Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 31. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Zyprexa on October 21, 2012, at 21:17:19
At first it was only Costco, 90 for $50. Now Medco same price. I've also seen others post for $100 too. This is good news! Both brands, Teva and Aurobindo now $50! This is of course the 10mg dose but others are about the same.
Posted by Zyprexa on October 21, 2012, at 21:22:52
In reply to Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by Zyprexa on October 21, 2012, at 21:17:19
By the way I continue to have good results with both generics. Still at 10mg dose. I've cut perphenazine to 8mg x 2 for the 4.5. seems to be ok, sleeping only 8-10 hours a day now. I've quit drinking for 4 days. Had a small relapse last night, 3 drinks. But back on wagon tonight.
Posted by Phil on October 21, 2012, at 21:41:35
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by Zyprexa on October 21, 2012, at 21:22:52
I didn't know how cheap Costco was till just recently when my Cobra ran out.
Seroquel 300 mg generic 30 ea $111
Walmart $279
Grocery chain $350Good deal on the drinking, I know it's hard.
Posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 21, 2012, at 21:54:50
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » Zyprexa, posted by Phil on October 21, 2012, at 21:41:35
I've noticed that seroquel and risperdel are dirt cheap here in Australia since the generics became avaliable (seroquel 25mg x 60 for $10, risperdel 1mg x 60 for $12 at the bix box pharmacy chain) Zyprexa is still under patent here until next year I think.
Helath insurance here would only cover them for psychosis, these low cash prices make them avaliable for people with non psychotic disorders (though I'm sure doctors fudged the diagnostic limits for people who needed them even when they were full price)
Posted by phillipa on October 21, 2012, at 23:07:07
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by jono_in_adelaide on October 21, 2012, at 21:54:50
Zyprexa sounds like you are doing really well. Congrats!!! Phillipa
Posted by B2chica on October 22, 2012, at 9:55:54
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by Zyprexa on October 21, 2012, at 21:22:52
congrats on the wagon Z, i hear the lapse., i made the mistake of having 2 glasses wine last night. feel cranky this morning.
also congrats on going down on perphen as long as that's a good thing!. did you ever mention if you had any side effects from perphenazine? you were taking 20mg perphenazine?
Posted by Zyprexa on October 23, 2012, at 2:21:44
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » Zyprexa, posted by B2chica on October 22, 2012, at 9:55:54
Ya, I'm giving it my best. Had 3 drinks last night also. Hopefully I can make it through tonight, it is 3 am and so far so good!
taking 2 8mg perphenazine a day. Only side effect is tiredness.
How are you doing on the genaric Z?
Posted by B2chica on October 23, 2012, at 8:46:16
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » B2chica, posted by Zyprexa on October 23, 2012, at 2:21:44
my mood slipped a bit. but i'm feeling a little better this morning. course i tend to feel good in the am. i peak about 2 that's why my pdoc wanted me to take a perphenazine around 2 cuz when i was having my illusions/paranoia ans such they would peak around 2.
the generic zyprexa i dont think is quite as potent for me, but also not the constant hunger. i still eat more than i should but i think part of that is habit now. but i'm trying to eat more fruit and veggies. and starting today i'm going to drink more water.all i know is (as posted below yest.) my eye doc told me i already have hardening of the arteries. which im sure was zyprexa was no help there, over the years that is, i realize that doesnt happen over night.
but yesterday i was in such a poor mood i didnt want to be proactive, i wanted to just 'let things happen'. but this morning i have a new perspective and i called GP to get appt to have all my levels checked and see what i need to do.
Big suprise i know GP will say i'm fat and need to loose weight. No fast food. etc. etc.The only thing i notice is that i'm just so crazy tired in the mornings. i just Cant seem to wake up.
i think if things dont change soon i'm going to have to change my work hours.
i'm consistently 10-15min late you notice similar issue? what are your sleep hours like. I can even go to sleep about 9 and Still have trouble waking by 6 or 6:30.
Posted by phidippus on October 23, 2012, at 14:51:57
In reply to Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by Zyprexa on October 21, 2012, at 21:17:19
OMG, you're obsessed!
Posted by Zyprexa on October 23, 2012, at 19:00:18
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » Zyprexa, posted by B2chica on October 23, 2012, at 8:46:16
I found that the weight loss and hunger didn't drop right away. I took a couple of months on the generic before that happened. Currently I take brand zyprexa 2 times a week and generic the other days. Its hard to say if one is better than the other. But you may be right that the generic is not as strong. The only problem is I take a higher dose of the brand, just because of convenience. The brand pill is 15 and the generic is 10. I'm guessing that maybe I need 15mg of generic everyday. I was taking 15 brand everyday before the generic came out. So its hard to tell, becuase I made a dose reduction at that same time I started the generic.
Sleep. I sleep normal hours now, 8 hours, some times more some times less. Last night I took a 15mg and slept 12 hours, I was also sleep deprived before that.
Also drinking much less last 1.5 weeks. Didn't drink last night, had 3 day before and 3 day before that, but nothing for the previous 4 days, and 2 the day before. Before all that it was more like 4 everyday. I need to get my MCV number back down a bit. It was right at the upper limit 6 months ago. Taking B vits and folic acid was not helping, so I quit drinking to see if it goes down. I've got anouther blood test in 2 weeks.
I was late for work about 5-10min most days before the perphenazine reduction, I was also drinking a lot then. Now I'm early for work or on time. But not always getting enough sleep now that I've quit drinking.
I eat alot of fast food too. I work for a pizza store. I find as long as I don't eat sweets, my weight and sugars are ok. I just don't eat too much of it. Which is easy because my appatite is reduced. Sometimes I don't eat much at all. Anyways I'm 195 lbs now, down from 210 in April.
I'm not sure perphenazine is helping my psychy. I've been more down to earth since the decrease and less likely to self medicate now.
Posted by b2chica on October 24, 2012, at 15:13:13
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » B2chica, posted by Zyprexa on October 23, 2012, at 19:00:18
i keep forgetting to take my 2pm perphenazine. i just now thought of it.
there...and took another gabapenting for good measure. anxiety rough today.anyway i'm only taking a total of 8mg perphenazine a day, do you think i can cut down?
i just feel like i'm on too much right now. and i think pdoc agrees.
i meet with him on friday but want to go with some suggestion of something.i'm feeling a bit down today.
Pristiq 100mgadderall 20mg in am, 10mg, 10mg
gabapenting (i'm rx'd 5x day but lately i've either not been taking it or only one or two. so far today i think i have 3 or 4 in me. i lost track again. i think i'm over medicating. i've been seeming to have flashbacks lately. not sure why.
Perphenazine 2mg 2pm, 6mg night
zyprexa 5mg
xanax (PRN) been taking only .5 or 1mg at bedtime.
does that seem like a lot? i guess i'm up in the air about needing both perph and zyprexa and gabapentin.
i know if i go up to 10 on zyprexa i wont need gabapentin, but thats when i really gain weight. i'm down to 5 and i still have days when i eat a lot.
i was on perph. alone for a long while and did well. but i was on only 50mg pristiq. i think the 100mg helped my mood but brought me overboard a bit. so the question is do i go back down on pristiq and augment with another AD? or do i fix pristiq side effect of mixed episodes with AP zyprexa.
and then can i stop perphenazine? or do i just need to stay where i'm out and wait things out.i actually feel for the most part fairly good on zyprexa (always have) but i seriously need to loose the weight. but i cant cuz zyprexa (even at only 5mg) i think that and the perphenazine make me so tired i'm tired (usually from gabapentin) when i first come home. i'm tired in the evening (when i take my night pills to get to sleep) and i'm barely wake up in the morning in time for work.
any suggestions please.
i'm feeling a little lost and out of it today.
i think my PTSD symptoms are getting in the way today.b2c.
Posted by Zyprexa on October 24, 2012, at 16:29:05
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by b2chica on October 24, 2012, at 15:13:13
I've decided that I'm doing realy well on the mix I'm on now. Don't sleep too much, feels like Z is working good. I'm actualy feeling less need to drink every night. I think the perphenazine is helping also, so I need less Z. 10mg Z and 16mg P.
I read in anouther post of yours that you have been going off Z. I think you should take it, because you sound like you are losing your sanity again. Does the gabapentin make you tired? It sounds like its not helping you, but the Z was. I don't get the feeling the perphenazine replaces Z for you, or maybe you just need a higher dose of it. I'm 36 by the way, guess we are same age, almost. You know you can exercise for the weight and arteries, sounds like thats what you should do to get your health back. Sitting at a computer all day itself will make you gain weight, you need some exercise in there. Even if its just a half hour brisk walk a day, you could take your kids. Or going to gym would be even better. Watch the sugar intake that is the real weight gainer. But ya go back on zyprexa, 5 or 10 which ever you can stand.
Posted by b2chica on October 25, 2012, at 12:13:59
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » b2chica, posted by Zyprexa on October 24, 2012, at 16:29:05
can i ask, what do you think the perphenazine does for you versus the zyprexa? do they help two different things or are they a synergistic partners?
i am technically on the perphenazine for (was)for anxiety. but when i started getting really bad and getting visual illusions he had me add 2mg perphenazine in afternoon (worst time of day 2pm). so i'm a bit confused if the perphenazine is helping or not.
and i had to laugh at you saying "i think you should take it (zyprexa) because it sounds like you are losing your sanity again".
sorry but i chuckled with this...its true.
i cut to 2.5 last two nights. i skipped a few doses last week and it wasn't good so i went back on. now i'm cutting back and only notice a bit of scattered thoughts, that must be whats coming across??
but i'm so much more driven without the z. However, (laugh) i sense you are right. and that is one thing i like about this place is sometimes people can notice things in your writing that you may not notice yourself.
i wanted to skip tonight just to see how things are tomorrow and i meet with pdoc so if too bad he'll notice.
or i can take it tonight be perfectly sane tomorrow and pdoc will not change anything for me as i will be doing fine. ugh. what to do.but alas. i fear you are right. i should go to 5mg zyp. and stay there. (at least till i get this job thing figured out.
ya i certinaly need to exercise. 'm just having a hard time figuring out when i can do it. i'm so tired in the evenings that i dont want to do it then. last summer when i was going to gym every day i went about 5am and that worked perfect. i didnt take away time from anyone and still got everything else done. but i just CANT seem to wake up. i want to do that.
i wonder if i stay on zyp 5mg if he would take me off perphen for a while to see if it would help me to wake up.i know taking the amount of gabapentin i did yesterday (rx'd amount) makes me more tired as well. but zyprexa helps with anxiety...and so does exercise.
well. we'll see what pdoc says tomorrow.
maybe its time to revise changing my work hours if my boss' would allow.b2c
Posted by b2chica on October 25, 2012, at 13:44:07
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by b2chica on October 25, 2012, at 12:13:59
man. within the last 15min i literally felt my mood drop into a sink-hole.
i feel face heavy, hard to smile literally i have a tremor when i'm smiling cuz its hard to do. want to ly down and stare at a wall.Z-man. i was sorely mistaken. i will certainly take my zyprexa tonight.
i had actually decided that BEFORE my mood hit bottom. i figured i wanted pdoc to see me at my best so he would most likely take away something.but this certainly signifies that i am not in any state of remission to try going off zyprexa right now.
Fat or no, i know what its like in the pit of dispair and with a potential job interview (a KEY job that i've been hoping for) next week or the week after its no time to be playing.***************************
i just wish dear hubby didnt pick on my state of being so much.
he complains if i spend even a dime of money, he says im 'addicted' to my meds and i dont need them. (he has NO idea how dead i'd be if i went off all of them and not from withdrawl), and he complains...Everytime i eat. he looks at me and says "really...MORE cereal?" "do you REALLY need that second helping?", "You haven't even stopped eating tonight." (even though i'm eating fruit at night, or cereal. i mean really? who has gained 50lbs by eating to many helpings of cereal. i dont think THATS the culprit.
screw it. i'm drinking tonight.
Posted by phidippus on October 25, 2012, at 14:53:43
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by b2chica on October 25, 2012, at 12:13:59
>can i ask, what do you think the perphenazine does for you versus the zyprexa? do they help two different things or are they a synergistic partners?
Perphanazine is a typical antipsychotic and pretty much hits dopamine receptors, whereas Zyprexa hits mostly 5htp receptors and some dopamine receptors.
>i am technically on the perphenazine for (was)for anxiety
Perphanizine has some anxiolytic properties, but is not as effective as some benzodiazapines.
Your doctor pushed up the dose of Perphanazine to treat the visual illusions because it is an antipsychotic
>'m cutting back and only notice a bit of scattered thoughts, that must be whats coming across??
Yes. Antipsychotics help with disorganized thinking.
>I wanted to skip tonight just to see how things are tomorrow and i meet with pdoc so if too bad he'll notice.
Right now the Perphanazine is serving you as an axiolytic, mostly, so if anything he might notice some increased nervousness.
>i should go to 5mg zyp. and stay there
You've been doing well at 10 mg. Why the change?
Posted by phidippus on October 25, 2012, at 15:20:21
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by b2chica on October 24, 2012, at 15:13:13
Pristiq 100mgadderall 20mg in am, 10mg, 10mg
Perphenazine 2mg 2pm, 6mg night
zyprexa 5mg
xanax (PRN) been taking only .5 or 1mg at bedtime.
I take:
Lithium, Abilify, Viibryd, Vyvanse
You could trade in the perphanazine and gabapentin for Klonopin-get better treatment of your anxiety and a little more mood stabilization.
>does that seem like a lot?
I don't think it seems like a lot. I'm still mystified why you're not taking Lithium or some other mood stabilizer.
>i guess i'm up in the air about needing both perph and zyprexa and gabapentin
So am I.
>so the question is do i go back down on pristiq and augment with another AD?
Why would you lower one AD just to bring another aboard? Leave the Pristiq as it is or just lower it.
>do i fix pristiq side effect of mixed episodes with AP zyprexa.
You'rre mixed episodes are NOT a side effect of the Pristiq. They are a symptom of your illness. Pristiq may or may not be triggering them.
Posted by phidippus on October 25, 2012, at 15:45:34
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by b2chica on October 25, 2012, at 13:44:07
>man. within the last 15min i literally felt my mood drop into a sink-hole.
It's not unusual to become very depressed after a mixed mood episode.
>i am not in any state of remission to try going off zyprexa right now.
I agree wholy. Are you still on the 10 mg? I hope so.
You're man is not being fair. I'll beat him up for you.
Posted by Zyprexa on October 25, 2012, at 17:55:21
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by b2chica on October 25, 2012, at 13:44:07
Ya, I'm drinking tonight too. Probably not a lot. I drink 3 drinks every other night now. Instead of 4 every night. My MCV is getting up there and I want to bring it back down.
YES, deffinitly take the z tonight so your doc does not put you on something else that may not work, then the whole cycle of meds that make you worse, in an atempt to fix some thing that works. Thats what I went through when I told my Pdoc that the z was making me fat. Realy all I had to do was eat less and exercise. But I went through a whole ordeal of med trials that evently dissabled me..
A lot of cerial is not good it will likely make you gain.
As for perphenazine. I'm not sure it realy helps a whole lot. And once agian I'm thinking I may stop it. But don't want to do it right away. I'm finding the gen z is working realy well right now since cutting down on alcohol. I do find the alcohol stabilizes me when the z is not working or I have been on a lower dose of z for a while. Its hard to to say exactly what perphenazine does because I've always taken it with Z. But after the abilify trial 5 years ago. I was very unstable for years and the perphenazine seems to have helped me get through that better. It helped sleep and anxiety and just a sense of total craxyness. I've decided that p is not a replacement to z, just a good add on.
Posted by Zyprexa on October 25, 2012, at 17:57:30
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » b2chica, posted by phidippus on October 25, 2012, at 14:53:43
Zyprexa hits more D receptors than most APs.
Posted by Zyprexa on October 25, 2012, at 17:59:01
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!!, posted by b2chica on October 25, 2012, at 12:13:59
My thinking is clearer on Z than P.
Posted by phidippus on October 25, 2012, at 21:10:36
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » phidippus, posted by Zyprexa on October 25, 2012, at 17:57:30
Olanzapine has a higher affinity for 5-HT2 serotonin receptors than D2 dopamine receptors. Affinities are (Ki, nM). Olanzapine binds as an antagonist/inverse agonist at the following receptors[58]:
dopamine D1: 31
dopamine D2: 11
dopamine D4: 27
serotonin 5-HT2A: 4
serotonin 5-HT2C: 11
serotonin 5-HT3: 57
muscarinic M1: 26
adrenergic alpha1: 19
histamine H1: 7-Wikipedia
Posted by B2chica on October 26, 2012, at 10:04:57
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » b2chica, posted by phidippus on October 25, 2012, at 15:45:34
Phidippus i've actually been at 5mg zprexa for the last 2 or 3 weeks. was doing better at 10 and wanted to stop eating so much so i dropped to 5 but cant remember exactly when.
i've been on a slue of 'mood stabilizers' and they all have created mood swings about everyother day. they actually create a cycle where there really wasn't before. This is the first real 'manic/dysphoric' episode i've had since 2004 when i was on prozac. i believe this is the result of my going up to 100 on pristiq. as i was depressive before so pdoc instead of augmenting with another ad he upped pristiq. took a few weeks to get better but then started getting TOO good. and he put me on zyprexa. gained 25lbs on that. i'm up to my pregnancy weight. ugh.
i'm refusing lithium for personal reasons and see that as my last resort. and i mean last last resort.
-i took my 5mg zyprexa last night. feeling mostly better now. i hope to feel even more 'normal this afternoon. still feeling a little 'icky' blue this morning.
(please give DH a cyber punch about the meds-thats what stings the most)
thanks E.
Posted by B2chica on October 26, 2012, at 10:10:58
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » b2chica, posted by Zyprexa on October 25, 2012, at 17:55:21
i had two rasberry smirnoffs last night. i know...lots calories. but WTh.
anyway i took my meds at 6. and could barely stand by 7 so i went to sleep dh and kids tried to wake me at 7:30-8 i finally got out of bed at 8 to put my little ones to bed. then 9 i went back to bed....i cant continue to do that. DH was so mad that HE had to put kids to bed and i did NOTHING to contribute last night. kids were both crying. thats what finally got me to crawl out of bed.
but DH also bought a case of wine (sale) so he'll bitch if i dont drink it. But look what happens if i do drink...
feel kinda helpless and useless at the same time.
i wish i could remove myself without hurting anyone.********************
going to take your advice. i will try to eat less/better. and force myself on treadmill starting tomororw night. (tonight pdoc appt at 8:00...really late).theni have to pick up 2 rx's.i think the alcohold helps me when it's in my system but the next day i tend to feel a bit down.
Posted by B2chica on October 26, 2012, at 10:12:29
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » phidippus, posted by Zyprexa on October 25, 2012, at 17:57:30
> Zyprexa hits more D receptors than most APs.
I've heard this too. that's part of the reason i feel it helps me.
Posted by B2chica on October 26, 2012, at 10:33:02
In reply to Re: Generic Zyprexa is cheep everywhere now!! » Zyprexa, posted by phidippus on October 25, 2012, at 21:10:36
> Olanzapine has a higher affinity for 5-HT2 serotonin receptors than D2 dopamine receptors. Affinities are (Ki, nM). Olanzapine binds as an antagonist/inverse agonist at the following receptors[58]:
> dopamine D1: 31
> dopamine D2: 11
> dopamine D4: 27
> serotonin 5-HT2A: 4
> serotonin 5-HT2C: 11
> serotonin 5-HT3: 57
> muscarinic M1: 26
> adrenergic alpha1: 19
> histamine H1: 7
> -Wikipedia
> Eric
question. the number at the end, like 31 and 11, are those broadmann's areas?
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