Psycho-Babble Social Thread 221574

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Re: Thanks :) » Pfinstegg

Posted by Dinah on April 26, 2003, at 11:40:31

In reply to Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » leeran, posted by Pfinstegg on April 26, 2003, at 10:53:49

I think that memory is thoroughly explored. That was all there is to it, and it's not particularly traumatic. I'll ask therapist if it is a potential target for EMDR. But I think the goal is to make the memory less distressing, and it already isn't distressing.

I was more embarassed about mentioning something so graphic and, well, ultimately meaningless in such a public forum.


Warning for Lee and Dinah

Posted by whiterabbit on April 26, 2003, at 12:35:08

In reply to Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » leeran, posted by Dinah on April 26, 2003, at 11:37:03

Never watch Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life".
You guys would lose your mind.


My husband's response Totally » whiterabbit

Posted by leeran on April 26, 2003, at 13:24:51

In reply to Warning for Lee and Dinah, posted by whiterabbit on April 26, 2003, at 12:35:08

I just asked T. (a Monty Python lover) if he had seen the movie you referred to and then read your post out loud. His response was "totally."

Thank you, Gracie, for the heads up.

My worst televised vomit experience (because it came without any warning and it was so graphic) was Adriana's interrogation scene at the beginning of this season's Sopranos run, when she suddenly threw up all over the conference table.

In typical cathartic fashion, I just now realized as I typed that last paragraph why I was bothered for more than a week by that scene (so thank goodness my real life "therapist" was at his computer so I could blurt out the revelation).

My first grade vomit phobia started (in part) with a kid who threw up, in a projectile fashion, across the four desks that were pushed together where I was sitting. The Sopranos scene was shot at a very similar camera angle to what my mind's camera remembers.

Okay, I FINALLY realize why journaling is so important. But, this is "journaling for voyeurs" and so much more insightful . . . I guess I'm a "you show me yours and I'll show you mine" kinda gal from way back when it comes to exposing my issues.

How are you doing this Saturday, Gracie?


Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » Dinah

Posted by leeran on April 26, 2003, at 14:54:44

In reply to Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » leeran, posted by Dinah on April 26, 2003, at 11:37:03

"I wish they would give warnings for that"

Yes, ratings such as:

M - Mature Content
V - Violence (darn, the "V" word is taken)
S - Sexual Content
E - Excessive Emesis

Would save me a lot of time, adrenaline and angst.

On a completely different note . . . (from how my post started out) -

My husband's favorite line about shopping is "I don't like it - I don't hate it."

Your therapist's suggestion about learning to enjoy sex reminded me of this oft quoted line in our household (besides, considering your comments on auto-eroticism it seems obvious that you DO enjoy sex).

I'm seeing the topic of sexual aversion/pleasure as a big pond that you are somewhat curious about, and you'll stick your big toe in now and then to test the waters - but you don't want to be pushed into anything.

I absolutely abhor being pushed into a pool or a lake (in the literal sense) because if violates my sense of timing, my need to evaluate everything first, and my option of "opting out" if I need to. Plus, I can't blow water out of my nose. Of course, more than anything, it violates my sense of trust in another person (I was a real wet blanket as a kid, I didn't like cartoons, comic books or being pushed into pools :-)

I guess will jump in, finally, and copy and paste what I've been mulling/journaling over for the last few days, regarding my own sexual aversion.

I've gone through periods like you've described but it's often been based on what I'm feeling about the other person. Meaning, I'm turned off by their behavior, or some component of their behavior, and sharing any intimacy seems absurd.

The more depressed I become, the less I like anyone in my space. That's probably not an intimacy issue as much as it is a "fly in the face" annoyance. One of the by-products of depression and ADD with a little menopause thrown in? Who knows.

The rest of this response is entangled in what I will call my "Jungian Belief System" a.k.a. “there are no coincidences in this haphazard collection of events known as my life.” There’s also a lot of restless fear that accompanies almost everything I do, including pushing the “confirm” button every time I post on this board. The black cloud of fear that stations itself in various positions over my head like the moon (full cloud, half cloud) definitely played a part in most sexual experiences over the years.

I don't think I experienced intimacy, which is what has allowed me to push some of that fear away, until I finally found the one person I trust more than any other (my husband). I wish I could say that I trust myself but there’s a lot of uncertainty that gets in the way. My internal, non-stop static makes it difficult for me to believe that I am worth loving, so I am constantly in awe of the fact that my husband seems to actually love me unconditionally. It truly is a unique concept in my life and one that I never thought possible.

As you know from my posts (even more so after yesterday) my issues go way back and the biggest issue of all is trust. It's so simple yet so complex: I grew up not trusting my own mother (and my father, although he was almost excused from that category because he was at work and despite everything else, he passed along these occasional crumbs of wisdom that could be quite profound).

It really does hurt to type those words about my mother because I know it would hurt her, but it is the plain and simple truth, and it is my truth. Along the way, I grew to understand her - and I have always loved her, but I will never trust her.

That lack of trust has always spilled over into every aspect of my life, including marriage and/or any relationship with the opposite sex.

The one "thing" I yearned for, for as long as I can remember, was one person I could REALLY trust (I longed for this from a very young age). That’s why I identified with the first post of yours that I read here (and responded to, regarding a mother figure as I recall?).

I'm sure I sabotaged my previous relationships with my distrust. Additionally, I made poor choices based on my lack of self-esteem, preferring to be "with someone" versus being alone.

My reasons for marrying were definitely based, in large part, on my co-dependence and fear of being alone. Of course, I ended up feeling even MORE alone in my two failed marriages. Call that irony and/or stupidity (times two).

The agony of those two marriages was compounded by the fact that I was horrified to admit that I had erred not once, but twice. I berated myself (and still do, daily, sometimes hourly) for not learning from one failed marriage, but alas, I’m one of those people who always needs to read the instructions a few times before I “get it.”

I think I mentioned in another post that my first husband compared me to a refrigerator. In many ways, he was right, because after three years of marriage (we were married thirteen) he was unfaithful and my heart never thawed out. If he forgot to take out the garbage I would think “you forgot trash night, AND you were once unfaithful to me.” That betrayal made intimacy impossible. He was even able to walk away from counseling feeling the victor, and his party line became “I did it because of you. Dr. _________ says infidelity is an action against a bigger problem, and you had gained weight and I didn’t find you attractive anymore.” Oh yeah, the other gift of counseling was that I didn’t keep up with the laundry, despite the fact that I made more money (something he loved and hated), did all the other housework and had a fledgling career driven by monthly deadlines (as an aside, he had a stay at home mom so it created a lot of conflict in what my role should be, he definitely WANTED me to work, but he wanted everything else, too - and I'm sure this is a unique situation).

Back to the "post affair" a.k.a. the next ten years.

My “static” always welcomes new voices of criticism. I wasn’t thin enough? Fine, I’ll lose weight. I don’t do the laundry right? Fine, I’ll become compulsive about keeping the laundry done.

Meanwhile, the only intimacy I experienced was trying to lick my own wounds in between “self-berating” sessions. I couldn't erase the description of that hotel room where it happened with a woman whose last name he didn't even know from my memory.

Eventually, as I lost weight and felt better about myself I finally said "I am not the refrigerator he makes me out to be." A little voice said: "Yes you are." So, the fixer in me came to the rescue, and brought a v*brator to the self-help session.

Then, the perfectionist in me jumps in and says "so, you had one org*sm, why can't you have another?"

The little voice says, "yes, but I always feel bad after I have an org*sm, like I've done something wrong" and the loudmouth in me (the part that used to love to argue once I was free of my parents home, but ha since run out of cortisol) says “Hey, I'm in control of this machine and this situation”

And that's kind of how I learned to like myself sexually.

Very weird, eh? Sounds like a sex therapy session with Dr. Ruth and Sybil but working through that gave me a lot of confidence. I started to like my body, not based on how it looked but how it could make me feel. There's a lot to be said for endorphins.

I also realized that at LEAST I could be intimate with myself - which made me a little less lonely and helped me feel independent enough to start to not care what he said (or thought) about me. After all, he said I was a refrigerator, yet I could have ten org*sms in a row! Little did he know that I had finally learned to like myself more than I did him (something he didn't bargain on when I stayed with him ten years after the indiscretion).

I see my sexuality as my own, and I guess (in a grudging way) I have him to thank (in part) for that. After all, any criticism sent me scurrying to change and in the end, it was that change that enabled me to finally end the relationship.

So, now I'm a pretty good laundress, pretty handy with a power tool and the weight, well, that's a constant struggle.

Although the intimacy might have moved up a notch in the second very short-lived marriage, the trust was still absent. I had just exchanged one set of problems for an even worse set of problems.

If I learned to come in the first marriage, I learned to go in the second - and fast. It didn't take me long to see that I was in way over my head. A friend of mine once told me that he compared marrying me to "hitting the lottery." He would have broke me financially had I stayed with him and given in to his many whims.

One day, after taking a wonderful trip with my son (minus the second husband) I came to the conclusion that intimacy/marriage was not in the cards for me.

It was just the biggest "oh, well.” Like air sputtering out of an overfilled balloon. It was actually a relief to abandon this quest that, along with a lot of other issues, had tormented me for years.

I also realized that since I was never going to have the type of marriage I had envisioned, I might as well take another look at myself as an option for adult companionship. I was 38 years old and gainfully employed, and although I had gained some weight, I still did a mean load of laundry. As long as I could keep myself in batteries and my son in the same parochial school (not in that order) I figured we would get by.

So, how the heck did all that help with my aversion to intimacy? I guess because I just ceased to care about the “I” (intimacy) word. I had already conquered the sexual part mechanically, so I started looking at myself like a Swiss Army knife. Self-contained and (somewhat) practical.

When I met my third husband (another wince-worthy statement, because the words “third husband” are a constant reminder of “two failures”) it was totally unexpected, I wasn’t trying to meet anyone, I had no intentions of ever marrying again and he lived in California and I lived in the Midwest so I felt totally safe corresponding with him and being myself. I never thought I would meet him in person, or get romantically involved, so for once I didn’t lead with my fear.

Every really great thing that’s happened in my life has been the result of me not being in control. I got pregnant after seven years of marriage with an IUD in place, I met my husband purely by chance the first time I ever went in a chat room, and I found my dog by the side of the road (which is why I've adopted a "there are no coincidences" philosophy).

For me, intimacy/trust are all wrapped up together (someone else mentioned this a few days ago).

I never felt comfortable offering up my most “neurotic self” to another human being for fear of being hurt or made fun of or ignored. My husband is the only person with whom I truly feel safe. Although that has a ring of co-dependency to it, there is also this complete freedom in knowing that this one person will like me no matter what. Intimacy used to be out of the question because of my blanket belief that “people aren’t really there for you when you need them, so why should I give them that little part of me that’s still all my own?” My husband laughs off co-dependency and says "love is, by nature co-dependent." He is a walking/talking self-help book with a beard like Freud.

There are still those days when I feel like I don't want to be touched by anyone. Typically, it’s because I’m distracted by what’s spinning around behind my forehead. I guess that’s having a “touch” of sexual aversion now and then, whereas it used to be chronic.

It’s like this board. We (human beings who wander around the world and the internet) need to feel like we’re understood before we “let it all hang out.” On a message board, in bed, during a sign of peace during a church service, wherever physical or mental boundaries exist.

Plus, I need to make sure that I don’t end up feeling or looking stupid. I don’t want to allow myself to be vulnerable on a mattress when three hours later the same person is going to shut me out in other ways. In my other two marriages, it just wasn’t worth the emotional investment. Sex is great, but those little emotional rejections aren't always worth the price. After two divorces I decided to weigh the rejections versus the endorphins a little more carefully.

So, that's my sexual aversion story - in a nutshell.

Soon, there won't be anything else to tell

When I start describing the contents of my closet and the way my shoes are arranged, please tell me to go away for my own good ;-)


Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » Pfinstegg

Posted by leeran on April 26, 2003, at 14:57:53

In reply to Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » leeran, posted by Pfinstegg on April 26, 2003, at 10:53:49

Actually, the memory of the little girl on the man's lap is my best friend's memory and I just borrowed it when I responded to Dinah.

But there are memories galore that reading this board has prodded out of me.

Yes, working with a therapist is a good idea! It's the next hurdle I do believe.


Re: My husband's response Totally » leeran

Posted by whiterabbit on April 26, 2003, at 15:29:05

In reply to My husband's response Totally » whiterabbit, posted by leeran on April 26, 2003, at 13:24:51

I'm a Python fan myself (I've never laughed so hard in my life as the first time I saw the 'Biggus Dickus' scene in Life of Brian), but the vomiting in that other movie was a little much even for me. And believe me when I say that I've seen some serious puking on the midnight shift in the ER, Lordy. But you know even medical people can have their phobias - mine is childbirth. I can't watch it live or Memorex, I get nauseated and light-headed. Go figure.

I'm fine so far today dear, thank you. I work Saturday mornings at the doctor's office where I used to work full time, it helps me to gauge how well I'm playing with others. They know I take buckets of medication but I guess they don't care
since I'm just so damn good.

Anyway, the weather is perfect here in the Midwest. I don't care about that but I did have enough money to stock up on the stuff I need for my little rituals, so that makes me happy. I'm a coffee hound, although I really don't care for that colored water they typically serve on the job. I have my own little Starbucks-like setup at home with the thermal carafe (you know, burners are evil) and the grinder and the foamer, etc etc. When my psychiatrist Dr. Happy told me to quit drinking coffee I nearly fainted. It's sound advice (caffeine = manic) but after thinking it over for about 1.5 seconds, I decided to ignore him. I just enjoy it too much, really...not just drinking it, I even love making it (for myself).
I've made some concessions though. After noon I start cutting it with (Starbucks) decaff and hot milk, that's the best I can do. And I rarely drink soda.

So I've got my coffee and my ice water, and it's nice and quiet and I'm doing okay. I find that if I take it a day at a time, a step at a time, then I can handle things.

What more could you ask for :-)


I'm so sorry » Dinah

Posted by judy1 on April 26, 2003, at 22:42:01

In reply to Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing), posted by Dinah on April 25, 2003, at 20:14:02

for what may have happened to you as a child, but please, please don't feel bad about anything you have written. I have very concrete memories like you wrote about, confusing yet vivid- and i often feel distressed after recounting them to my therapist. but i think once you talk about it, it loses it's power and brings you closer to understanding the what and whys of the present. i probably didn't write this very well and i apologize if my original question upset you, but i'm really proud of you for bringing up a difficult memory with your therapist (and feeling safe enough to share it with us). take care of yourself-judy


Re: Thanks for the warning » whiterabbit

Posted by Dinah on April 27, 2003, at 13:41:15

In reply to Warning for Lee and Dinah, posted by whiterabbit on April 26, 2003, at 12:35:08

I was watching the X Files (which you would think would be a fairly vomit free zone) when a scene came on with some sort of devil worshipper and ectoplasm that was *just* like one of my old nightmares. I was too astonished to even switch the channel. They need to flash something in the corner before a scene like that.


Re: Thanks » judy1

Posted by Dinah on April 27, 2003, at 13:43:14

In reply to I'm so sorry » Dinah, posted by judy1 on April 26, 2003, at 22:42:01

And no, it didn't upset me. You are right about secrets and power.

You take care as well.



Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing)

Posted by Cecilia on April 28, 2003, at 1:59:07

In reply to Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing), posted by Dinah on April 25, 2003, at 20:14:02

I`m another person with every symptom in the book of having experienced childhood sexual abuse, but no memories. (and I never got any in 7 years of therapy). But Dinah, I have to say this story triggers incredibly loud warning bells in me. First the self blame-that if something happened it was because you insisted on wearing the tight shorts. Your caretakers were responsible for what you wore-not you. Second, the adult denial/dismissal. Tight shorts don`t cause bleeding. Third, that at this age you were wandering around apparently unsupervised. Would you ever have let your son at ages 3-4 be in a situation where he was not watched by a responsible adult? I don`t think so. It`s so incredibly frustrating not having memories though. It`s like it`s your life but you`re weren`t there. They say that memories come when you`re ready for them. As far as abuse memories go, though, maybe I really don`t want them. I have more than enough pain in my life already. Cecilia


Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » Cecilia

Posted by mair on April 28, 2003, at 7:42:38

In reply to Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing), posted by Cecilia on April 28, 2003, at 1:59:07


I'm sort of in the same boat. I don't hate being touched by every one, but have a huge aversion to being touched by my father. Almost every pdoc and therapist I've ever had has asked me if I was abused by my father. I found out this weekend that my older brother has wondered the same thing. While each of the 5 children in my family has some resentments about him, mine seem to run so much deeper.

At times I've thought that finding out I was abused might not be such a bad thing because it would at least provide some explanation for my depressions. I can feel pretty guilty about how it is that someone with a very secure childhood and no particular history of mental illness can struggle as much as I do. Of course, as with you I don't need to have any more reasons to feel bad about myself - the ones I have now seem more than enough.



Re: I wonder.... Mair and » Cecilia

Posted by Dinah on April 28, 2003, at 9:53:06

In reply to Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing), posted by Cecilia on April 28, 2003, at 1:59:07

In my case I have a cluster of symptoms that, according to published psychological wisdom, come with sexual or physical abuse. In fact, in all the books I've read (and ok, I've read more than a few - my husband jokes that I'm working on my doctoral thesis) some of my symptoms can *only* be accounted for by ongoing sexual and/or physical abuse. So when I go to a mental health practitioner and tell them what's going on with me, they naturally think abuse.

I guess it's possible. My memories of my life after age 4 1/2 when we moved back to my father are far clearer than the memories of the period we lived on the farm, even though it was just a week or so earlier. The number of memories I have of the farm period is roughly equivilant to the number of memories I had from before we moved to the farm, and I was much younger then. I know from my mom that she worked long hours a long way away and that I was left with my very busy grandma and my grandpa.

But.... Isn't it also possible that people who *act* as if they were abused, have all the disorders that people who were abused have, and yet weren't abused are a challenge to their therapists? A threat, almost, to the way they conceive of certain disorders? Well everyone knows that XXX is caused by YYY. But what if someone has XXX but not YYY? Maybe it's easier for them to believe that YYY must have happened than to rethink their entire diagnostic picture. Not that my therapist has pushed me to recover lost memories or anything. But his attitude is rather disbelieving that nothing worse than what I've told him happened.

I dunno. If we were back a few years, and were schizophrenic or autistic, and told our therapists that our moms were loving and not at all "refrigerator moms" would they have been equally as skeptical?

It's very frustrating. All the research I did on sexual aversion seems to start with finding the reason, for example. But even if there was a reason, I think it's been lost now. So that pretty much leaves desensitization.


Re: I wonder.... Mair and

Posted by leeran on April 28, 2003, at 10:53:37

In reply to Re: I wonder.... Mair and » Cecilia, posted by Dinah on April 28, 2003, at 9:53:06

I had a situation with a babysitter when I was young. It never hit me until I told my husband about it a few years ago (I had never told anyone about it until then) that it might be abusive in nature. I really hadn't thought of it again until I read another post here the other day.

What made it not seem abusive was the fact that the babysitter was four years older and was a close friend of mine since I was two and moved into the neighborhood. Even though she had a younger sister who was only a year older than me, I was much closer to the oldest sister (in fact, I was even an attendant in her wedding years later).

When I got to that weird age of being too young to stay at home alone, but almost out of the babysitter stage, my mother hired her to "babysit" one evening.

Something happened, at her insistence (nothing horrid, but still enough to feel guilty about) - but since she was older and a friend who I had always been eager to please, I was more compliant than I might have been otherwise.

It was my husband who pointed out that it was sexual abuse, although I had never viewed it like that. I know how I felt about it, which was incredibly guilty, but I had never put that label on it. It was just one of those incidents I filed under "G" for guilty.

We remained friends for years and it was never spoken of again.

I wonder if that incident contributed to the intense feelings of guilt I used to have after an orgasm? That's a rhetorical question that just came to mind as I wrote this.


Re: I wonder.... Mair and » Dinah

Posted by mair on April 28, 2003, at 12:21:36

In reply to Re: I wonder.... Mair and » Cecilia, posted by Dinah on April 28, 2003, at 9:53:06

My last therapist backed off talking about my aversion to my father's touch, I think because he started to fear that I might develop a false memory. My current therapist has spent alot of time mucking about in my childhood looking for some more obvious smoking guns. She has said, on the one hand, that there doesn't have to be one (a smoking gun) - that maybe it's as simple as an overly sensitive child with parents who, in my therapist's words, just didn't "get" me, and thus continually failed to meet my emotional needs. On the other hand, she did admit once to being pretty mystified by the level of resentment I have towards my father.

I vascillate between feeling that trying to unearth a tangible cause is a fruitless task, and yet also feeling incredibly guilty that there are no obvious explanations for my history of depression.



Re: I wonder.... Dinah

Posted by noa on April 28, 2003, at 16:41:42

In reply to Re: I wonder.... Mair and » Dinah, posted by mair on April 28, 2003, at 12:21:36


I'm glad you shared the memory. Nothing to be remorseful about.

And I'm sorry you are having to deal with this painful stuff. But glad you are comfortable discussing it here.

I have thoughts about the memory you shared but don't know if it is appropriate at this point to share them.


Re: I wonder.... » noa

Posted by Dinah on April 28, 2003, at 17:44:41

In reply to Re: I wonder.... Dinah, posted by noa on April 28, 2003, at 16:41:42

If you feel comfortable sharing them, that's fine. I don't have any great investment with seeing the incident one way or another really, so don't worry about upsetting me. If there's some angle I or my therapist haven't yet thought of, I would welcome seeing it. And of course, I greatly respect your opinion.



Re: I wonder.... Mair and

Posted by likelife on April 29, 2003, at 0:23:47

In reply to Re: I wonder.... Mair and » Dinah, posted by mair on April 28, 2003, at 12:21:36

> I vascillate between feeling that trying to unearth a tangible cause is a fruitless task, and yet also feeling incredibly guilty that there are no obvious explanations for my history of depression.


I've had these exact same feelings, though they torment me much less now than before. I think I largely agree with your therapist, that a mismatch can cause such things, but I also have come to realize that I have rationalized a lot of my family's behavior, that, though it is not pathological or abusive per se, in accumulated form, became quite stressful. I never wanted for anything material, but felt like I was constantly wanting in an emotional sense...and it's taken its toll. So, yes, I still tend to berate myself occasionally for not being "justified" in having whatever feelings I may have, but it's decreasing little by little. Causes for depression don't have to be as linear as they are when laid out in a therapist's textbook.

Thank you for sharing this--and no, you don't need a cause to feel as you do (and most likely, you can change the feelings without knowing fully about the cause).


Re: I wonder.... Mair and » likelife

Posted by fallsfall on April 29, 2003, at 7:33:34

In reply to Re: I wonder.... Mair and, posted by likelife on April 29, 2003, at 0:23:47

I also had a "fine" life growing up. Plenty of money, my mother was the Girl Scout leader etc. But, like you, "I was constantly wanting in an emotional sense." My therapist calls it "emotional neglect". My dad worked a lot and my mother just doesn't seem to understand emotions. It is very hard to see my friends struggle with abuse issues, and for me to be as sick as they are with nothing "concrete" in my history. It feels like I am not justified in putting my family, my therapist, and myself through all of this agony. But I do believe that I don't have an acceptable choice.


Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » leeran

Posted by Tabitha on April 29, 2003, at 12:22:58

In reply to Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » Dinah, posted by leeran on April 26, 2003, at 14:54:44

Wow, Leeran, that's a lot of information. You're really brave to post all that. My history is maybe a bit similar.. I've been alone with my battery operated toys for .. gosh.. 6 years? Sex with partners wasn't good. I wasn't myself, and I wasn't getting what I wanted, even if the men were considerate and, um, generous, it didn't feel good. I just didn't feel present. I found that when alone, at least it was REAL, I didn't have to fake anything for anyone, you know? I didn't have to perform, or hear any criticism. Whatever I got was OK, though it was still hard not to criticize myself, eventually it got easier. I was happy with my self-contained sex life, because it was so much better in its way than any partner sex I'd had.


Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » Tabitha

Posted by leeran on April 29, 2003, at 12:42:46

In reply to Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » leeran, posted by Tabitha on April 29, 2003, at 12:22:58


Definitely a case of "TMI" (meaning, my long involved post). That day my thoughts were just pouring out like crazy. I felt brain-dead for a month and last Friday and Saturday were almost psychedelic in nature. The trees looked greener, the sky looked bluer . . .

Okay, back down to earth. Vibrators. In my opinion, the great sexual liberator of women, and I don't mean in the bra burning sense. I just see it as a step towards self-sufficiency which has made me feel more self-confident, at least in that arena.

I've always been so eager to berate myself that it is an unexpected pleasure that I actually have the ability to make myself feel good for a change.

Anything to clear the cobwebs . . .


(Thanks for responding - if there was ever a post I have regretted it's been that one).


Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » leeran

Posted by Tabitha on April 30, 2003, at 1:49:25

In reply to Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » Tabitha, posted by leeran on April 29, 2003, at 12:42:46

Nothing to regret.. it helps to hear other true experiences.. not so many situations where you get to hear such candor.

I get those psychedelic days too-- aren't they wonderful? Last Sunday I had a day like that, I kept seeing vivid improbable sights-- a woman holding a shivering chihauha like a baby, an African man dressed all in white carrying a little fur tassle fly-swatter, the back of a car with 2 head-bobbing dogs facing an American flag decal, 3 young boys flying downhill, sitting on skateboards, with big smiles on their faces.. It reminded me of that Volkswagen commercial where all the sights match up to the beat of the music they're playing. Just a little bit trippy.


Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc.

Posted by Dinah on April 30, 2003, at 8:13:58

In reply to Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » Tabitha, posted by leeran on April 29, 2003, at 12:42:46

No need to regret that post, Lee. This place can be quite informative at times. And I'm always grateful to Tabitha for the website link she gave. My husband even somewhat approves, since it came personally recommended by someone I trust.


Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » mair

Posted by ayuda on April 30, 2003, at 9:03:28

In reply to Re: Well... (unpleasantly graphic and overdisclosing) » Cecilia, posted by mair on April 28, 2003, at 7:42:38

> Cecilia
> I'm sort of in the same boat. I don't hate being touched by every one, but have a huge aversion to being touched by my father. Almost every pdoc and therapist I've ever had has asked me if I was abused by my father. I found out this weekend that my older brother has wondered the same thing. While each of the 5 children in my family has some resentments about him, mine seem to run so much deeper.
> At times I've thought that finding out I was abused might not be such a bad thing because it would at least provide some explanation for my depressions. I can feel pretty guilty about how it is that someone with a very secure childhood and no particular history of mental illness can struggle as much as I do. Of course, as with you I don't need to have any more reasons to feel bad about myself - the ones I have now seem more than enough.
> Mair

Mair --
I also have had a strong aversion to being touched by my father, going back to at least my pre-teen years. I asked my mom once when I was in my early-30s if there was ever any sexual abuse, and she said an ephatic NO, that she is sure there was none.

We discussed it further, and we have figured out that, for me, it is an ongoing resentment for the physical abuse (non-sexual) I suffered, from childhood beatings and then especially in my teen years when I first became sexually active, and my overall hatred of him. I find him to be a repulsive person in general. But so does my older brother. Our younger sister, though, was always close to him and doesn't have these issues, though my father isn't a "touchy-feelie" type of person anyhow.

But his physical abuse did have sexual repercussions when I was a teen and in my early 20s -- a boyfriend noticed that I flinched every time someone came near my face. Not a little flinch, either. It was so normal to me to flinch that I didn't consciously notice it. I never had any problems with sex or touching anywhere else, but when someone went to touch my face, that was scary.

It hurt the feelings of that one particular college boyfriend, who was a caring person, because he thought I equated him with my father, and that he could not bear. So he took the time to teach me to not flinch. And now I rarely do it. If I don't know why someone is coming at my face, I flinch, but I think that is normal.


Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » Dinah

Posted by leeran on April 30, 2003, at 9:50:10

In reply to Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc., posted by Dinah on April 30, 2003, at 8:13:58

Gosh, did I miss a website link? Now I'm very curious . . .

On the re-read I see it may be a website posted previously (not on this thread).

Re: the information passed around, I can't believe it - meds I've never heard of, ideas that would never have occurred to me, old memories I've tried to sublimate, book recommendations, the list goes on and on.


Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » leeran

Posted by Tabitha on April 30, 2003, at 14:09:30

In reply to Re: Warnings, ratings, aversions, etc. » Dinah, posted by leeran on April 30, 2003, at 9:50:10

Glad to hear Miss Dinah Marie enjoyed that one.. I think she's referring to, there I made it tricky with no blue link. I haven't actually ordered from there, but I love their site.. it's so, well, to use the phrase I've seen before, 'sex-positive'. Not stupid cutesy, not tacky sleazy. It hits the right note for me.

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