Shown: posts 1 to 16 of 16. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Cam W. on September 20, 2001, at 19:03:16
Wendy - I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble finding a job. I did get one, and it is a story in itself.
I had been applying to almost every job that came up and no replies (except for 1 PFO phone call). I called one guy the morning his job offer was posted in the paper (read it on the internet, actually). It was a job in a "mom & pop" pharmacy in a small city about 1/2 hour away from home. He wanted to see me that afternoon, but I was playing Mr.Mom, so I went to see him that night. It turns out that he was a golfing buddy with the director of pharmacist's with my old job (D of P died of an abdominal aneurism about a month and a half after my daughter died last year; that was when my boss took over the duties of D of P).
Anyway, I started talking to him about my experience in mental health and he started asking me questions about adding Seroquel to Fluanxol. He said the question was for a close family friend. At that point his wife walked in and I was introduced to her. She looked familiar, but I really didn't give it a second thought. "Pop" then explained my background to "Mom", and she said she knew.
It seems that I sat beside her at the Schizophrenia Conference two years ago. The "close family friend" was "Mom & Pop's" son, who had been diagnosed shortly before the Conference. I guess I had been very reassuring to her, answered all her questions in a language she could understand, and gave her some hope for her son (I really don't remember what she asked or what I said).
That was the Shizophrenia Conference where I asked Nancy Andreason (editor of The American Journal of Psychiatry) if consciousness and cognition were a higher level of motor control. I had just read a paper that implied that She said she doubted and that this wasn't the place to ask philisophical questions. Since then I have found several articles that have backed up my stance on consciousness being a higher level of motor function (but that is another long story, which I will relate if anyone is interested).
Back To Our Feature Presentation:
Then "Mom" went on to say that she had wanted me as a pharmacist since then, but didn't remember my name. Needless to say I was hired on the spot. It was supposed to be a part-time job, but they let the manager go (they said he wasn't working out) and I do feel bad about that, but several of the staff, and the other pharmacist told me he was quitting, anyway. So, now I am store manager. Anyway, the topic of money came up, after chit-chatting for about an hour, about mental illness (I gave them shit about not admitting that their son had schizophrenia, from the start...damn stigma!). "Pop" asked how much I wanted and I told him. "Mom" piped up that they could give me more than that, so I said, "Okay."
The next day I got calls from 2 hospitals that I had applied to, asking me to come for an interview (for jobs that paid, a lot less, for more work). I would have probably taken either of those jobs, if I hadn't gone to the "Mom & Pop" store that night. It's funny how things work out. I never thought that advice I gave would actually get me a job, the way it did.
BTW - "Pop" has agreed to help me get the Mental Health Clinic contract when it expires with my old boss (the job still isn't filled), as long as I do some free consulting with them. Actually, I want to look into working 1/2 time with each of them.
Wendy, all you have to do is keep looking. Jobs turn up in the strangest places. - Cam
Posted by susan C on September 20, 2001, at 19:47:59
In reply to Wendy, posted by Cam W. on September 20, 2001, at 19:03:16
Wendy, I too, hope for you. Like cam, I could just imagine you making a comment, well considered, a deposit, in which I call the 'savings bank in the sky', and being able to make a withdrawal.
Cam thank you for sharing what has happended with you. I was thinking of you today, and that I hadnt read anything, knowing you were probably preoccupied, but diligently working towards a solution.
Thank you, again for all your (s) support (s) to me for me of me to me. Lucky Mom and Pop they are they are nod nod wink wink know what I mean know what I mean....
mouse off looking for kibbles in a new refridgerator
Susan C
Posted by Wendy B. on September 21, 2001, at 0:56:39
In reply to Wendy, posted by Cam W. on September 20, 2001, at 19:03:16
> Wendy, all you have to do is keep looking. Jobs turn up in the strangest places. - Cam
well, shit, cam, if that was all i had to do, then i would've fur shure found one by now...seriously, though, thanks for starting a thread (named after moi) that has to do with work... i know there've been others on PSB, but we needed a new one. i'm glad to hear your story - what twists and turns! susan is right that you make a deposit into the bank, and can then later withdraw some too. if you hadn't been so kind to the mom, you might not have all the opportunities you have today. it's a very heartening story. i wish you well in the new store...
i actually have 2 PT jobs, not in my field. but have been in such a slump that i have had trouble keeping my ol' nose to the grindstone, with sending out resumes and other assorted well-known ways to get a Real Job, one where i will get paid somewhere near what i was getting at the last Real Job. i have avoided it for a year, since being fired for insubordination (ever notice how many insubordinates there are on this board?). must've been the undiagnosed BP I, but i have to say in my defense, that my ex-boss would've been the raving lunatic (sorry for the language) i thought she was, even if i *had* been on the meds i'm on now.
so i was on unemp insurance for 6 months, the benefits ran out... i tried to start up my own business, but it was short-lived. i was in a terrible financial mess, until i started substitute teaching in the local schools, and that kept us afloat (me and daughter) for a while. summer sucked, did jobs for cash or trade, paid bills with Geo Bush's tax cut $.
now am subbing again, in addition to having a wonderful but horribly low-paying job at a local vineyard. the labor is tough on weekdays, weekends i pour wine for tastings and meet all sorts of nice people, and get a 30% discount on the wines (good thing i don't have an alcohol problem...) the tendency to romanticize the work is strong, but it is overcome when i take a look at my paycheck each week... i owe the landlord a cool thousand. i will get an eviction notice tuesday, i think. i am looking desperately for another apt, but everyone needs a deposit, and first and last months rent. i can't come up with that kind of cash...
last week's events in NY and DC drove me right into the ground, my mood fell just like the towers. i thought it would be best if i just gave in to all my self-destructive leanings, and did something drastic, like drive my car into a wall at 60 mph. then i think of my daughter, and realize i could never leave her to her crazy OCD father, the thought of that keeps me from doing anything self-destructive.
i have a lead on a tech job, a friend who works there is going to give my resume a flag... can't believe i'm saying this but i am desperate to work another 9 to 5 job! yea! hooray! i swore i wouldn't go back to that world, but the eviction threat weighs too heavy. the only way i can make enough to put food on the table (aside from food stamps) is to do what everyone else does. until my novel is bought by Simon & Schuster, of course...
i fear for my hard-won 'sanity.' i was happy when i was here alone in the house. so i will become a drone again, a worker-bee. i watched people on the sidewalk today at 5:00, streaming out of their offices after a good day's work, and envied them their stability. i wish i belonged. at the same time, i feel hatred toward the system that keeps us all tethered to offices and jobs that we don't like, but have to go to anyway, because we've got to have our cars and 401K's and savings accounts with 6 months' salary, etc., etc. arrrgghhhh...
i regret not getting my ph.d. when i had the opportunity, but then i'd be an academic, and i don't want to be one of *those.* i denegrate everything that i wish i were. i want to write, but feel paralysed most of the time. *although* i actually got some work done today on an article i'm writing on AD/HD for the local paper, interviewing a local expert (MD), who was very kind and encouraging. i'd like to write more things like that, eventually, but i have to finish this one first, and one of my discoveries in researching this topic is that it's sooooo hard for me to finish anything. and i wonder about my own inattentiveness, my flitting from interest to interest, my inability to stay focused and on task... my devil-may-care attitude toward landing a job that would actually keep my household afloat. my unconcern about all the debt i'm in... i wasn't worried at all until last week, and then something broke, reality struck, we're at war, i'm in a mess.
today i felt more focused, however, than i have in some time. took all my meds on a very tight schedule, i think that helps. so maybe it'll all be alright. "every day is a winding road" (sheryl crow). i have my up days and my down days. hardly ever two days in a row the same thing...
sorry for the whining. i wish i could say something more positive right now. it's late, too, and i teach tomorrow, and i can't seem to crawl to bed before 2:00 or 3:00 any day for weeks. this doesn't help the depression, i know...
take care, Cam, and thanks for writing to me, you're a peach!
Posted by Krazy Kat on September 21, 2001, at 9:59:53
In reply to Re: Wendy » Cam W., posted by Wendy B. on September 21, 2001, at 0:56:39
Congrats, congrats Cam!!
I want to reply Yes, Yes!! to everyone single one of your comments! I am in such a "pickle" right now and Must get things accomplished today so I can't stay here and right the long response I'd like to, but everything you said rings so true to me, as most of your comments do.
Again, you've said it so well.
My heart goes out to you. You sound "pigeon-holed" and yet so strong. I am glad you have your daughter.
I look forward to responding long and laboriously later.
- K.
Posted by Wendy B. on September 21, 2001, at 10:54:36
In reply to Sorry, I'm peeking, too... » Wendy B., posted by Krazy Kat on September 21, 2001, at 9:59:53
> Congrats, congrats Cam!!
> Wendy,
> I want to reply Yes, Yes!! to everyone single one of your comments! I am in such a "pickle" right now and Must get things accomplished today so I can't stay here and right the long response I'd like to, but everything you said rings so true to me, as most of your comments do.
> Again, you've said it so well.
> My heart goes out to you. You sound "pigeon-holed" and yet so strong. I am glad you have your daughter.
> I look forward to responding long and laboriously later.
> - K.
kelly, kingfish, krazed kat,thank you for being so kind and nice and supportive... it helps a lot. i'm glad for my daughter every day...
i am on a 2-hr. break from teaching, must get the resume faxed.
would love you to send a long, inspired post. i'm going away for 2 days, parents' computer is too slow for internet, doesn't do java, etc, so will be back here sunday nite. that gives you a couple of days...
again, you've been so nice. how 'bout being my agent? my slave-driver? ("get busy writing!") my task-mistress? why is it that i can only do things on deadline for others, but not when it has to do with something for my own personal growth??
more grist for the mill...
love & a hug,
Posted by sar on September 21, 2001, at 12:24:57
In reply to Re: Wendy » Cam W., posted by Wendy B. on September 21, 2001, at 0:56:39
Dear Wendy,
i respect the way both you and Cam write. have you started the novel yet? (and congrats, Cam, if you're reading this, on scoring the job!)
i'm sending all of my good vibes to New York today, some will shine down on the City and others will infiltrate you out in the vineyards.
Posted by Wendy B. on September 21, 2001, at 18:35:36
In reply to it's peeping sar » Wendy B., posted by sar on September 21, 2001, at 12:24:57
hey, sar!
of course, i've started the novel! it's just that it's never gonna get done, because i have no goddamned self-control, self-motivation, self-discipline, etc. etc. i'm so fatalistic. the therp sez i always use words like always, never, massively, etc. maybe i have an avoidant personality? i dunno - i never seem to have trouble starting things, just ending them...
BTW, what's up with you, girl? never heard what the judge said to you. is work still a surrealistic experience? i love thinking of you chuckling to yourself under your breath for no apparent reason, as the others stand by, freaked or shaking their heads in disbelief...
not in the vineyards at all this week. did spend several days with middle-schoolers, though. they're as full of high-jinks as they ever were... my bonus word on the spelling test today was "superfluous." they screamed in protest. this gives me great pleasure, kid torture... hee hee...
keep them cards and letters comin',
love back to you,
> Dear Wendy,
> i respect the way both you and Cam write. have you started the novel yet? (and congrats, Cam, if you're reading this, on scoring the job!)
> i'm sending all of my good vibes to New York today, some will shine down on the City and others will infiltrate you out in the vineyards.
> love,
> sar
Posted by shelliR on September 21, 2001, at 22:21:40
In reply to Wendy, posted by Cam W. on September 20, 2001, at 19:03:16
Hey Cam,
Just read your post about your job. That's great, congratulations. It's very special that it came full circle with Mom.
Posted by Zo on September 22, 2001, at 20:53:53
In reply to Wendy, posted by Cam W. on September 20, 2001, at 19:03:16
Posted by Krazy Kat on September 23, 2001, at 12:18:47
In reply to Re: Sorry, I'm peeking, too... » Krazy Kat , posted by Wendy B. on September 21, 2001, at 10:54:36
> again, you've been so nice. how 'bout being my agent? my slave-driver? ("get busy writing!") my task-mistress?
--- If you would be mine. :) I, too, have been determined to "be a writer" since, I don't know, 10?. By now, my friends are tired of hearing about it.why is it that i can only do things on deadline for others, but not when it has to do with something for my own personal growth??
--- I'm not certain, but I have the same problem. Part of it for me is fear of failure. My father has written all his life, a couple of books as well as articles, but he is too afraid to get most of them published. Is any of it energy-related for you? You have to work and take care of your daughter and you're on medication. That can take a lot out of you.
I so do NOT want to go back to a Real Job. That seems to be a common theme here. I don't think we naturally fit into that schedule or lifestyle. I wonder what I mean by "we", though? I mean, of course, creative, intelligent, quirky, highly-useful, a little off our noggins WE. ;)
I only briefly worked in my field of journalism. Then moved into electronic publishing. Something about the 9-5 world is so trapping to me. I thought I might "outgrow" that - I have not. :)
Your vineyard job sounds wonderful. Why can't that be very high paying? ;) Also, book store jobs, and working with children and animals.
It's great that you're writing at all. Just write something everyday. Just sit down to write everyday. I haven't been doing that. Even if you just sit there and hit your head the whole time. Then you'll have a headache. And you can say to your daughter, "I have a headache because I sat down, as I do Everyday, to write." And she'll understand the importance of that act. (That didn't come out right, but it's the general thought...) It's kind of to PUMP ME UP, too. Only I'll have to tell my dogs, and they won't understand.
My sister sent me a book (we're all frustrated, depressed or bipolar writers) called "A Writer's Time" which looks fairly helpful. But of course, we can read too much about writing instead of just doing it, can't we?
You offer so much encouragement here, I was surprised to read that you'd been feeling down. I hope you feel better soon.
- Kelly, Krazy Kingfish Kat
Posted by afatchic on September 23, 2001, at 12:53:24
In reply to Wendy, posted by Cam W. on September 20, 2001, at 19:03:16
Fantastic! Isn't life strange? Sounds like you found where you belong. I am SO happy for you.
> Wendy - I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble finding a job. I did get one, and it is a story in itself.
> I had been applying to almost every job that came up and no replies (except for 1 PFO phone call). I called one guy the morning his job offer was posted in the paper (read it on the internet, actually). It was a job in a "mom & pop" pharmacy in a small city about 1/2 hour away from home. He wanted to see me that afternoon, but I was playing Mr.Mom, so I went to see him that night. It turns out that he was a golfing buddy with the director of pharmacist's with my old job (D of P died of an abdominal aneurism about a month and a half after my daughter died last year; that was when my boss took over the duties of D of P).
> Anyway, I started talking to him about my experience in mental health and he started asking me questions about adding Seroquel to Fluanxol. He said the question was for a close family friend. At that point his wife walked in and I was introduced to her. She looked familiar, but I really didn't give it a second thought. "Pop" then explained my background to "Mom", and she said she knew.
> It seems that I sat beside her at the Schizophrenia Conference two years ago. The "close family friend" was "Mom & Pop's" son, who had been diagnosed shortly before the Conference. I guess I had been very reassuring to her, answered all her questions in a language she could understand, and gave her some hope for her son (I really don't remember what she asked or what I said).
> Aside:
> That was the Shizophrenia Conference where I asked Nancy Andreason (editor of The American Journal of Psychiatry) if consciousness and cognition were a higher level of motor control. I had just read a paper that implied that She said she doubted and that this wasn't the place to ask philisophical questions. Since then I have found several articles that have backed up my stance on consciousness being a higher level of motor function (but that is another long story, which I will relate if anyone is interested).
> Back To Our Feature Presentation:
> Then "Mom" went on to say that she had wanted me as a pharmacist since then, but didn't remember my name. Needless to say I was hired on the spot. It was supposed to be a part-time job, but they let the manager go (they said he wasn't working out) and I do feel bad about that, but several of the staff, and the other pharmacist told me he was quitting, anyway. So, now I am store manager. Anyway, the topic of money came up, after chit-chatting for about an hour, about mental illness (I gave them shit about not admitting that their son had schizophrenia, from the start...damn stigma!). "Pop" asked how much I wanted and I told him. "Mom" piped up that they could give me more than that, so I said, "Okay."
> The next day I got calls from 2 hospitals that I had applied to, asking me to come for an interview (for jobs that paid, a lot less, for more work). I would have probably taken either of those jobs, if I hadn't gone to the "Mom & Pop" store that night. It's funny how things work out. I never thought that advice I gave would actually get me a job, the way it did.
> BTW - "Pop" has agreed to help me get the Mental Health Clinic contract when it expires with my old boss (the job still isn't filled), as long as I do some free consulting with them. Actually, I want to look into working 1/2 time with each of them.
> Wendy, all you have to do is keep looking. Jobs turn up in the strangest places. - Cam
Posted by Phil on September 23, 2001, at 14:31:19
In reply to Wendy, posted by Cam W. on September 20, 2001, at 19:03:16
Posted by Kristi on September 23, 2001, at 15:01:51
In reply to CAM! _ Congratulations! (nm), posted by Zo on September 22, 2001, at 20:53:53
That is so great for you and you sound so exited. Have you started?( you may have by now, I just saw the thread today)... if so.. how did it go?
I'm so happy for you.... gives us all inspiration. Take care, Kristi
Posted by sar on September 23, 2001, at 23:04:54
In reply to Re: it's peeping sar, posted by Wendy B. on September 21, 2001, at 18:35:36
> hey, sar!
> of course, i've started the novel! it's just that it's never gonna get done, because i have no goddamned self-control, self-motivation, self-discipline, etc. etc. i'm so fatalistic. the therp sez i always use words like always, never, massively, etc. maybe i have an avoidant personality? i dunno - i never seem to have trouble starting things, just ending them...are you a perfectionist? procrastination and perfectionism seem to go hand-in-hand...avoidant personality? no, i wouldn't guess so, just from the way you are on PSB! i've done some reading on all of the personality disorders, you don't strike me as avoidant...but what do i know? (i just think yr not.)
> BTW, what's up with you, girl? never heard what the judge said to you. is work still a surrealistic experience? i love thinking of you chuckling to yourself under your breath for no apparent reason, as the others stand by, freaked or shaking their heads in disbelief...i got a reset at court for sometime in october. i procrastinated hiring a lawyer, but i found a cool one (in the yeller pages) and she said that this particular judge "likes girls" so he might give me a little leniency...still, there are either thousands to pay or hundreds of hours of community service in my estimation...but i fuckin eserve it, i can't believe what happened...
> not in the vineyards at all this week. did spend several days with middle-schoolers, though. they're as full of high-jinks as they ever were... my bonus word on the spelling test today was "superfluous." they screamed in protest. this gives me great pleasure, kid torture... hee hee...
ah, middle schoolers!! what do you think of them? "Superfluous" is one of my favorite words. sometimes on weekends at my job, i think, "nothing smells or sounds worse than a 13 or 14 year-old boy." prejudiced, yes, though i did like them back in the day. yesterday i met a rather smooth 13 year-old who gazed at me and said, "i've already been helped" and proceeded to convince his pops to buy my recommended CD and book. ballsy kid, and he smelled just fine. do you find it difficult to maintain control over the classroom? middle school seems to be a total testing of seems like you'd be a fun sub tho, you've got a sense of humor and more than book-smart...
at work i still laugh. not "under my breath," but i giggle while traversing the store. too many thing strike me as so goddamn funny, my co-workers have accepted it and warmed to it, though some wonder why i'm "always smiling" ot "always look excited." i think it might be my facial structure. it's most comfortable for my face to be grinnin a little...and i'm doin wrinkle damage-control, yo...they think i'm a silly drunk ditz, fine fine fine i say....
so what is the novel about??? i'm an avid reader when my brain's working, i'd like to know the storyline/genre--what-have-you...
did you post your e-mail addy in another post? i wanted to mail you but i've been too intoxicated and busy to find it. i'm going to link my name to my e-mail on this post if you ever feel like talkin.
> keep them cards and letters comin',
you too, bay
> love back to you,
Posted by sar on September 23, 2001, at 23:07:42
In reply to Re: it's peeping sar, posted by sar on September 23, 2001, at 23:04:54
oops, forgot to check the "post yr addy" box!
so there i am.
Posted by Wendy B. on September 25, 2001, at 1:19:33
In reply to Re: Sorry, I'm peeking, too... » Wendy B., posted by Krazy Kat on September 23, 2001, at 12:18:47
dear miss K,
> > again, you've been so nice. how 'bout being my agent? my slave-driver? ("get busy writing!") my task-mistress?
> --- If you would be mine. :) I, too, have been determined to "be a writer" since, I don't know, 10?. By now, my friends are tired of hearing about it.
** yeah, it's a shame, isn't it? they'll just have to wait!i tell people i'm writing a long thing (novel? screenplay?) about ritualistic behavior in the 21st century. mad cow disease in england and the bonfires they make out of their 11 million head of cattle. it turns into a tribal type of thing. (meat is murder?) running through the middle of it all is the story of a girl: she's lazy, she's distractible, she's insomniac. she writes bad song lyrics. she participates in e-mail sex with her boyfriend and also with cyber-clients...
> why is it that i can only do things on deadline for others, but not when it has to do with something for my own personal growth??
> --- I'm not certain, but I have the same problem. Part of it for me is fear of failure. My father has written all his life, a couple of books as well as articles, but he is too afraid to get most of them published. Is any of it energy-related for you? You have to work and take care of your daughter and you're on medication. That can take a lot out of you.
** yes, that's true, i do get a bit overwhelmed. right now, it's stuff like staying up too late, and then trying to function well the next day. i fell asleep tonight in this narcotized way as i watched TV with my daughter, now i'm up and semi-awake. the writing thing: yes, i fear failure, and the longer i keep work from being read by anyone else, the longer i can live in this fantasy-land that i am writing a lot, and well. your father's writing maybe had a stifling effect on you? so many people have published things... i have published several academic-type articles, an essay in a book on freud. but that's not the kind of work i want to do ultimately...> I so do NOT want to go back to a Real Job. That seems to be a common theme here. I don't think we naturally fit into that schedule or lifestyle. I wonder what I mean by "we", though? I mean, of course, creative, intelligent, quirky, highly-useful, a little off our noggins WE. ;)
** yeah, i am worried that no one who runs a Real Job workplace will want me any more, after not being in circulation for a year. i'm not normal. i wish we could all start our workdays at 10:00.
> I only briefly worked in my field of journalism. Then moved into electronic publishing. Something about the 9-5 world is so trapping to me. I thought I might "outgrow" that - I have not. :)
** electronic publishing? sounds like journalism to me.
> Your vineyard job sounds wonderful. Why can't that be very high paying? ;) Also, book store jobs, and working with children and animals.** yeah, like i said, it's easy to romanticize the vineyard thing. i like it because it's physical, and i'm strong. and because there's so much to learn about the running of the business, and about wines themselves, that you could spend a lifetime on learning it all. i grew up on a farm, i find it fascinating.
don't get me going on how much people are paid to watch children! makes my blood boil...
> It's great that you're writing at all. Just write something everyday. Just sit down to write everyday. I haven't been doing that.
** it takes a lot just for me to carve out the time every day, so i don't always do it. i write here almost every day, though, and find that therapeutic. people like you make me feel that i'm connected and cared about... we have our own quirky little community going on here...>Even if you just sit there and hit your head the whole time. Then you'll have a headache. And you can say to your daughter, "I have a headache because I sat down, as I do Everyday, to write." And she'll understand the importance of that act. (That didn't come out right, but it's the general thought...)
** i know what you mean... if i make it clear to her that i am sitting down doing something i'm committed to, she'll grow up learning that it's important to stay fixed on that star.
> It's kind of to PUMP ME UP, too. Only I'll have to tell my dogs, and they won't understand.
** yes they will!!
> My sister sent me a book (we're all frustrated, depressed or bipolar writers) called "A Writer's Time" which looks fairly helpful. But of course, we can read too much about writing instead of just doing it, can't we?
** yeah, other books whether on writing or on some other topic, keep us from paying attention to our own work. i should look up 'a writer's time.' my current fave on creative living and working is: 'creating a life worth living.' do you know it? she says if you can't carve out 15 minutes every single day to do a focused, but non-work thing (walking the dog, drawing, meditating, etc), then you don't care enough about your own growth, etc. she thinks it's good to clear the mind with activities like this. and then there are a lot of other things she has you do to get your desire to be creative and productive to a place where you are living off the results of your creativity. this is a little simplified, but it's the jist...
> You offer so much encouragement here, I was surprised to read that you'd been feeling down. I hope you feel better soon.
** yeah, i don't like to talk much when i'm depressed, at least about my own problems. it's easier for me to be supportive at times like those. i've been a bit Black lately, for sure. just saw the therp tonight who said to up the neurontin. she started a women's group-therapy thing, and tonight was our first night. it was interesting. the other women were in their mid-to-late 20s, i'm 41, but it was ok, there are supposed to be some 'older' chicks like me joining us next week. and i like 20-yr olds, was one myself, one time long long ago... there were 4 self-injurers (cutters) out of 6 in the group, one with an eating disorder, 2 who were so introverted they hardly said anything at all. and then me, the bipolar crazy one who made everyone laugh a little, i have no fear of talking in groups. i will report back again after next week.
> - Kelly, Krazy Kingfish Kat
take care, K, i'm going to bed... thanks sar & others who have asked about me... money's still tight. tax-free donations can be sent to... [...]love,
This is the end of the thread.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.