Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 35. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
Sorry, I'm a good little middle-class woman of a certain age, so it's very hard for me to resist that urge to downplay my good points and deflect compliments. Anyone who's been reading my latest posts know that I'm in a very, very bad place right now. On the other hand, I can tell you some of the things that I do like and admire about myself. And I'll tell you another little secret about me: I don't think I'm the whole problem. I think that an awful lot of this is an environmental thing, despite the fluctuations of self-loathing.
Since I usually express that self-loathing, or that distress here, I thought I'd introduce some of the rest of me to you. Yeah, it sounds like bragging or something, but at least it shows that I can see some of my good points, even at the worst. And maybe I'll come back and read it again when I need some of it.
1. I am educable. (I think that's a word, I think it's the one Jane Austen used to describe Catherine Morland in "Northanger Abbey") To me, that means that I can learn, and the ability to learn is a great gift.
2. I know myself pretty dang well, even if I can't always do anything useful for myself because of that knowledge ;-) It's still a good thing.
3. One result of the traumas of my childhood -- real or imagined, don't matter which anyone else decides they are -- is that I'm very fluent in body language, non-verbal communication. It makes me a better teacher than I would otherwise be, because I can adjust to the students who are truly intimidated and truly need reassurance and encouragement, and to the students who are really just wanting attention or don't want to work. I'm very proud of my teaching ability.
4. I am a loyal friend, and have a talent for maintaining good, stable friendships with people I like, respect, and admire.
5. I learn many things rapidly. (This is actually a mixed blessing -- anything that *doesn't* come easy is harder than steel.)
6. Although I'm not very visual, I am very creative. The analogy I use, when I try to describe that creativity, is piano and violin. Violins -- which I made to suffer through grammar school before my mother finally allowed them relief from me -- have an infinite number of sounds available. Success in playing violins is related to millimetre changes of finger position. I can't do that. Pianos, on the other hand, have a key here, and a key there. How you press them matters, and extends their range, but the "A" key will always give you some variety of the note known as "A" That's my form of creativity.
7. I'm pretty well read, although not so well as I'd like to be. Within certain subjects, though, I'm pretty dang well read.
8. I write pretty well. Again, not as well as I'd like, but even in the midst of this recent hell, I had a paper accepted to a peer-reviewed conference on non-school-based science education for adolescents. Even though it sounds as if I'm hedging too much on that, by the way, remember the last point: I'm pretty well-read. I can read what I've written and recognize its flaws. When I'm in a better place, though, improving my writing is something I'd like to do. I know *why* I don't write better, by the way: through school, including college, my writing was better than most of my schoolmates', so the teachers and professors just graded it higher. It either never occurred to them or they never had the time to help me learn to do it better. Sometimes it's not an advantage to be at the leading edge of the Bell Curve, you know?
9. I'm damned good at finding solutions to insoluble problems. Most of it is an ability to plod along, just checking and rechecking and rerechecking, but some of it is that occasional flash of brilliance that we all hope for. I do get them, and they usually illuminate a solution for me. That, my BabbleBuddies, is one hell of a gift.
10. I can see connections. That's always been my definition of my abilities. I can see connections. There's a series of books by Orson Scott Card, beginning with a book called "Seventh Son" that includes that ability as a sort of magical gift. Yeah, I can see some connections between people -- mostly that goes back to the non-verbal communication, though -- but I can see the connections between historical events (improved my grades no end, being able to draw in deBuffon when writing a paper on Aphra Behn, for instance), between phenomena, etc. I think it was Samuel Johnston who defined "wit" as "the finding of occult resemblences between apparently unlike things." Something like that, at least. Well, that's me. (The meaning of "wit" in those days, by the way, had nothing to do with humor.)
OK, so I managed to find 10 things to admire about myself. I'm also not a bad person to turn to for support, because I'm not too bad at providing it when I'm able. And I'm generous in every way I can be. I also donate blood. (Can't actually do that right now, though -- flunked the weight test. Gotta gain some before I can donate again.)
Thanks for reading this, if you have. Now it's your turn. If I can do this when I'm barely holding on, the rest of you can dang well manage at least 12 items on your list.
That, my fellow BabbleBuddies, is a challenge. Who's gonna take it?
Posted by partlycloudy on June 22, 2004, at 13:29:36
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
Oooh, I love a challenge (non threatening, of course):
1. I am a very good listener. I took classes to do this. (That is not a joke.) I'm not one to jump in and finish other people's statements. I let them finish, digest what I've heard, and make my reply.
2. I can sing on key and remember melodies easily. My favourite all time game show was Name That Tune, and I still play it with my husband.
3. Cats love me. I talk cat. It's in the whiskers, believe me.
4. I have a good memory for directions, so I'm handy to take hiking (as long as you carry me up any hills), or driving in an unfamiliar city.
5. I'm well read, and I read quickly. When I'm up to par, and on holiday, I can consume 3 books a week. Yum!
6. I can cook well, and can improvise with what's in the cupboard. I'm not too messy in the kitchen, but doing dishes is not my strength. I have made my own ketchup and won third place at a country fair.
7. I know how to keep honeybees and am handy if someone is frantic about a stinging insect. I took a course at a local agricultural college. (I'm not keeping any hives at the moment, though.)
8. I'm a compassionate person. I figure if I have any energy to spare, it's best to give it away. I do not discriminate and don't prejudge that I'm aware of. Suffering is suffering, no matter who it is.
9. I'm very committed to my recovery and have every intention of getting on top of my depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I'm not bothered about having to stay on medications, or changing them, or pursuing other forms of treatment. I think the brain is the most misunderstood organ in our bodies and the adventure is just beginning in the field of medicine and science.
10. I think I express myself well in the written word, although the best writing I save for my shopping lists.
and here's a bonus: I have a bonafide sense of humour.
Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 22, 2004, at 14:03:56
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
...but first, I want to say that I'm impressed that you pushed your "right now" aside and you looked within yourself to find some core values about yourself. No doubt that other people in your life see those qualities as well, especially the flash of brilliance in a pinch or the ability to be a communicator and teacher. So thank you for finding those things about yourself. Things you have always known about yourself, really... but have "forgotten" in the haze that is the "right now", because I know that your "right now" is simply bad. So for the strength you have displayed, you have my thanks and it honestly is something I'll remember the next time I start falling down (which I hope is never, but it's not a bad idea to be prepared for such things).
So, my challange is 12. Here goes:
1) I am physically strong. I'm not all that "big" visually (I would never be mistaken for Ah-nold, or even someone 1/2 his size), but for some reason I'm rugged as all get-out and I'm pretty hand to have around (especially if you're moving or it's time to put up the winter firewood).
2) I'm intelligent. I barely graduated high school and I have a handful of completely unrelated college credits, but I have an ability to communicate (especially in writing) and to grasp a concept that I was previously ignorant of. I enjoy reading books on ridicilous (meaning they have no practical application in my life) subjects like "Analytical Methods and Basic Concepts of Phase Diagrams". It means nothing to me in my life, but it's just... neat, you know? That's also why I am able to accomplish #3, which is...
3) I work in telecommunications. No formal training except OJT, but in the time I have been in this field I have taken on telephony, CATV, and Internet, and I have become highly accomplished in what I do. I basically BS'ed my way into my first Communications job in Virginia in 1997, and since then I've been eating up as much information about the Communication industry. I read the trades, I stay abreast on what is going on, I attend seminars that even my bosses don't go to. I like what I do and I'm really good at it. Not too bad for a townie redneck with minimal education, eh?
4) I'm an awesome father. I mean it. I used to think that I was "adequate" or "ok", but a lot of my friends keep telling me I am awesome, and other dads have asked me things like "how do you deal with..." or "what would you do if..." and that's a great feeling. Not because it makes me "special" but because I know that I really am giving my kids the best that I can give them, and evidently, other people seem to think so as well. :)
5) I'm very loyal to those I love, and I have endured hardship so that others would feel their own a little less. I have a friend who is a wonderful person but in a bad financial situation. I work for the phone company. So, I pay his bill on occasion. He only noticed this recently, and while it did start a heated discussion about pride and permission, I ended that conversation with "I love you, and I will take care of you as much as I can". That drove the point home. I would do nearly anything for those I love, unless it was my children. For them, I would do absolutely anything. Period.
6) I'm proud. Sometimes in a very extroverted way, but mostly it's a private thing. There are things I am very proud about myself that I don't share much (the above example would be one of them, but it illustrated my point so I shared it here). I take pride in being a good dad and being a good friend. I take pride in being loyal and being dependable. Pride in myself has kept me afloat when my boat was sinking everywhere else.
7) I'm interesting to have as a friend. My interests are eclectic, and range from the mundane to the bizarre, but there's never a dull moment when Scott is around. Some days are filled with the eternal quest to find "the" perfect rock. I like rocks. Other days are filled with surfing lawn sales and looking for old & weird tools that no ones even knows what they are for anymore. Then I look them up in my equally old book of tools and figure it out. Sometimes I even wind up using the tools for something related to the original purpose, just so I can say that I have used a (insert tool name here). Other times I can be found climbing trees, jumping over bonfires, raising a horn of mead to my Gods, running naked in the woods, mountain biking through a mud bog, target shooting with my bow, throwing axes, carving rocks, or any other thing that I have an interest in. Bizarre? Perhaps. Boring? Hell no.
8) I know my family history. I have a long and proud line of angry and drunk Scotsmen in my family. On both sides. One side we can trace back as far as 1602, but that places us in Germany (the story is they immigrated to Scotland to fight as mercenaries against the Crown). The other side goes back as far as we can trace without actually going to Scotland, which is the early 1700’s. I know the names of many of my forefathers. I have pictures of many of my ancestors. Someday I want to go to Scotland and follow the family line as far as I can, no matter where it goes.
9) I can fix things. I can work with my hands as well as my mind. I build things like cabinets, bookcases, gun racks, chests, etc. I enjoy working with wood a lot, but I’m also a “jack of all trades” handyman. I know enough about electricity to wire a house (and what I don’t know, I’ll read) and I can plumb, do vehicle repairs, repair electronic equipment, and basically, if I can think it, I can find a way to do it and (usually) do it right. And the beautiful thing of all this is, I really enjoy doing those things.
10) I have “given back” to country and community. I was in the US Army from 1988 to 1994, and worked in civilian law enforcement from 1994 to1996. I have paid my dues, so to speak.
11) I can play (to a reasonable standard) just about every stringed instrument I have ever picked up.
12) I’m really good in the sa(edited so I don’t get a “please be civil)
Ok, so I started to get a little weak on the last ones, but I’m at work and this has taken me all day to write it seems. But the points are there, and yes, I like Scott quite a bit.
PS- When I started to respond to this, no one else had yet. I wonder how many posts happened in the time it took me to write this? Ha.
Posted by justyourlaugh on June 22, 2004, at 14:13:39
In reply to Re: As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by partlycloudy on June 22, 2004, at 13:29:36
i am a painter,
a compassionate mother,
a beatles fan,
i can drink like a truck driver,
i have only been arrested twice,
i can still make c laugh after all these years,
i can predict phone calls before they happen,
i am a very good driver,
my kids love me
and ...i can juggle
Posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 14:17:45
In reply to I'll take your challange... » Racer, posted by Scott in Vermont on June 22, 2004, at 14:03:56
First off, PartlyCloudy, that first one is amazing. That's a problem I tend to have -- not being the world's best listener under certain circumstances. I will answer what I think is going to be said, rather than waiting to hear what actually is said. (Maybe we can make that a positive: I am aware of it, so I do work on it. I really do, and sometimes I get pretty good at it.)
Scott, I'd love to be your friend -- but you'd have to promise to warn me before you start playing with sharp objects, 'K? But I loved your list. One day, when I'm feeling myself again, I'd love to share some of what those points brought up for me from my own life. (The part in #2 about reading things with no practical purpose in your life is one of those things I can feel in my own skin.) And I loved archery -- I'd get back into it if I knew where to go around here and could afford it. (And could leave the house -- but hey, let's not get overambitious, right?)
I forgot one more thing I kinda like about myself: I've got what I call a "Magpie Brain" -- I collect odd things to line my nest. That means that I can quote poetry, remember odd facts that may or may not be relevant at the time, can usually find something to draw a conclusion from even if the connection may not be clear to anyone else, etc. I like having a Magpie Brain. Even if it means that I get song lyrics from some pretty obnoxious '70s tunes stuck in my head at times...
Thanks for answering, to the two who have so far. And Scott? Thanks for that introductory paragraph.
Posted by pegasus on June 22, 2004, at 14:37:05
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
Racer, that was beautiful. And a beautiful gift for yourself at a really rough time. Thank you for sharing it.
I'll come up with a list, but I didn't want to wait to tell you how much I appreciated your list, not to mention the effort it must have taken. I really liked you even before you listed your "best" qualities, and now I totally love you.
Posted by antigua on June 22, 2004, at 15:01:14
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
Racer, this was really, really hard. It took me all afternoon to come up w/it. Thanks for the idea. It is hard to think what you really do like about yourself.
My list1. I'm a great mother. Yes, GREAT, at least in my world. My children are all well-functioning, intelligent, fun, sensitive and caring kids with great senses of humour. They feel comfortable speaking their mind to me, but always within the respect I demand. I encourage honesty, openess and fairness and while I may not always like the answers they give me, I am always willing to listen.
2.I'm a compassionate person and a good friend. I can be counted on, especially in dealing with illness and death. I have an extra sense about people that makes them trust me and allows me to comfort them when they are ill or dying.
3. I am not repeating the patterns of my own young life with my children. They live in an entirely different world than I did. They don't know hunger and aren't starved for food, love or attention. We have enough hot water and a good roof over our head.4. I am a good communicator. Like Racer, I read physical cues as well as what a person is saying.
5. I am an excellent judge of character. My instincts are straight-on, and it's just when I doubt myself that I get into trouble. Time and time again I've specualted about a person and it has later proven to be true and I've wanted to kick myself for not believing in myself more.
6. I am a good cook and I enjoy making people feel comfortable in my home.
7. This is getting really tough... OK, I have really pretty blue eyes.
8. I am a dependable worker. I can be counted on to get my projects done on time and usually under budget.
9. I am a very determined person and I don't give up easily. Some would see this as a weakness, not giving up at times when I should, but it's a great strength that helped me to make it where I am today.
10. Last but not least, I am happy with myself for the progress I've been willing to make to try and let the past go so that I can live today. I still have a long way to go, but I'm working hard at it.
Posted by pegasus on June 22, 2004, at 15:07:28
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
OK, here goes. I'm cringing before I even start, because "modesty" (aka self hate) were pounded into me so thoroughly from day one. It's so *impolite* to say good things about oneself (ironic grin).
1. I'm smart. I understand things quickly. Everyone notices that about me first.
2. I'm tall. I used to hate that, but now I like it. I can gain 10 lbs without it showing. I can tower over people.
3. I have a warm heart. I've been told that by five different people (who don't even know each other) in the past year, so I've come to believe that it must be true. I certainly *try* to have a warm heart.
4. I'm very organized and manage my time well. It's how I can babble at work and still get everything done. I never miss my deadlines or appointments.
5. My sense of wonder is alive. I like getting stopped in my tracks by seeing a bird on my windowsill, or noticing the expression on a passing child's face, or watching my seeds poke their little green heads above the dirt, or momentarily connecting with a stranger.
6. My sense of humor is also alive. I like to laugh, and I do it a lot. It's a dry sense of humor, with an appreciation of the absurd, and is sometimes misunderstood as insensitivity.
7. I have a lot of friends. Which must mean that people like my company. Yay!
8. I like to learn. I'm always poking my nose into a new set of books about something or another. Some of the knowledge comes in handy, and some of it is just stuff. But I'm glad for everything that I know, and all of the interesting things that I still get to learn. My husband always mentions this as one of the things he likes about me most.
9. Um . . . I'm running out. I'm . . . um . . . a good teacher. Apparently I have a talent for explaining things clearly. At least sometimes.
10. I'm a hard worker. And persistent.
11. I'm healthy right now. Even mentally for the most part, at least relative to my past.
12. I'm open minded. Yeah, I know, everyone thinks that. But, I really think I am . . . ;)
Posted by littlep24 on June 22, 2004, at 15:54:04
In reply to My list, posted by antigua on June 22, 2004, at 15:01:14
FOr the things you are able to say about yourself you should be gleeming with pride. I know that personally I couldn't make a list like that. And if you are dealing with severe depression you have done yourself well, it is not easy to say these things abour ourselves.
Posted by littlep24 on June 22, 2004, at 15:58:38
In reply to Re: My list » antigua, posted by littlep24 on June 22, 2004, at 15:54:04
I meant my last post for everyone that was able to make it on the My List thread.
Posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 16:21:41
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
Posted by daisym on June 22, 2004, at 18:58:17
In reply to What amazing people here! Who's next? (nm), posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 16:21:41
ME! Me! me!
OK, I've read all the other lists and want to respond to all of the above. No kidding amazing people. Geez, this is defiantly "I should have gone first" kind of thing...OK - Here are mine.
1) I'm a born diplomat. I know how to make everyone think they got the best part of any deal. And I know how to get traditional enemies to work together. (I got a Republican Leadership award, me - a democratic in Ca in charge of a children's nonprofit!)
2) I'm smart. Really smart. (ouch, I hate the way that sounds). I can recall information quickly and I retain minor points because they are always useful later. (This, btw, drives my T wild -- he says, "You don't miss anything, do you?")
3) I can "see" solutions. Especially system issues that need a resolution. I can get from point A to point B and beyond when others seem stuck. (This does result in a certain impatience on my part sometimes.)
4) I'm a really good speaker. I love to facilitate meetings and to lead trainings and teach classes. The bigger the group, the better. I'm never boring and I give great prizes.
5) I'm a pretty good writer too. I love to put words together. I write well both in a business sense and in a fiction sense. And I've written nearly $2 million dollars in grants for my CBO.
6) I'm the most organized person I know. Let's see, three kids, a sick husband, 32 employees, 9 committee appointments and therapy 3x a week...yup, it sort of forces you.
7) I am truly happy when someone else accomplishes something. I rarely go to the "why not me" place. I never believe that there is a limited amount of good luck and we have to share it. I think it must be ever expanding.
8) I'm a decision maker. (OK, this could be good or bad) I listen, research and then make a decision. And live with it, good or bad. But I don't make my self nuts about it.
9) I have a core faith in God. I truly believe that He will take care of those I love. I believe in the power of prayer. And I believe he doesn't care how badly I sing every Sunday at church.
10) I'm amazingly good at faking it. When I'm anxious or upset, I always think "duck on a pond" and keep my outer self calm and collected even if I'm shrieking in my own head.
11) I still get outraged. Social injustice, children, women's issues, etc., I can't, won't believe that I can't make a difference just because I only have one vote.
12) Saved the best for last -- I'm a good mom. I think it is because I truly like my kids. I spend lots of time with them but I always remember I'm not their friend, I'm the parent in charge. They make it easy for me though.
Wow, that was harder than I thought. But I didn't mention my fashion sense and shoe collection. Which is outstanding all by itself. Or the fact that I am a cream of wheat lover...or Star Trek fan.
Thanks Racer. I think I needed this today.
Posted by littlep24 on June 22, 2004, at 20:41:30
In reply to Re: What amazing people here! Who's next?, posted by daisym on June 22, 2004, at 18:58:17
How do you do it especially number 6&7. (Unfortunately, I do go to number 7 alot) I am tired from just reading these. I have to tell you how amazed I am at what you take care of since you go to therapy 3x a week. It would seem to me that your need to go 3x a week would mean that your depression would slow you down. But obviously it doesn't. Your are someone that us that feel so down can look up to. Thank you for that.
Posted by cherylann on June 22, 2004, at 22:25:17
In reply to DaisyM » daisym, posted by littlep24 on June 22, 2004, at 20:41:30
It's taken me until my 40's to realize how "trained" I was to never focus on myself. I recognize many of these traits in me, but need to digest all this a little.
I'm not quite ready to post my own list, but I'm gonna work on it in my head, if only cuz it would be a healthy thing for me to do.
Thanks for letting me read all these wonderful posts!
Posted by Pfinstegg on June 22, 2004, at 23:35:24
In reply to Re: What amazing people here! Who's next?, posted by daisym on June 22, 2004, at 18:58:17
This thread is hard to resist, if only because I spend so much time in therapy thinking about what's wrong, and how to make it better. So, here goes!
1. I'm tall and slender (5'11) I used to be very self-conscious about my height, but now I feel proud to be this tall. I feel that I have a lovely smile, and lively eyes- the depression doesn't show, at least!
2. I'm smart, too! I have a doctorate, and teach in a university (neuroscience), I'm rated by my students as an "outstanding" teacher (I can't believe I'm telling this!)
3. I read a lot, as so many others do here. I feel it's one of the things that gives me a rich inner life. I read mostly non-fiction- science books such as "The Elegant Universe", and books on history- especially the history of ideas. I also love biographies of almost anyone- if they are well-written., and poetry also.
4. I'm musical. I play the piano quite well (classical music), and also sing in a chorus. I've just come back from a "sing-through" of the Faure Requiem at a church near our home. It was moving and beautiful.
5. I have studied drawing and watercolour painting at an art school nearby, and feel that my watercolours have gotten to be quite beautiful. I recently sold ten of them at a benefit for my son's school.
6. I love beautiful meadows, streams and mountains. I love to hike in any mountains, and especially love finding endangered flowers; I report on these to the state Natural Heritage programs.
7. I am a good rider. I own a lovely horse, and we do musical freestyles. My horse loves them, and is learning to match his steps to the music.
8. I love my husband, and have been married to him for 30 years. We have had wonderful times, and some very difficult times. also- related principally to my episodes of severe depression. When I am not zonked out by SSRI's, I believe I am a satisfying and passionate sexual partner. (so is he)
9. I have one very handsome and lively son, who is about to get a doctorate in physics from Princeton. I feel that I have been a loving and supportive mother to him, and I know I have broken the cycle of neglect and abuse in which I was raised. He means the world to me, and we are still close, although he is now 28 and out on his own. He is also a mountain-climber. flower-lover, but much more of an adventurer than me, having hiked in places such as Kamchatka (Siberia), Sikkim and Patagonia.
10. I don't have a lot of friends, but I do have several very close ones. I am sort of the person they turn to when they are really in trouble. I share a lot of feelings, passions, joys and sorrows with them, but I don't let them know how much I have struggle with my mental health.
11. I treasure the relationship I have developed with my therapist- it, also, means everything to me. I like that I can trust and open up to him as much as I have, and, really, I'm just so glad he is in my life.
Posted by tabitha on June 23, 2004, at 3:07:21
In reply to Re: What amazing people here! Who's next?, posted by Pfinstegg on June 22, 2004, at 23:35:24
Oh my, I really don't think I can do this one. You all gave me some good ideas on ways to value myself. But for now, every positive I come up with has a 'yes but' attached to it. I'm gonna have to work on it offline. I may end up being one of those people who answers the thread that was archived years ago. Yup, that'll be me, in 2045, finally coming up with my list. Noooo! Dear higher power, please let me be able to value myself sooner than that.
P.S. Phinstegg, as I was reading your list I thought, what a cool person, I want to marry a guy like that. But you're already married, and you're not a guy. Darn. Oh well... now I can be glad such a cool person is female. Go, female team!
Posted by yoshimi on June 23, 2004, at 4:11:16
In reply to Y'all are incredible!, posted by cherylann on June 22, 2004, at 22:25:17
i have a good sense of humor...
i see the good in people...
im kind of smart...
i enjoy giving blood...
im loyal...
i guess i dont really know...
i make good fruit salad??
maybe ill try again another day...
Posted by Aphrodite on June 23, 2004, at 5:12:15
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
I'm glad I'm here! Thanks for this post, Racer. It was uplifting and a great way to get to know everyone!
I was having a little pity party because I can't do this for myself right now. But, it's OK -- it's enough to hear your good thoughts.
Racer, I hope you feel better very, very soon.
Posted by Pfinstegg on June 23, 2004, at 6:54:56
In reply to Re: What amazing people here! Who's next?, posted by tabitha on June 23, 2004, at 3:07:21
Oh, THANK YOU, Tabitha! No one has ever called me *cool* before, and I'm thrilled! Truthfully, I have a secret little *but* attached to everything positive I said, also, but I was emboldened by how everyone put those aside for this thread. I love your posts, and hope you will also set aside the *buts* for at least a while and tell us more of what you really do like and respect about yourself. No waiting to become one of those ancient threads, please!
Posted by Aphrodite on June 23, 2004, at 7:09:57
In reply to my good points, posted by pegasus on June 22, 2004, at 15:07:28
> 5. My sense of wonder is alive. I like getting stopped in my tracks by seeing a bird on my windowsill, or noticing the expression on a passing child's face, or watching my seeds poke their little green heads above the dirt, or momentarily connecting with a stranger.
>Well said! What a wonderful gift! You're cool:)
Posted by littlep24 on June 23, 2004, at 8:49:47
In reply to A board of great people!, posted by Aphrodite on June 23, 2004, at 5:12:15
I second your thoughts. I too was having a pity party because right now I could only make a list of all the things I dislike about myself and I said get over it be happy for everyone and yours will come some day as will others to that higher power hopefully soon for all of us.
Posted by AuntieMel on June 23, 2004, at 9:30:47
In reply to As many good points as I can think of about me, posted by Racer on June 22, 2004, at 12:24:04
Strength and tenacity. How many of us could say we try this hard? And with a county system yet. My compliments.
Posted by AuntieMel on June 23, 2004, at 9:54:25
In reply to Re: My list » antigua, posted by littlep24 on June 22, 2004, at 15:54:04
This is really, really hard. I might not be able to get 10.
1) I'm smart. I had disadvantaged, but I managed to get myself through college (a lot of it night school) and graduated with honors.
2) I'm a good math tutor. My daughter used to bring her friends over for help.
3) I truly care about other people.
4) I still have a sense of adventure. I love to travel and haven't turned down a work trip yet. Even to some conditions that most wouldn't go to.
5) I'm very handy. Remodeling is my hobby. It's like the Golden Gate - when it's finished it's time to start over.
5) I can foster bottle fed kittens.
6) I can see both sides of almost any issue. (this can also be a curse)
7) I'm a good mom and didn't repeat the same mistakes my parents did. I can make my own mistakes, thank you.
8) I can laugh at myself.
9) I'm a lousy housekeeper. Ok, that by itself isn't a good thing, but it is something that I know about myself. So I pay someone to do it. I'd go without food before I would fire her.
ok, one shy. but not bad.
Posted by pegasus on June 23, 2004, at 11:43:43
In reply to Re: my good points » pegasus, posted by Aphrodite on June 23, 2004, at 7:09:57
Thanks so much! I hope you can make your list soon also. I know it's tough. My self critic was working overtime while I did it. But I stand by everything I wrote. And, secretly, I like the sense of wonder part best too. :)
Posted by mair on June 23, 2004, at 14:19:54
In reply to Re: my good points » Aphrodite, posted by pegasus on June 23, 2004, at 11:43:43
...with how you are all able to assemble these wonderful lists. My T tried some CBT exercises with me a few years ago similar to the compilation of lists like this one and I failed miserably and doubt I could do much better now. I think it just never occurs to me to think of my positives.
I think this is a great thread and actually rather inspiring.
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