 years and have concluded that because it causes such carbo cravings, I will not be able to lose the weight it has made me gain. This seems to be a problem with a lot of people. I was taking trazadone along with the nortrip, which seemed to help with sleep, but I quit taking it in one of my "I don't need all these meds" phases. I don't know what I will be trying next, I have been looking for drugs that do not usually cause weight gain and I may ask to try a mood stabilizer such as topomax or something similar.
In answer to what I do at home, I am somewhat limited physically by my fibromyalgia, but I do make sure that I walk every day, even in bad weather, because it helps keep me flexible. I have been at home for years and have taken up some hobbies that are inexpensive such as quilting and cross stitch and some other crafts. In this way I can also contribute financially at home by making gifts instead of buying them. I also read, trying to have a balance of spiritual or otherwise helpful material and "bubble gum for the brain" type fiction. I also find that having animals around helps to fill my day. I make sure that I go out at least once a week even if it scares me or I don't want to because I have a tendency to self isolate.
Thanks again for your post. Any bit of self normalizing contact really helps. I will let you know how the med situation comes out.
Posted by Kelty on March 20, 2002, at 0:43:26
In reply to Hi Kelty » Kelty, posted by BarbaraCat on March 19, 2002, at 23:04:46
Hi BarbaraCat: thanks for your reply.
I am glad you are going to try your exercise tapes. I do exercise every day and it was through slowly increasing the amount of movement I do every day and not worrying about pushing myself so hard that I am able to do so. It is so nice to have contact with people that have similar problems, the fibro symptoms just seem to complicate dealing with and treating the depression, as I'm sure you know. My family is really supportive, but you are right, unless they have been or are afraid of having to go to the psyche ward, they can't really understand. I don't necessarily get to the computer everyday, but I would love to keep in touch.
Thanks again for making me feel welcome.
Posted by Kar on March 20, 2002, at 0:50:15
In reply to BCat - a question 4 U !! » BarbaraCat, posted by Janelle on March 19, 2002, at 23:59:36
Hey BC, J and comes a new addition! I'm Kar- so much of what you've been saying has struck a real chord with me too. I used to get kind of upset reading about everyone trying endless combos of drugs and having dreary outcomes, but now that I've been reading the board for a while, i see that there really is hope- we're not always gonna be "stuck" here. And until we're "unstuck" we have people aside from loved ones and friends to whom we can kvetch.
I'm 32- was dx'ed with BP when I was 17. I've been on a bunch of drug combos too. The AD that worked best for me was Nardil. I went off it the summer before last because of sinus probs- couldn't take the decongestants and just kept getting sick. Haven't found any combos that worked as well. Celexa, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, Lamict, Neurontin, Depakote, Topamax (God- how disheartening to see them all spelled out like that- and that's not even a complete list!) Right now I'm on Tegretol and Synthroid and off all AD's...waiting to start up the Nardil again. For reasons unexplained, I feel ok for now...
Anyway, I had to stop working in June after months of being out sick and really turned down for disability. From what I hear, if you can get yourself showered and don't need someone to take constant care of you, you're pretty screwed. I live with my fiance. During the day I have the same dilemma. Try my damndest to take a walk or get some exercise but it depends on the day. On the computer a lot, sometimes go to the library just for a change of scene- and even if I can't concentrate at least I can work my brain a little!I'm trying to listen to some seminars on tape to keep up with my field (I'm a Speech Therapist)but all of these things are only possible when I feel somewhat decent. I've gained a crapload of weight too and find myself in that endless cycle-need the drugs to get better but gain weight when depressed...then when I'm really down I'm carb queen and can't work out. My wedding's Oct 12 and I don't want to be a tubby bride!
Sorry to ramble...I look forward to chatting with you guys more- we will prevail. (i might need a gentle reminder that i ever said that...)
Posted by BarbaraCat on March 20, 2002, at 1:02:06
In reply to BCat - a question 4 U !! » BarbaraCat, posted by Janelle on March 19, 2002, at 23:59:36
Hi Janelle,
Thanks for reminding me of this. I've been thinking about it and it's a very interesting question because my days can change alot depending on how I'm feeling. We talked a bit about how important structure is for us. I can waste alot of time very easily, especially if my energy is low. I might read, if something interests me. I don't watch much TV since we don't have cable. I play the piano and flute, but it takes me being in a very good place to play music, otherwise it just sounds awful and I end up criticising myself. I like to do craft type things. I used to do rubber stamping and paper artsy things, but haven't felt the creative urge in a while. I have alot of craft materials in our garage, but just don't feel like making the effort. Like I mentioned, they become an excuse to get down on myself cause I can't get interested or my mind won't make connections and I forget where I put the scissors and then get frustrated.How can I explain this? It's like I'm stuck in between go and stop. I have alot of fretful energy bound up inside, but don't have the clarity or energy to do anything with it. I get anxious alot about all I should be doing. There seems to always be so much clutter to take care of and I get easily overwhelmed. Lately I've been stressing about taxes and have been trying to file taxes for the past 5 years because I was usually so crazed and depressed during tax time and the whole thing is so stressful anyway. So 'they' caught up with me and I'm pushing myself to get all the old receipts together - ugh - I hate thinking about it. If I'm feeling really good I'll take a walk or work in the garden if it's nice, or play my music. I really have alot of interests and talents when my brain is working. Sometimes even when I feel good , though, I have a hard time with self discipline.
The really bad times are when I can't get out of bed and can't sleep because I'm so wound up and anxious about how I'm going to survive with this disorder. My body hurts and my thoughts are filled with disaster and worry and doom. It's like I have an antenna that only picks up the horror channel. I went through one of these bad times back in early December through early February. I totally isolate myself because I feel so fragile and feel like people will think I'm weird. I'm so sensitive during the hard times. I worry endlessly about my cats getting squashed on our quiet road. No reassurance gets through, my brain is stuck on sad. I just have to wait until it passes, but when I'm in the midst of it I never believe it will pass. I lose faith and trust in everything. And then it passes and I pray it lasts.
> Don't know if you noticed my follow-up message to you a bit further above in this thread - sometimes it gets hard to distinguish messages within threads. Anyway, I shared some of my experiences that are similar to yours and asked you what do YOU do during the day since you are not working? Just curious. (I mention what little I do in my note above)
> Thanks!
> -Janelle
Posted by BarbaraCat on March 20, 2002, at 1:22:52
In reply to Re: BCat - a question 4 U !! (a longie), posted by Kar on March 20, 2002, at 0:50:15
Wow, we're getting a good thing going here! Welcome, Kar. Sounds like we all have a lot in common. Regarding the disability, are you talking about work disability, or Social Security? I'm in the SSI process right now. I hear they turn you down 2-3 times but if your doctor will support your medical claims, hiring a lawyer (on a contingency basis) will usually bring success. There is no way on this earth that I can go back to corporate America computer programming stress city burnout ever again. I'm also getting Vocational Rehab retraining but I don't have big hopes for anything too wonderful coming out of it. Don't give up hope on SSI if that's what you feel you need to heal.
You mentioned listening to tapes. I forgot about that. I rent audio tapes from the library. They have some good spiritual, inspirational, motivational ones that help to remind me that there is another way to live and feel. I'm also learning so much about the workings of the brain (I have a vested interest here). On good days I think that some good special thing will come out of all this. On bad days I think 'Yeah, Barbara, you're 50 years old, don't know what you want to do with your life, and have a mental illness. Good luck." Oh well, on that happy note. . . Goodnight.
Posted by Janelle on March 20, 2002, at 19:00:55
In reply to Re: BCat - a question 4 U !! (a longie), posted by Kar on March 20, 2002, at 0:50:15
Hi there and welcome!
It's always good to find others in a similar situation with whom we can share experiences.
So, you're out of work too ... sorry to hear that. I have heard the same basic thing about Disability (SS) - if you are not comatose, you are rejected. I wish you luck and please keep us posted on how it goes.
Thanks for sharing your experiences here.
All the best,
Posted by Kelty on March 20, 2002, at 21:54:56
In reply to Re: BCat - a question 4 U !! (a longie), posted by Kar on March 20, 2002, at 0:50:15
Nice to hear from you. I am glad we are able to recognize ourselves in others and not feel so alone.
I had a thought about your disability application. I am sorry you were turned down, that is disheartening. But while I do not live in the U.S. myself, I have friends there who receive disability (S.S.), and almost all of them were turned down the first time. Most who got approved, did so on appeal, many with the help of a lawyer on contingency. Just thought I would pass along the information.
I hope we keep in touch.
Posted by Kelty on March 20, 2002, at 22:00:27
In reply to Hello and welcome, KAR! » Kar, posted by Janelle on March 20, 2002, at 19:00:55
I saw my GP today, who was willing to experiment with a med change while I am waiting to get into a new pdoc (the old one retired). So next week I will begin to wean off nortriptyline and start a low dose of effexor. If this doesn't work, I may move to topomax or gabapentin, but might wait to see a pdoc and see if I actually get a diagnosis of bipolar II.
I know there are a variety of results with effexor and my GP told me that some of his patients loved it and some couldn't tolerate it, but I believe it is worth a try. I will keep you posted about results.
In the meantime, keep well.
Posted by BarbaraCat on March 20, 2002, at 23:01:10
In reply to Trying a med change, posted by Kelty on March 20, 2002, at 22:00:27
Hi Kelty,
Do you have alot of anxiety with your depression? I couldn't tolerate effexor, it made me feel too wired. But maybe it will be one that works for you. What seems to be a growing and popular trend on this board and in psychiatry in general is to use an SSRI with a mood stabiliser. I'm currently on Remeron and it pooped out until lithium was added and now it seems to be working great. Unfortunately, that combo is also a double-whammy fat maker. So I am going to ask my pdoc to add topamax. If we both end up on it, it will be good to keep each other informed on how it's working.You probably already know this, but if you decide not to continue with effexor, go real slow with the taper off. It's one of the nastiest to come off of. Don't want to discourage you to a med that might be great, but just wanted to pass on some items to consider. Good luck with it!
Posted by Kar on March 20, 2002, at 23:39:48
In reply to Trying a med change, posted by Kelty on March 20, 2002, at 22:00:27
Hey Kelty- thanks for the post (BC and Janelle too!)...yeah I've heard that about Social security too. What a crock. I sound so defeatist but I swear to God, the thought of actually having to get a lawyer...! Was bad enough just to apply.
Good luck with the Effexor- try not to be swayed by (the majority of) the posts you read here- but I guess you know that...When I was on it I'd read all these negative posts and think, "Crap- what am I doing?".
All the best-
Posted by Janelle on March 20, 2002, at 23:55:16
In reply to Trying a med change, posted by Kelty on March 20, 2002, at 22:00:27
Hi Kelty,
Well, I'm glad to hear that your GP was willing to experiment with a med change while you are waiting to get into a new pdoc (too bad the old one retired).
What a coincidence that you will be starting a low dose of EffexorXR because that is the AD which I've now been on for a year. Bearing in mind that each person is different, I'll share a bit of my experience with you, but again, this is just me - you may (and probably will!) react differently to EffexorXR!
I've had my ups and downs (literally) with this med. When I first started it, I could not tolerate more than 75mg/day - I found anything more than that too activating, I felt jittery and over caffeinated. Back then, my pdoc also had me start Lamictal, a mood stablizer, because I'm mild BiPolarII. When I got to a therapeutic dose of the Lamictal I was doing so well that she and I decided I could go off the EffexorXR, in the hope that the Lamictal would carry me. WRONG. A few weeks after I'd weaned off the EffexorXR, I crashed. Now that I'm back on it, I'm at 150mg/day, which for some reason I can now tolerate.
The EffexorXR DEFINITELY helps me with the depression and I hope it will do the same for you.
Please keep in touch and let us know how you do with the med change. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Posted by Janelle on March 20, 2002, at 23:56:41
In reply to Re: Trying a med change + QUESTION 4 U!, posted by Janelle on March 20, 2002, at 23:55:16
You mentioned in a thread here that you live in another country (not U.S.) so I'm just curious where you live (Canada)?
Posted by Kelty on March 21, 2002, at 0:24:13
In reply to Dumbo here forgot the question for KELTY:, posted by Janelle on March 20, 2002, at 23:56:41
Thanks a lot for your input and the encouragement, if I tolerate the effexor I am going to consider asking to have a mood stabilizer added, although I may have to wait to see if I get a bipolar II diagnosis first.
I will let you know how I do with it, but I am not going to start till next week. I have plans for the weekend and if I am going to crash I don't want it to be then.
In answer to your question, I do live in Canada, good guess!
Oh, and I posted a reply to one of your posts above about coping, in case you haven't been back to it. Hang in there!
Posted by Kelty on March 21, 2002, at 0:28:12
In reply to Re: Trying a med change » Kelty, posted by BarbaraCat on March 20, 2002, at 23:01:10
Thanks for the info. I do have a lot of anxiety and am going to keep in mind the idea of adding a mood stabilizer after I see how the effexor goes. I did see the posts about going off slowly, so I will be careful.
Good luck with getting your med changed to something that works better for weight. I am pretty self accepting, but I don't want to die from heart disease or something either! Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.
Posted by BarbaraCat on March 21, 2002, at 0:38:23
In reply to Re: Trying a med change, posted by Kar on March 20, 2002, at 23:39:48
Hi Gang,
I'm in the approval process right now for Social Security. My major condition I'm applying for is fibromyalgia, but the fact that I've got 'severe depression' definitely helps and will probably be the main focus of my disability. I'm fully expecting to have to appeal at least twice and from what I've heard, this is one of the very few times that hiring a lawyer is a good thing. Getting one that's savvy on the process saves alot of frustration. They usually get 25-30% of the accrued benefit amount.From the time of applying to the time that you're finally approved it's usually 1 year. Applicants usually are as long as the medical condition is supported by your med records and doctors' reports saying that you can't do 'significant work'. That doesn't mean vegetable, it means you're honestly not able to sustain very much. During the waiting time the monthly benefit amount is accruing and even with the lawyer's 30% fee you can end up with a sizable chunk of money. You can even earn money while on social security and once in the system, it's fairly flexible about going back to work for a 'trial' and then going back on SSI, off and back on, etc.
If you think working is really not possible at this time in your life, then I encourage you to look at this option. Call up your local Social Security office and get the ball rolling. It's a pain in the butt filling out all the forms, but could be a real relief in the long run. - Barbara
Posted by Janelle on March 21, 2002, at 0:49:04
In reply to Social Security, posted by BarbaraCat on March 21, 2002, at 0:38:23
Hi Barbara,
Good for you that you are in the approval process right now for Social Security! Two friends of mine got it after being rejected at least once. One managed to get it without hiring a lawyer but the other did hire a lawyer and everything I've heard says to hire one if you need to appeal.
I have a few questions for you - you said that lawyers usually get 25-30% of the accrued benefit amount - what do you mean by "accrued benefit amount"? If you do get the SS is it limited to a specified period of time, for example (and these figures are way off I'm sure!) $200/month for 1 year, so the lawyer would get 25-30% of the $2400?.
This leads me to my second question - after you submit all the forms (which I am guessing is the point you are at) what is the next step? Do you have to appear in person or do they send you a notice (most likely a denial)??
I also read in a post somewhere else on here that a person had to go to a pdoc assigned by SS for an evaluation - do you know anything about this?
Thanks a mill.
Posted by BarbaraCat on March 21, 2002, at 1:44:20
In reply to Re: Social Security » BarbaraCat, posted by Janelle on March 21, 2002, at 0:49:04
Hi Janelle,
The way I understand it, the lawyer works on a contigency basis, so no money upfront from you. By the time the case is appealed and won, it's usually one year from the date of first filing. But the money is acruing all during this time. The clock starts ticking when you apply with the SSI office and you're determined disabled - usually the last day you were able to work. So, for example, if a person is eligible (based on years worked) for $1,000 a month, then at the end of the appeals process, usually 1 year, $12,000 will have added up. This is the accrued monthly benefit that you WOULD have been getting had you been approved and receiving a monthly check from the start. The lawyer takes, say, 25% leaving you with $9,000. If you don't win, the lawyer doesn't get paid. Then your $1,000 monthly benefits take over from there.I haven't heard back from them yet, so I don't know what to expect next - probably a letter saying I don't meet the qualifications. My husband also had to fill out a questionnaire. The questions are definitely black and white (can this person take a shower, talk to store clerks, wipe her ass, that kind of thing) and make it look like if you're not a drooling idiot then you must be fine and dandy. Cases are not won on the basis of these forms. Usually they escalate to a higher court where you appear and present evidence that things really are that bad. That's where the lawyer comes in. He or she does alot of foot work collecting med records and statements from family and friends. I've heard that in some cases they have you see an appointed psych (who is generally not going to be your friend) but by that time you should have a lawyer. The lawyer will fend off such a person, or present enough counter-evidence to sway a judge in your favor. It's not an easy process and you have to be determined, but in my case I'm like a pit bull because I don't have any other recourse. I really can't put in a full 40 hours worth of computer programming work anymore and don't have any other skills that could offer me a reasonable living. If I felt just fine, I'd rather be working than sitting in the house crying and going broke. This is not a process for someone who just wants to coast and take advantage of the system. The main point is that if you're really ill (and from your posts it sounds like you're hurting pretty badly), then by God, we are entitled to this and we must insist upon getting what we paid into and deserve. I'll keep you all posted as my case progresses. Hey, how you doing today? It's been a little better for me - hope for you too.
Posted by Janelle on March 21, 2002, at 1:57:03
In reply to Re: Social Security » Janelle, posted by BarbaraCat on March 21, 2002, at 1:44:20
Hi Barbara,
Thanks for further explaining the SS disability process. I came back on here to post another question for you, but I think you partly answered it in the response you just gave me!
I was going to ask how they (SS) determine how much money they will give a person once they finally approve that person, and you happened to mention that the amount a person is eligible for is based on years worked -- I would also imagine that the person's wages for the period they worked might also factor in to the amount of SS disability money they get?
I am sending positive thoughts your way and keeping my fingers crossed for you (I have a feeling that in the end you WILL get the SS Disability you surely deserve). Definitely keep me posted on your progress.
I'm not sure what I'll do regarding SS disability - right now I'm so bad off I can't even cope with filling out the forms. I had a real bad day today but I'm glad you said yours was a bit better.
Posted by BarbaraCat on March 21, 2002, at 2:08:01
In reply to BCat: Thanks for the info, more: » BarbaraCat, posted by Janelle on March 21, 2002, at 1:57:03
I'm so sorry you're feeling so awful. Here's a big <<<<<cyber-hug>>>>>>> for you! You probably don't feel like putting out much energy at all right now, but when you're feeling a little better, look in your phone book, or call directory assistance and talk to someone at the SSI office. They're pretty nice. You can order a printout sent to you of what you can expect to receive. You can also look in your yellow pages for a lawyer that specializes in disability cases, or search on the internet. The lawyer can take your case on right from the start, do all the paperwork. If you're feeling this poorly, Sweetie, it might be worth the extra hassle - just to see where it can go. It might even give you some hope, or a little fighting zip. My prayers are with you. - Barbara
Posted by Janelle on March 21, 2002, at 15:40:18
In reply to Re: BCat: Thanks for the info, more: » Janelle, posted by BarbaraCat on March 21, 2002, at 2:08:01
Thanks for responding above! I have a few more questions, which I'll number so make it easier to answer them!1. Does the amount of SS disability a person gets take into account both number of years worked and amount of money earned?
2. Once a person is awarded the SS, how long does it last - is it indefinite or for a set period of time? I imagine the person has to be *checked* periodically to make sure they are still disabled?
3. This is off the SS topic, I'm just curious as to where you live - are you in the Western US or Canada (I'm in western US) or do you just have insomnia or something - I ask this because I notice you are up late posting on here like I am! For me, it's a combo of geography and insomnia.
Thanks so much!
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.