Psycho-Babble Social Thread 307610

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Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression » Racer

Posted by noa on January 31, 2004, at 16:30:56

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by Racer on January 31, 2004, at 14:04:34

Your aunt subscribes to the Archie Bunker school of thought, I see.


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression » KellyD

Posted by noa on January 31, 2004, at 16:34:14

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by KellyD on January 31, 2004, at 14:31:10

> Mother says to depressed daughter:
> "Why don't you just have baby, it will give you something to focus on other than yourself."
> That's about as sad as it is funny.

Yes, it is sad. I have a friend whose family recommended the baby remedy when, as a very young newlywed, she ran to them to escape her husband's violence. Thank goodness she didn't heed their advice, but divorced him. She got her baby in a much better marriage many years later.


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression

Posted by noa on January 31, 2004, at 16:37:46

In reply to POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by socialdeviantjeff on January 31, 2004, at 1:31:37

Although I personally haven't had this thrown at me, I know people who have been told that if their religious beliefs were stronger, their depression would go away.

I've heard the boyfriend/husband thing. I've heard the lose weight thing.

But yep, liposuction beats em all.


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression

Posted by Poet on January 31, 2004, at 16:47:47

In reply to POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by socialdeviantjeff on January 31, 2004, at 1:31:37

An exboyfried told me that all I needed was to be hit in the head with a 2 by 4 and have some sense knocked into me.

Gee, I wonder why I married someone else?



I believe you meant to say... » noa

Posted by Racer on January 31, 2004, at 17:19:08

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression » Racer, posted by noa on January 31, 2004, at 16:30:56

> Your aunt subscribes to the Archie Bunker school of thought, I see.

My aunt graduated with honors from the Archie Bunker School of Not Thinking It Through...

Now, there's a Notion if I ever saw one ;-)


Re: I believe you meant to say... » Racer

Posted by DaisyM on January 31, 2004, at 19:23:59

In reply to I believe you meant to say... » noa, posted by Racer on January 31, 2004, at 17:19:08

Someone told me to hang on, my husband won't last more than another 5 years. Then I'll feel better when this is all over.

I can laugh now...


Re: I believe you meant to say...

Posted by deirdrehbrt on January 31, 2004, at 20:44:29

In reply to Re: I believe you meant to say... » Racer, posted by DaisyM on January 31, 2004, at 19:23:59

I've tried the 'get hit in the head' method, my brothers graciously provided me with the first 'theraputic' experience. I never knew I owed them so much!
A second method was electrocution. I thought that it was forward looking expirementation, but then found out that it is already used in the hospitals. Bummer, I wanted the royalties.
I've been told that the real problem is hormones, and all the meds I'm taking. I tried the 2X4 again for being so stupid.
As far as someone trying my meds, why don't they just start with say 400 mg of seroquel. I'm fairly certain that that would convince them that a 'hands-off' approach is best. It would also help them catch up on all that sleep they've been missing.
I've not had any wizzards tell me I need to be married again. I've had some advice that I should make more jewelry. I think I'm at the point where that will help.
One stupid one that I've had is to go hiking in the mountains. I had done alot of this in the past. I'm just thinking "hmmmmm ok.... go out into the woods where no-one will find me for days or weeks". I skipped that one.


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression » Elle2021

Posted by pegasus on January 31, 2004, at 21:19:57

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by Elle2021 on January 31, 2004, at 11:48:18

Oh, Elle, I've gotten that one too. Despite the fact that the meds have totally improved my mood, in a really sudden and drastic way. So there's no way to be confused that it's them that are making me feel better.

What's wrong with some people?



Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression

Posted by pegasus on January 31, 2004, at 21:37:41

In reply to POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by socialdeviantjeff on January 31, 2004, at 1:31:37

This wasn't really for depression - it was more for emotional overwhelm associated with SI: Do a bunch of push ups. Yeah, ok, I could cut myself, or I could do push ups! Or I could transfer my aggressive impulses to the idiot who suggested that.

I've also had people tell me to just stop feeling sorry for myself. Oh, ok! I didn't notice I was doing that. I'll just stop now!



Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression

Posted by Sabina on February 1, 2004, at 10:25:31

In reply to POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by socialdeviantjeff on January 31, 2004, at 1:31:37

solution: all i have to do is rebuke bipolar disorder in the name of jesus and it has to leave.

history: shortly after my dad left home to escape the talons of my mother, i was told by a high ranking member of the church i was forced to attend that the sins of the father were being visited upon me, and therefore the cause of my all my physical and emotional ailments, both then and to come. according to his interpretation of an ancient text known as the bible, i had to pay the price for my father's trangression of deserting his family.

fun stuff, huh?


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression

Posted by Camille Dumont on February 1, 2004, at 10:30:06

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by Sabina on February 1, 2004, at 10:25:31

> solution: all i have to do is rebuke bipolar disorder in the name of jesus and it has to leave.
> history: shortly after my dad left home to escape the talons of my mother, i was told by a high ranking member of the church i was forced to attend that the sins of the father were being visited upon me, and therefore the cause of my all my physical and emotional ailments, both then and to come. according to his interpretation of an ancient text known as the bible, i had to pay the price for my father's trangression of deserting his family.
> fun stuff, huh?

Wow. Just wow.

I wonder what a pdoc would have to say about his interpretation of the causes of mental illness. Take 50mg of hail Mary, top it off with 25mg Jesus saves us and voilą!


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression » Sabina

Posted by Dinah on February 1, 2004, at 10:39:15

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by Sabina on February 1, 2004, at 10:25:31

Ouch. I am sooo sorry you had to experience that.

Men do really take the Lord's name in vain sometimes. That's one of the interpretations of that commandment. That it doesn't mean cursing, it means doing dreadful things in the name of God.


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression

Posted by Sid on February 1, 2004, at 12:05:03

In reply to POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by socialdeviantjeff on January 31, 2004, at 1:31:37

Why don't you just get over it?

Hmmm. I wish I had thought of this myself! Thanks for the advice, former friend.


Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression

Posted by gardenergirl on February 1, 2004, at 12:11:02

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by Camille Dumont on February 1, 2004, at 10:30:06

Take 50mg of hail Mary, top it off with 25mg Jesus saves us and voilą!

If only it were that easy.



Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression » Sabina

Posted by deirdrehbrt on February 1, 2004, at 13:21:54

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by Sabina on February 1, 2004, at 10:25:31

I know what you mean there...
I grew up knowing that I was going to hell because I dared doubt that I was what God had intended.
In God's name, I studied, I married someone just to prove that I could overcome, and that I had faith.
It didn't work. I just got sicker.
Who knows... having given up the idea that God is going to fix it all, maybe me and my therapist and p-doc can actually work toward health.


And the preliminary results are in!!

Posted by socialdeviantjeff on February 1, 2004, at 14:39:14

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by gardenergirl on February 1, 2004, at 12:11:02

Well, I think my Lipo got beat. Sure I have a budda, but I'm not that badly off all things considered. She thinks obesity is a cardinal sin. It helps that my Grandma has dementia. Otherwise I'd think really bad thoughts. Besides, she's not exactly Betty Page herself.

The results are tabulated by the number of people who said it, the amount of responses, and the percieved emotional intensity.

Socaildeiantjeff and associates assume no responsiblility for errors in judgement resulting from cognitive lapses, favoritism, sudden changes of mind, inclement weather, mood swings, getting bored or overexited or lack of liposuction. Mileage may vary. By breaking this seal the end user agrees to the terms and conditions of the LISCENCING AGREEMENT.

And now the results: (((drum roll)))

My personal favorite:
"50mg of hail Mary, top it off with 25mg Jesus saves us and voilą!" (Add 10 cc of prayer followed by self-flogging therapy as needed.)

The top 19 solutions to psychatric problems! (with my own sometimes not funny commentary)

1: 'chin up','stiff upper lip','Negativity just brings more negativity' (the karmic slant....}, "it's all in your head!" (Thanks for the advice, I never thought)

2: Find Jesus, be more religious, repent, etc. (The man upstairs has a bad customer service department)

3 and 4 (tie): Stop taking or wean off meds, "Why don't you just have baby?" (So, If I stop meds and have kids I'll be happy?)

5: hang on, my husband won't last more than another 5 years -??? (Ummm... I don't get it :))

6: 2 by 4 and have some sense knocked into me! (whew! May this would help party more?)

7: Do illegal drugs! (no comment)

8: to party more and when I got old enough to drink more! (now to get out of the house)

9: You know, what you really should do is get a job, then you wouldn't be depressed. Why don't you just go out and get a job? (jobs are depressing)

10: go rent the movie "Demolition Man"! (I tend to agree)

11: Lose weight! (when I can do illegal drugs and party more and drink tea I will)

12: Vegan/raw diet! (I like my meat, thank you)

13: Boyfriend! (You mean these help?)

14: drink tea not coffee! (see #11)

15: Do a bunch of push ups! (See #14)

16: Liposuction!! (See demented grandparent)

17: Boob job! (Barbies have that goopy perma-smile.. Perhaps if we were all made by Mattell)

18: get a good nights sleep! (Could someone explain to me what that is?)

19: Candles! (FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! HE HE HE HE HE)

My scientiic conclusion, based on the abov poll is that normal people are just plain wierd.


Boob job please.. » socialdeviantjeff

Posted by Karen_kay on February 1, 2004, at 14:46:10

In reply to And the preliminary results are in!!, posted by socialdeviantjeff on February 1, 2004, at 14:39:14

No!!!! I like the boob job idea! I think if I had one my depression would be gone for good! In fact, I'm fairly certain! Now, the mania might come back though, as I'm rather promiscuous when I'm manic. But, at least I'd have breasts. :)


Re: Boob job please..

Posted by noa on February 1, 2004, at 15:31:02

In reply to Boob job please.. » socialdeviantjeff, posted by Karen_kay on February 1, 2004, at 14:46:10

No one mentioned sex? As in, "I know what'll cure your depression, hehe, wink wink....." Or, "what you really need is a good [fill in the blank slang term]".

Or was that implied in the partying advice?


Re: And the preliminary results are in!! » socialdeviantjeff

Posted by Ilene on February 1, 2004, at 16:26:52

In reply to And the preliminary results are in!!, posted by socialdeviantjeff on February 1, 2004, at 14:39:14

Well, Jeff, I have a proposition for you...

We'll take up a collection, get you some lipo and a boob job. Then you'll have no problem finding a boyfriend. I don't think you can have a baby, even with hormone treatments, but you've mentioned your daughter, so I think someone went and did it for you.

You can attend the church of your choice and pray to your heart's content. (Maybe you can get an exorcism.) Then you'll marry the boyfriend, and in 5 years arrange for him to have an "accident " with a candle. (Make sure to take out a nice life insurance policy beforehand.)

Meanwhile, ditch your meds, keep a positive attitude (stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself!). If you party often enough with the wrong sort in the wrong part of town I'm sure you'll get some sense knocked into you with a 2 by 4.

Watch your diet, get plenty of exercise, drink a lot, and smoke pot. Not so much that you lose your job, though.

Whaddya think? Is this the sure-fire cure?



You can have mine » Karen_kay

Posted by Racer on February 1, 2004, at 20:19:07

In reply to Boob job please.. » socialdeviantjeff, posted by Karen_kay on February 1, 2004, at 14:46:10

Just for a reality check, I often think having a breast reduction would help me an awful lot. And several people have mentioned it to me as a way to end my depression for good.

Hey, maybe depression isn't a mental illness, but a BREAST illness? Ya think that's it?


Re: You can have mine » Racer

Posted by Karen_kay on February 1, 2004, at 20:50:26

In reply to You can have mine » Karen_kay, posted by Racer on February 1, 2004, at 20:19:07

So, breasts may be the solution for depression, but I ask you what about Bipolar Disorder?? Do you think possibly we become depressed when we think we don't have breasts but upon the realization we do, we suddenly become manic??? Eureka! I've figured it out! I'm doing a survey, writing a book and getting started on some grants! I'm throwing out my meds (which I've honestly been considering, call me impulsive, it wouldn't be the first time) and looking into a boob job!! Wish me luck!


Further evidence for Racer's scientific hypothesis

Posted by Jonathan on February 1, 2004, at 23:40:43

In reply to You can have mine » Karen_kay, posted by Racer on February 1, 2004, at 20:19:07

I've been told (by a woman) that I can't really be depressed because depression is exclusively a women's illness. I thought she was implying that men's minds, like those of lab rats, are too small and simple to become depressed; now I realize that she meant our breasts.

> Just for a reality check, I often think having a breast reduction would help me an awful lot. And several people have mentioned it to me as a way to end my depression for good.
> Hey, maybe depression isn't a mental illness, but a BREAST illness? Ya think that's it?


Great to hear from you again, Sid. How are you? (nm) » Sid

Posted by Jonathan on February 1, 2004, at 23:44:03

In reply to Re: POLL: most ridiculous solution to depression, posted by Sid on February 1, 2004, at 12:05:03


Re: Boob job please.. » Karen_kay

Posted by socialdeviantjeff on February 2, 2004, at 2:52:49

In reply to Boob job please.. » socialdeviantjeff, posted by Karen_kay on February 1, 2004, at 14:46:10

Let us know how it turns out. ;)


Re: And the preliminary results are in!!

Posted by socialdeviantjeff on February 2, 2004, at 3:14:08

In reply to Re: And the preliminary results are in!! » socialdeviantjeff, posted by Ilene on February 1, 2004, at 16:26:52

> Well, Jeff, I have a proposition for you...
> We'll take up a collection, get you some lipo and a boob job. Then you'll have no problem finding a boyfriend. I don't think you can have a baby, even with hormone treatments, but you've mentioned your daughter, so I think someone went and did it for you.

> You can attend the church of your choice and pray to your heart's content. (Maybe you can get an exorcism.) Then you'll marry the boyfriend, and in 5 years arrange for him to have an "accident " with a candle. (Make sure to take out a nice life insurance policy beforehand.)

> Meanwhile, ditch your meds, keep a positive attitude (stop feeling so damn sorry for yourself!). If you party often enough with the wrong sort in the wrong part of town I'm sure you'll get some sense knocked into you with a 2 by 4.
> Watch your diet, get plenty of exercise, drink a lot, and smoke pot. Not so much that you lose your job, though.
> Whaddya think? Is this the sure-fire cure?
> Ilene

Wow. I think you should write a book! Best seller for sure. I'm gonna get started on the plan after Karen gets her boob job. I would, but I like the masculinity of my anatomy. But with the both of us doing this, we should be cured in no time! Karen, are you reading this? whaddya say?

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