Psycho-Babble Social Thread 339158

Shown: posts 1 to 13 of 13. This is the beginning of the thread.


Fridays are supposed to be happy days

Posted by All Done on April 23, 2004, at 12:11:44

Well, I’ve been trying my hardest to do a 10, but I only get this far:

1. My husband wrote a reminder note to me this morning and drew not one but two hearts on it when he signed it.

Then, I start all the negative thinking. I don’t understand this. Just one week ago, I was feeling really good. Now, I can’t seem to get back to that. I don’t feel totally miserable, but I’m having a lot of difficulty finding the good in anything.

Although my husband and I are doing okay now, we had an argument this week and on top of that he is resisting continuing couple’s therapy. My son developed a cold, which is triggering his asthma and that always gets me pretty down. I don’t feel like individual therapy has been that beneficial lately and I’m still having difficulty finding a new pdoc. My job is something akin to Chinese water torture and I have no new leads for getting out. My mom has dumped some pretty difficult-to-deal-with news on me and hey, guess what? I don’t know how to deal with it. My friend had a miscarriage and I’m so terribly sad for her. I’m feeling (without any evidence) that my other friends are mad at me. And for some reason, it’s not an anniversary or anything, I’ve been missing my dad like crazy.

All I can keep asking myself is what on Earth do I have to whine about? So many people have problems much more serious than this so why am I feeling so blue? It never fails, though, I should have seen this coming last week :(.

Sorry. Maybe I just needed to get this out of my system. I hope.

Thanks for listening,
All Done


Re: Fridays are supposed to be happy days » All Done

Posted by justyourlaugh on April 23, 2004, at 13:15:26

In reply to Fridays are supposed to be happy days, posted by All Done on April 23, 2004, at 12:11:44

i am sorry you are feeling blue..
being lonely is really hard,
but your 1. was a wonderful one!
ill try for a 10.
1. i painted today
2. booze in the fridge(sorry s but it helps me get through the night)
3. lost weight(who needs to eat anyway)
4. i had a bath today
5. ...
my c hasnt called in a few days:(
i am alone
i cant eat
i miss him
i created this lonely fog and i cant see through it anymore..
pass the beer


**WARNING happy post**

Posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 14:24:53

In reply to Fridays are supposed to be happy days, posted by All Done on April 23, 2004, at 12:11:44

Start the countdown.... (and sorry, but today is ALL ABOUT KK!!!!!)

10. i wore a suit today. i gave a presentation. upon arrival, i found that the other members of my group were wearing golf shirts and khakis. i was thrilled!!! i kept my jacket on. all eyes were on me. the presentation was supposed to be 15 minutes. ours was 20. i talked for 15 of that 20. i was spectacular. and on my walk home, everyone smiled at me. today, i was important. today, i looked fabulous. today, i was a star, and saved everyone else's grade. today, i not only pulled through, but i SHINED!!!! today is a great day. i'm still wearing my suit. perhaps i'll walk my dog it in?

9. i smell wonderful. not because i took a shower. or just because i'm wearing perfume. it's because someone i adore gave me perfume. and because of that, it smells even better. when you receive a gift from someone you are absolutely smitten with, it makes that gift even better. so, even though i own this particular fragrance, i prefer to wear the gift. and when i wear it, it makes me a rock star.... the gift someone gave me makes me feel even more special when i'm wearing it. i'll try to save it for special occasions when i need an added boost of confidence and reassurance that i'm special, but i don't think i can. i'll just have to wear it every day, and hope when the gift is gone, that thought has been implanted in my head... it's an experiment, almost similar to therapy. i'll see if it works... i'm certain it will. i have that positive attitude, you know.

8. i looked at my planner and i have absolutely, positively NOTHING due for a whole week straight!!!! oh good lord, can it be true? a whole week of sitting on my butt and posting to babble? forget that finals are the next week, i'll leave that worry for another day. right now i'll bask in the glory that i have a full week to myself, with no projects, or proposals, or papers, or meetings.. nothing, nothing, nothing!!!!! wonderful. spendid. heaven!

7. i've been able to learn so much from my classes. not just about english and the proper way to construct a memo. or the laws involved with journalists and how to avoid a lawsuit. but, i've learned how to not take no as an answer. and i've learned that professors can teach lessons about life, while teaching lessons regarding professions. if you listen closely to what people say, there are double meanings involved. that's what is so very nice about listening. i've recently learned that when i talk to people and listen, really listen, so much of what they tell me applies to my life as well. and it really applies to what is going on in my life currently. just the other day, one professor said, 'i don't care what grade you get in this class. what i care about is the fact that you can take what you learn here and apply it to your life. and i don't mean if you are sued. get a lawyer for that. i mean that you take the knowledge from this course and learn to question things. and learn not to take no for an answer. and learn that as a person, you are entitled to certain rights. take that knowledge from here, and use it everyday." it made me think. i'm not in school to just get a degree. i'm in school to learn. not just about laws, or art, or memorization. i'm here to learn.... about people, and how to live my life right. hopefully, i'll find that out. i'm on the right path. and that makes me happy.... today, i am happy.

6. i now (think i) know it's ok to think about myself while thinking about others. you know, when i drive down the street and i smell something burning, my first thought is 'i hope that's not my car.' and i feel bad because if it's not my car, it must be someone else's. and i used to think my first thought should be, 'i wish that smell wasn't there.' i think i now know that it's ok not to wish it wasn't my car burning oil. it's ok to not want bad things to happen to me, because while i think that, i'm also thinking i hope bad things don't happen to others as well. i've realized that i don't want bad things for anyone. and that's a good thing. it's good that i don't want bad things for both myself or anyone is a wonderful thing. i'm a wonderful person. i really am! and i don't want oil to burn on anyone's car, ever again... but, oh, those poor mechanics... dear god, see, i overanalyze everything,.... ok, scrap this one... let me do another one..,.

6b. i just don't want bad things for anyone. and thinking that i don't want bad things for anyone is a wonderful trait to have. but, i also know that bad things are going to happen. so, i hope that when bad things do happen to everyone, we can all learn from them. and grow stronger from them. and become even more beautiful people from them.

6c. ok, i'll redo this one and hope to have a beautiful one, ok???? i'm resourceful.. take for instance, the fact that when i'm out of smokes, i have the ability to call a take out place and have them deliver me not only food, but also stop at a gas station and bring me a pack of smokes as well. how's that for being resourceful? i'm considering doing that now.... lazy, lazy you say? i'm just strapped for cash and have my old man's credit card number. and yes, i will tip very very well.... is that a bad quallity, you think? no, not at all. i have received the honors of being the friendliest girl in the drivethrough you know.... i'm very friendly to everyone, so they don't mind doing things for me. see, it all pays off.

5. good, finally out of the number 6. it was starting to scare me.....

i have a wonderbra. though i have no breasts, i appear to have some. they don't call it a WONDERbra for nothin. so, i'm concerned about 'false' advertising, however most people need not worry, as they won't see my breasts unclothed anyway. but, when i but my wonderbra on, i feel different. i keep looking in the mirror and it seems strange to se kk with breasts. my other concern is that when i don't wear my wonderbra, people who see me may think 'why is it that one day she has breasts, and the other day she doesn't?' hmmmm... i have two bras that give me breasts and several that kinda give me breasts, and a few that don't. perhaps i should only wear the two bras that give me breasts> or, perhaps i should only wear the bras that give me breasts when i am very concerned about having breasts, such as ocassions when i am in contact with people who i may be attracted to? perhaps i should not be so concerned with my breasts? HA! everyone should be concerned with their breasts. it's ok for me to be concerned with my breasts, as i am concerned with other's breasts as well!!!!

4. i'm giggly. and i'm feeling wonderful. and i'm in on heck of a mood. and i'm almost done with this semester. and i'm changing as a person, with results that i can actually see. that's honestly the best part. and i have such beautiful and amazing people around me who keep telling me that i'm great. and it's starting to sink in. i'm starting to believe it. not just starting to believe it, i'm honestly starting to feel it. those amazing people are so very beautiful to tell me such great things aobut myself and make me believe them. i'll do great things one day, and it will be ALL THEIR FAULT!!!!

3. i have the lovliest dog in the world. he's so beautiful that i can stare at him for hours. and sometimes when i have to make him get off the couch so i can lie down, i feel bad for making him move. my dog is so beautiful. and he thinks i'm great. i know i'm great. but, he reinforces the fact that i'm great. one day, i'll be the person he thinks i am too. and he's not dumb, he's just shallow and self-involved. i would be too, if i were that beautiful.... well, i am that beautiful. but, i have other things to think about than bugs, and horse meat, and scooby snacks, and the mail carrier (ok, so i think about her), and my next toilet water fiasco, and the park....

2. i took the shuttle today. and i told the guy next to me, 'i feel like i'm in a big city when i take the shuttle.' he laughed. we talked about our major. we have the same major. he's getting screwed by his advisor, because he works in a radio station and can't get into a 100 level class that he must take to start taking his regular classes. he's a transfer student too. he liked his other university better. i learned alot about him. i told him to stomp on his advisor's toes to get into that class. i tld him that class is offered in the summer and he think he could do it then. i think i'll start taking the shuttle more often. you can meet some pretty amazing people there. plus, i still feel like i'm in a big city when i take it. perhaps i can pretend i'm in cali, or montana?

1. i looked at myself in the mirror today. i was trying on several (oh good grief, you have no idea the process i went through to get ready for this stupid proposal!!!! a whole hour just trying on clothes!) outfits to find the right one. but, when i looked in the mirro, i saw a very pretty woman... yes WOMAN. not child, not girl, WOMAN. i need to stop thinking i'm a child. but, back to my original point, i noticed that i'm very pretty. and though everyone has their hang-ups, things we don't like about our appearance, i noticed that i think i can live with them. and not only can i live with them, they add character to me. they give me personality. so, i have small breasts. i can wear a wonderbra if i don't like it. but, more importantly, i can accept it. and i can laugh about it. and i can realize that on my bad days, i can cry about it if i have to (not necessarily my small breast, but things that have happened). and i can learn from it. and i can know that it has changed me. but, i can also know that it has changed me for the better.

for me personally, the things that have happened hvae changed me, and shaped me to be a better person. they've changed my outlook on life, and my outlook on myself. i can cry about them when i need to, and i can talk to people aobut them when i need to, and i can ignore them when i need to. but, i can't change them. i can only accept them, and choose to view the world differently because of what has happened. and i prefer to viewthe world as a positive place. with wonderful people. and sometimes people make mistakes. and sometimes i make mistakes. and sometimes it hurts, sometimes more than others. but, i learn from that. i strive to learn from that. and my view is constantly changing. but, i hopeto always keep my positive outlook on people and events. that's the best i can do. i'm not defined by circumstances. i choose to be defined by how i react to them.... and i think i'm doing a fine job right now.


i'll finish yours., if you don't mind.. » All Done

Posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 14:46:35

In reply to Fridays are supposed to be happy days, posted by All Done on April 23, 2004, at 12:11:44

1. My husband wrote a reminder note to me this morning and drew not one but two hearts on it when he signed it.

2. I have the best sense of humor in the world, and many people in my life have the ability to see it.

3. I am a very loving and caring mother. My child loves me more than anything in the world (even cheezits) and adores the fact that even though i struggle with sending him to day care, he is so happy to be able to interact with the other children. He will thank me later in life for being able to interact and develope communication skills. He loves me dearly. He thanks me for being one of the best mothers in the world.

4. I have a very forgiving heart. KK is so very blown away with my ability to forgive. I really can't know how much people are amazed at my forgiving heart. I'm very special because I'm able to let things from the past stay in the past. Everyone thanks me for that. I'm not sure I realize how much people TRULY are AMAZED by this, but I SHOULD be. I'm honestly AMAZING because I hold a VERY forgiving heart.

5. I'm a devoted, loyal and text-book June Cleaver (with a mix of Betty Page) wife. I adore my husband and sing him lullabys when he can't sleep. I'm a special and SPECTACULAR wife.

6. I'm a great friend. Not to mention a blast to hang out with. You want strippers, call me. I can find them for the party. Calculator watches, I faint at the sight of one. I'm a great addition to any party, and a loyal and trust-worthy friend. And did I mention my advice? It's always right on the dot, even if I always say, "Maybe I was wrong." Don't believe that for a second. I'm always right. My advice is right on the money, baby!! You want a wonderful friend, call me! I'll be there!

7. I can't even begin to tell you how sexy I am. You want hair, I've got it. Beautfiul hair. And my eyes, to die for. Oh, and my body, wowsa! But, this isn't a personal ad, just a ten list. So, I'll keep it brief. But, I must say, I am by far one of the lovliest women in the world. And that's not jsut looks (though I must say, I am very lovely) but the way I casually glide into a room. And my soft-spoken manner. I don't need to cackle like KK. I whisper. I'm very lovely indeed.

8. My son is ill. However, with such a wonderful mother like me, he'll be better in no time. And he'll love me even more for helping him through. He'll be better by the middle of next week. And all will be right with the world. I'm such a wonderful mother for being so very concerned, aren't I?

9. My friend. I'm concerned for her as well. But look at how great a friend I am for being so vvery concerned. I'll be there for her, and I'll keep in touch with her. I'll do what I can, as I'm not feeling so wonderful myself. But, I'm such a great friend for being so concerned. I'm wonderful indeed. I'll do what I can to help her. Because I'm a great friend. And my friend will start feeling better, knowing that she has such wonderful support.

10. My job stinks. But, it is Friday, so I have a full weekend ahead of me. And, I'll see beefcake tomorrow. And he'll help me. And he'll be supportive. And my job won't seem as bad by Monday.

I did it! I got to 10. I feel better already! YAHOO! I'm not only cute as tofu, but talented, witty, a wonderful daughter, mother and wife, a loyal friend, full of wisdom and charm, kind, and BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I'm All Done and I'm here to say, 'I'm WONDERFUL!!!! Absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!!'


KK you take the cake!

Posted by rainyday on April 23, 2004, at 15:03:49

In reply to **WARNING happy post**, posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 14:24:53

...and eat it too! And don't put on an ounce of weight because you are SO WONDERFUL!

Could you do some 10's for me and also justyourlaugh? I am having a rotten, blue kind of day. I keep on crying and I'm supposed to be smiling while I answer the phone at my WONDERFUL job.

Gimme 10.


i'm jyl and i finished my 10 list.... looksie?? » justyourlaugh

Posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 15:40:55

In reply to Re: Fridays are supposed to be happy days » All Done, posted by justyourlaugh on April 23, 2004, at 13:15:26

1. i painted today
2. booze in the fridge(sorry s but it helps me get through the night)
3. lost weight(who needs to eat anyway)
4. i had a bath today

5. i'm still posting with my lovely language at babble. the other posters simply adore my rhetoric and posting style, as it's poetry. i'm so very thrilled that they enjoy it. i hope to continue posting at babble forever,as babble would simply become a mess with boring posts if my style were to dissappear...

6. perhaps i've hit a bump. so what? in life there are bumps. and there are hills. but, imagine with me that you are on a bicycle. you come to a hill and you peddle. and you peddle. and you peddle. does it ever stop? why yes, yes it does!!! you come to the top of the hill, take a deep breath and you glide.. you throw your head back, close your eyes, take your feet of the peddles and throw them up as high as you can get them.... you simply enjoy flying down the hill. you wouldn't enjoy going down the hill nearly as much if you didn't have to work as hard coming up it. try to think of those bumps that way. it's a bump, a minor bump. but, think of the hill you'll be able to glide down and enjoy, with your eyes closed and your feet in the air!!!

7. i've been so supportive lately. all of the other posters have really enjoyed the support i've given. now it's their turn to return that support. life's a give and take situation. everyone really admires me not just for my posting style, support, wisdom, courage, and ability to stand up proud when life gives me a pile of mud, but also for my kind words, my creativity, the fact that i'm trying so very hard, and i've made progress. i'm making it happen. i'm doing so very well. everyone is proud of me. i'm proud of myself. i'm lovely and dam* it, i'm even losing weight. i even had a bath today, so i smell nice. KK, pass the perfume!

8. I’m passionate. And I want passionate people in my life. I’m creative and have artistic abilities, something that kk admires very much. I’m able to express my emotions through art. I have an outlet to express my emotions. That’s wonderful. I’m wonderful. People adore me, even if I don’t always believe it. I know I should. I know it’s hard, but, one day I will believe it. I have faith that I will.

9. I sometimes worry I’m not on the same ‘plane’ as others. I’m wrong. I transcend that. I’m supportive. I have empathy for others. I can understand when others are hurting and I want to help. I’m wonderful. And I realize that we all worry about being on a different ‘plane’ and not knowing where we fit in. it’s a question that we all have. But, I know that I am doing beautifully. And I’m so very wonderful that I can’t be wrong in knowing that I completely measure up to anyone who walks beside me on the street.

10. I am beautiful. In every possible way. Not just physically, but emotionally. I help people. I may or may not see it, but I do. I help kk. I help rainyday. I help all done. I help babble. I’m an official greeter for newbies. What an honor. I only hope that one day, I will see how very special I am. I hope that one day I will see how much people adore me. Perhaps today? I know that kk just loves to read my words on babble, that they read like poetry. I’m special. I’m wonderful. I’m amazing. I’m jyl. And I am truly spectacular!!!!!

ps... c will call soon, this i know. i'm not alone, i'm never alone. i have babble to keep me company. and i have my art. and i have myself. i'm not alone, i'm never alone.


request is processed.. here it comes. » rainyday

Posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 16:18:52

In reply to KK you take the cake!, posted by rainyday on April 23, 2004, at 15:03:49

10. i love exclamation points. while my computer doesn't have question marks, that means that i don't ask many questions. i'm not confrontational. i don't like to start trouble. i love to make comment like "really!!!" or "oh yes, i understand!!" or "wowsa!!!!" i'm very excited about life and i love learning things. i'm very energetic and it comes through in my posts. others can feel my energy pouring through simply by reading my thoughts typed out on a computer screen.

9. i want to run away to france. that would be my escape plan. i don't speak the language and i adore the food. i am fascinateed by the culture, which shows my appreciation of fine art. i also simply adore the food, which shows i have class. i'm an all-around classy and interested woman (oh no! i'm assuming here!)... i am simply fascinated with culture and art of all classifications. perhaps jyl could teach me a thing or two?

8. i am always looking for a conspiracy. right now, i believe microsoft is involved in a widespread conspiracy to stop the action of asking questions on pc's. kid and i determine this finding together. we are continuing this study and investigation and will report our findings at a further date. thank you for your interest.

7. i cry. and though i don't always believe it, i look absolutely beautiful when i cry. other people think i look absolutely beautiful when i cry. all women do. my nose becomes red, andmy cheeks flush, and my lips become a bit swollen. when i cry, people want to help me, as they see i am in pain. and i look stunning. absolutely stunning. people come to my rescue when i cry. and i look beautiful.

6. i have an interest in art. recently i attended an art show. though i did suffer from a panic attack, i was able to overcome this attack and continue to enjoy the brilliant art at this show. i'm able to relax myself, which is a wonderful ability to have. alot of people do not have this truly unique and wonderful power. i'm able to control myself. and i'm able to enjoy the finer points in life.

5. sometimes i find that i astound myself. as described above, i had a panic attack and was able to calm myself by watching water. it's truly a gift to be able to look at yourself at actually be astounded at your own abilities. i was. i'm proud. i should be. i should find many, many, MANY more reasons to be astounded with myself.

4. like water, i'm always changing. when i watched the water, i noticed that it is always flowing and always changing. i too am always changing. that's what's great about life. we have the ability to change. i'm beautiful. and i'm astounding. and i'm wonderful. and though i may be having a crummy day right now, like water that is always changing, i can turn this day around and change it too...

3. i have a crummy job. but, at times it is fun. i can flirt with the UPS man. and i can take breaks. there are certain things that i can get away with. there are some small parts of the day that i can look forward to that can keep me going. and the people i talk to on the phone, they can help keep me going as well. i can think aobut my evening while filing papers. and i can think about my cat at home while doing menial tasks. and i can think about prince charming while my boss is spouting off. that keeps a smile on my face the whole time. or,perhaps i can think of him in his underpants? that may work even better. yeah, my job is crummy, but there are small parts of the day that keep me going. and boy oh boy, that UPS man sure is cute. oh, and the engineers...

2. i am beautiful. and i mean dead sexy. i not only have the looks to back it up, but i have the brains and the personality all in one. dear lord, i can't keep the men off of me. they come by the dozens with jewels and gifts and i just have to say, "listen up! now, i know you want to suit me, but there are rules you must follow....

1. you, must not have body hair of any type. i do not like body hair.

2. your mother must not weigh less than i do. and your sisters can not be prettier than i am, though they must still be pretty.

3. your former girlfriends must be interviewed by me.

4. you must have one previous engagement, but still be on very good terms with her.

5. you must own your own home and boat.

6. you must use product in your hair. and have your eyebrows professionally done.

7. you must read trade journals and no comic books.

8. you must own stock.

9. i must see all of your financial records before our second date.

10. you must drink GIN martini.

any questions?"

and the suiters stay.. they are all perfect for me. and i date them aplenty.. and recieve many, many, MANY gifts.. and all is right in the world (and of course we donate to charities often, but first check them out to make sure they are legitimate)

1. i have a kind heart and soul. even if i can't always come up with 10 good things to say abot myself, others always can. it's hard to see the good things about ourselves, but others are usually pretty good at picking up on our good points. i'm supportive, i care, i'm loving, i'm thoughtful, i'm beautiful, i'm trying and it's working!!!!! i'm wonderful and things are coming together. even if i'm having a bad day, it's ok to ask others to help. and i know that i can turn a bad day into a great one. and i also know that tomorrow will be better... i'm wonderful. i'm beautiful. and gosh darn it, people like me!!!


Re: request is processed.. here it comes. » karen_kay

Posted by rainyday on April 23, 2004, at 16:30:40

In reply to request is processed.. here it comes. » rainyday, posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 16:18:52

I don't know how on earth you do that. So perceptive, empathetic, clever... make that Wicked Smart. You keep track of others' posts of which I am almost jealous. You watch out for all of us.

I am going to print those 10 out to look at if I bash my own feelings again. Note that I said IF.

You fabulous woman, you!!


Re: Sweet Karen

Posted by All Done on April 23, 2004, at 17:40:49

In reply to i'll finish yours., if you don't mind.. » All Done, posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 14:46:35

Karen, my dear, you have made me cry. Happy tears. Heartfelt, happy tears.

Unfortunately, I do not have time time right now to tell you how wonderful you are as you have turned my day around and I am getting out of the office to go have a nice evening with my wonderful husband and darling son. And I will enjoy it because of you. Because you made me smile for the first time today, I know I will be able to smile when I pick up my son from daycare. I will smile when my husband comes home and my son requests a group hug (dog included). I will smile when we watch Finding Nemo for the thousandth time. And I will smile when my head hits the pillow just after my husband tells me he loves me.

See what you did :)? You are too much. Well, actually, not too much. Just enough. Just right.

I can't thank you enough.



Karen, you are truly wonderful. (nm) » karen_kay

Posted by Dinah on April 23, 2004, at 17:46:16

In reply to request is processed.. here it comes. » rainyday, posted by karen_kay on April 23, 2004, at 16:18:52


Re: Karen, you are truly wonderful.

Posted by kid47 on April 25, 2004, at 11:30:45

In reply to Karen, you are truly wonderful. (nm) » karen_kay, posted by Dinah on April 23, 2004, at 17:46:16

yes, yes you are!!


KK, I toast you with a gin martini! u finish plz (nm)

Posted by gardenergirl on April 25, 2004, at 16:19:27

In reply to Re: Karen, you are truly wonderful., posted by kid47 on April 25, 2004, at 11:30:45


Karen, you are an angel (nm) » gardenergirl

Posted by fallsfall on April 26, 2004, at 9:27:24

In reply to KK, I toast you with a gin martini! u finish plz (nm), posted by gardenergirl on April 25, 2004, at 16:19:27

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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