Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 35. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
This is an easier one, and you've even got a choice of two options! Who could ask for anything more? (I was going to post these separately, on different days, but couldn't decide which should go first, and wanted to do both, so here's a compromise.)
1. List a couple of examples of movie/tv dialog that you found exceptional in some way -- either the so brilliant you were blown away or so dumb you had to clean your ears to make sure you heard it right or so funny you nearly choked.
2. List ten (or more) events/experiences/accomplishments/etc in your life that you wouldn't give up for anything in the world.
The gauntlet has been thrown, Ladies and Gentlemen. Who will accept the challenge?
Posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:20:25
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
I could post pretty much the entire script for His Girl Friday, or the impassioned speech made by Peter Lorre at the "trial" in M; or there are the classic lines like "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" but here are the two that stand out for me this morning:
1. Law & Order: in an episode where a bunch of the regular cops are staking out a park where people go to drink, all 'undercover' including Epatha Merkerson, one character -- forget which -- says, "I'll take malt over Milton any day!" (I love that show so much -- they're still under the delusion that GOOD WRITING counts for something!) That's a reference to a poem by one of my favorite poets, and I have had a banner hung somewhere in my home for 20 years reading "Malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to Man." That stands out for me.
2. Mystic River: Just watched it yesterday -- OK, concentration being an issue, it took a couple of days to see the whole thing, but I heard this line yesterday -- Kevin Bacon's character was describing a couple of guys from his old neighborhood, two brothers: "They always scared the [excretory product] out of us. 11 months apart, and their mother was running a loose cannon factory." THAT is my new favorite line from a movie.
I'll post the second list another time, promise, but this morning is a really bad one for me.
Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 24, 2004, at 11:36:42
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
Posted by justyourlaugh on June 24, 2004, at 11:44:09
In reply to My list for #1, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:20:25
#1.a, jaws "i think were going to need a bigger boat!"
b, baby loony toons "when your feeling jam sandwichy, there is nothing better than a jam sandwich!"
#2. 5 wonderful wonderful people who i get to tuck in every night.
Posted by partlycloudy on June 24, 2004, at 12:21:50
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
> 2. List ten (or more) events/experiences/accomplishments/etc in your life that you wouldn't give up for anything in the world.
OK, here goes:1. Living in the UK for 7 years and feeling like it was home.
2. Going on a research boat for humpback whales and stopping for lunch in the middle of their feeding grounds. We cut the engine in the lobster boat, ate our sandwiches, and listen to the sounds of the blow-holes every few seconds from all around us.
3. Learning belly dancing well enough to have been on the 5 o'clock news. OK, this was a long time ago.
4. Finally having bunion surgery on both feet so I didn't hobble any more.
5. Being there to catch my niece when she was being born (at home), and being of help, which I didn't think I'd be able to do.
6. Going for professional help for my depression, anxiety and panic attacks after 7 years of suffering and inept nurse practioners.
7. Staying in a villa in Umbria, Italy, for a vacation. Even if we did have to share it with other couples.
8. Bouncing back after every job loss so far, whether I've been fired or ran away.
9. Divorcing my first husband after 18 years of some pretty bad times, and
10. Confronting my mom about her motherliness, or lack of.
Posted by Scott in Vermont on June 24, 2004, at 12:46:17
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
List a couple of examples of movie/tv dialog that you found exceptional in some way -- either the so brilliant you were blown away or so dumb you had to clean your ears to make sure you heard it right or so funny you nearly choked.
#1 fave of all time: “Trust me, I know what I’m doing” -Bubba Zenetti to Toecutter right before Bubba was shot and killed by Max (From the movie “Mad Max”)
#2 fave of all time “Tis but a scratch!” – The Black Night to King Arthur when The Black Knight was denying that King Authur had just severed his arm (from the movie “Monty Python and The Holy Grail”
#3 fave of all time “Don't worry, little brother... there are more!” Herger the Joyous to Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan after Ibn has hacked an enemy soldier into bits and is looking around him for more enemies (from the movie “The 13th Warrior”)
List ten (or more) events/experiences/accomplishments/etc in your life that you wouldn't give up for anything in the world.
#1 of all time (2 way split)- watching my children be born. Without a doubt the coolest thing I have ever seen, and as it stands today, I am the only person who remembers being there and seeing what I saw. That’s a very special feeling.
#2 of all time- Talking a 17 year old kid out of jumping off the AMR/Coast Guard H1 overpass at about 3am. When I first saw him, I stopped my vehile and yelled at him to get off the bridge rail. When I realized he wasn’t moving, it dawned on me that he wasn’t there for the thrill. I spent about 30 minutes talking to him until he trusted me enough to get within lunging range. I lunged, he let go, I grabbed him, he fought, I pulled him over the rail, put him on the pavement, and handcuffed him. He was some upset at the time, but I got a call from his parents about a week or so later. He made it and was finally getting help. I’ll never forget that. Ever.
#3 of all time- Air Assault School. I can’t even explain it. The rush I felt from dropping out of a UH-1H “Aussie” style… wow.
#4 of all time- Hmm… ok, I guess there isn’t a #4 per se, so I’ll just list off some things at random that come to mind.
Playing guitar in a band that played a crowd of about 300 people. That was pretty cool.
Winning a bet that I could not hit a human-size sillhoutte at 1000 yards with open sights with an M-14 in 3 shots or less when I was at the range with SRT. I nailed it on the first shot. Lucky? We’ll never know, I didn’t bother taking the 2nd shot, but I’ll tell you, that shot earned me a reputation and I credit that reputation with getting me a spot on the US Army Military Police Pistol Team… where I spent 3 months doing nothing but shooting every day. Your tax dollars at work, citizen!
First time I was in a “moresome”. Ok, so that’s lame and makes me look like a creep, but it was fun. Sue me.
First time I benched over 200 lbs. I got to be in the “big boy’s” club after that.
First time I went to a “real” concert. Again, all I can say is “wow’.
That’s going to have to be good enough for now.
Posted by Dinah on June 24, 2004, at 12:49:57
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
Oh, I should be able to do number one in my sleep. But I got a head start on caffeine withdrawal and my brain feels like it's trying to work its way out of my skull.
My husband and I have our own private language of quotes gleaned from TV and movies. It's our little "thing", one of those things that bond couples. So I should be able to think of dozens and dozens that we use all the time.
But I can't. :(
Posted by NikkiT2 on June 24, 2004, at 13:16:34
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
Mmm.. OK.. But do you *really* want me to list every single peice of Monty Python and BlackAdder dialogue ever??!!!
I'll skip to the next one then *lol*
10?? I shall do my best
1) My wedding day!!! It was awesome.. better than anyone elses, honest!!
2) Being an Auntie.. I love it!!
3) Being with my Dad when he died.. not as awful and depressing as it sounds. the end was very peaceful, yet I would never have believed it if anyone else had told me that.
4) Free diving with squid in Thailand (OK, so I can only free dive 8 meters so far.. but I shall elarn!)
5) telling Mum J and I were engaged.. I was trying to do the subtle hint dropping thing, but she was being seriously dim and it was very funny
"Hi mum, hows the diet, cos you'll want to be slim in November" (10 months away from when i was calling her)
"Why.. are you pregnant, oh nik, I did think you'd get married before that"
"No mum, I'm not pregnant"
"Are you coming to visit then"
"Mum, I visit every other month anyway.. But what style of HAT is your favourite"
"Whats hats got to do with anything.. well, I have my bobble hat for when its cold"
"Ok.. but do you think D (brother) would be happy to give me away at my WEDDING"
"Well, if that day were to ever come I'm sure he'd be happy enough"
"Oh for heavens sake mum.. OK.. It will be nice to see you tomorrow, we can celebrate J buying me a DIAMOND RING"
"Why did he do that.. thats very nice of him"
"You're what?? Oh my.. " as she bursts into happy tears!!Apparently the previous time we visited we were joking around how we didnt agree with marriage and were going to live in a hippy commune.. seems she believed us!!!
6) Had one purely sexual fling with no feelings involved!! It did HUGE things for my ego just when I needed it and was alot of fun when I needed alot of fun!
7) read His Dark Materials!!
Um.. need to ponder some more!!! Will get back to you with more!!
Nikki xxx
Posted by justyourlaugh on June 24, 2004, at 13:44:00
In reply to Re: Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice! » Racer, posted by Dinah on June 24, 2004, at 12:49:57
dear dear dinah,
c and i do the same..
but its me quoting movies trying for him to guess and play my raindeer games...
i hope your day is getting better.
Posted by NikkiT2 on June 24, 2004, at 14:20:23
In reply to Re: Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice! » Dinah, posted by justyourlaugh on June 24, 2004, at 13:44:00
Cept its nearly always Princess Bride quotes for us!! *laughing* With a few Black Adder and Monty Python, and ofcourse Star Wars!!
"Edmund: Hmm, that's true. Baldrick you're fired. Be out of the house in ten minutes. Well
young man you've got your self a job. What do they call you?
Kate: Kate.
Edmund: Isn't that a bit of a girls name?
Kate:'s..euh... short for... Bob!
Edmund: Bob?!
Kate: Yes.
Edmund: Well, Bob, welcome on board. Sorry Baldrick, any reason why you are still here?"
Posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:02:49
In reply to Re: My list for #1 and #2, posted by justyourlaugh on June 24, 2004, at 11:44:09
> b, baby loony toons "when your feeling jam sandwichy, there is nothing better than a jam sandwich!" Amen!"We're tiny. We're tooney. We're all a little looney!"
and from Plucky Duck......"________ go down the hoooolllle." giggles. "bye bye _____________." (diapers, toilet paper, toys, etc.)
Oh Rocko, where art thou?
gg (giggling)
Posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:06:28
In reply to Re: My list for #1 and #2, posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:02:49
Posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:15:34
In reply to Re: My list for #1 and #2, posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:02:49
My husband and I quote Princess Bride and Monty Python all the time...("She turned me into a newt!(indignantly).........I got bettah.") "It was the salmon!"
So no particular favorite, (all from Princess Bride, I think) but we like "anybody want a peanut?" when Fezzic (sp?) was rhyming and driving Vezzini nuts.
There's also, "You keep using that word [inconceivable!]. I do not think it means what you think it means." (Inigo)
"If you don't have your health, you don't have anything."
"Sleep well and dream of large women."
"I must know." "Get used to disappointment."
"Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!" "I'm not liiiisstennningg!"
"I'm not a witch. I'm your wife!"
"He's been mostly dead all day."
The whole Inigo introduction speech..."Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
"Well, nice job Westley. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." (we say that to the dog all the time, poor mutt).
"ROUS's? I don't believe they exist."
and my favorite, for today:
"There's nothing better than a mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is sliced real thin...."I could go on and on and on and on.
Land wars in Asia, Sicilians when death is on the line. As you wish.
I'd better stop now. :D
Posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:16:52
In reply to Re: Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice! » Dinah, posted by justyourlaugh on June 24, 2004, at 13:44:00
Course there's always that scene from the West Wing (late in season one or two?) when Bartlett curses God in the church in English and Latin.
Powerful stuff.
Posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:18:20
In reply to and another thing., posted by gardenergirl on June 24, 2004, at 15:16:52
Okay, I really really like the St. Crispin's Day speech in Henry V.
We few. We happy few. We band of brothers....
Posted by pegasus on June 24, 2004, at 16:01:27
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
The quote my husband and I banter around most requires some explaining. It's from Spaulding Gray's Monster in a Box. He doing a monolog involving a trip to Russia to give a speech at a showing of his film Swimming to Cambodia. He's trying to amuse some Russians with a story about how it was freezing cold the whole time he was there, so he was wearing long underwear. While was touring the Hermitage (museum) it was incredibly hot so he rolled up his shirt sleeves and pant legs. And then a security guard came and kicked him out of the museum, for impersonating royalty.
So, he tell this hilarious story to the Russians, and they all just nod and somberly say, "This could be true."
So, that's our quote: (In a Russian Accent) "This could be true."
Posted by Nataliee on June 24, 2004, at 16:02:56
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
Just in case you guys haven't watched it yet, when i'm down, and can't seem to get back up, i throw in "finding Nemo" and just listen to everything Dori (the Ellen degeneres fish) says. SO funny. and you know, "Just keep swimming " is cute advice for anyone who's ever felt depressed/suicidal. If you can just keep swimming, eventually, you'll end up on the other side of the jelly fish forest and be stronger for it. (:
Posted by karen_kay on June 24, 2004, at 16:03:38
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
i LOVE your 'quizzes'! somehow, i find them even less challenging than the real ones, you know, for a grade... please keep them up, and i promise i'll always respond.
here's mine
'are you mad?' from national lampoon's vacation, when sparky gets caught by his wife swimmming naked in the pool with christy brinkley
a few more from that show:
(chevy chase) 'awwww, he**, then we'll drive her to cousin normie's for pete sake. i just didn't want to get caught up in a funeral, an inquest and all that crap.'
(beverly d'angelo) 'you are the most self-centered, egotistical, manipulative...'
(chevy again) 'don't say anything you'll regret ellen. i'm only being practical. if we drove straight through, we'd only have 3 days at wally world best.'
and this is my favorite one ever!!
(chevy) 'i think you're all out of your minds. we're 10 hours from the <oopsie> fun park and you want to bail out. i'll tell you something, this is no longer a vacation, this is a quest. it's a quest for fun. i'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. we're all gonna have so much dam* fun, it'll take plastic surgery to remove the smiles from our faces. you'll be whistling zippidy do da out of your as*es.'
death to smoochy (about a kid's show rhino)
'you better grow eyes in the back of your <oopsie> head, you horned piece of shi*, because i'm not gonna sleep until worms are crawling 0out of your foam, rubber as*. i'm going on safari mother <oopsie again>, SAFARI (then a loud animal noise)'
this one is very special to me because i first watched this movie with my sister. after i listened to that phase at least a zillion times, she started calling me, said just this quote (complete with animal noise) and then would hang up.
u-turn (if you haven't seen it, i highly recommend you do!)
(that phoenix kid, no, not river, his brother with the impossible name) 'they call me tnt 'cause when i go off, people get hurt.'
bottle rocket: i can't remember any exact quotes really (though i do remember something aobut being confident in a yellow jumpsuit) but the whole movie is too funny. same with rushmore. both are great to watch when you're feeling blue, or feeling good. (and there's this scene from bottle rocket where luke wilson's friend 'breaks' him out of the mental hospital, even though it's a voluntary stay. the doctor walks in to find him 'trying to escape' and casually reminds him of his voluntary status.)part 2
in no particular order:
10. january 13
9. watching my sister give birth. i never thought it was possible to be closer to a person than i am to my niece.
8. crying at my graduation when i looked up in the stands and saw my sister crying (she's my 'real' mommy, though she sometimes comes across as a 'drill seargant') just yesterday, she read me a paper about an emotional moment and that was it. i never knew how proud of me she was until i heard her read it.
7. spotting 2 whales mating, while on a 'whale trip' (is that what it's called? when you get on a boat to go see whales.). no wonder they call me good eyes, the captain almost missed it.
6. looking over the edge of the eifel tower (before running to the restroom and getting sick. yes, i'm terrified of heights!)
5. the first time i went to cali and knew in my heart that it's my home. perhaps someday soon i'll be moving home?
4. being asked by a comedian on stage (and the waitress) to not laugh so loud at a comedy show. (so, i cackle, at least i wasn't heckling!)
3. how i got my name and asking my mother many many MANY times how i did. (ok, i'll tell you.. she was pregnant with me and had a dream that somehow she slept through delivery. when she awoke (in her dream) she asked what happened to her baby and the nurse told her i wsa with my father. my mother demanded to see me and the nurse mentioned my dad had already named me. he named me karen kay and in the dream my mother hated that name. when she awoke form the dream, she told my father that she wanted to name me karen kay and they both loved the name (me too actually!))
2. when my sister asked (she's more dense than i am) 'is that god?' it seems she was looking at a figurine of jesus at the time, but my friend answered 'no babs, that's a doll.' (she's also known to say things like 'eggs come from cows' when my mother said 'BARBARA!!' she then said, 'ooops, i mean pigs.' she was 16 years old at the time. she once also thought that egypt was in mexico. i love her more than life, but she can be terribly dense.)
1. the way i feel after reading kid a's words.
Posted by AuntieMel on June 24, 2004, at 19:27:48
In reply to I'll try for #2 » Racer, posted by partlycloudy on June 24, 2004, at 12:21:50
These are in no particular order:
1) meeting the daughter I had to give up for adoption.
2) climbing the great wall.
3) going to Poland right after the iron curtain lifted
4) going to Hong Kong right before China took over.
it's starting to get hard........
5) finally finishing college (age 36) with honors
6) finally getting help for lifelong depression
7) being in the uk when my best friends first child was born.
8) having my own kiddos.
9) being sent to travel at work. I had to ask for it even though very qualified 'cause my boss didn't think women would be interested.
I'll have to think now.
Posted by AuntieMel on June 24, 2004, at 19:29:27
In reply to Re: I'll try for #2, posted by AuntieMel on June 24, 2004, at 19:27:48
10) Growing up in the late 60's, early 70's. Makes me old, but I wouldn't give up that experience for anything.
Posted by Emme on June 24, 2004, at 19:45:55
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
My favorite of all time: "But these go to 11" (This is Spinal Tap)
Also, for you Monty Python people: "It's just a flesh wound."
Posted by DaisyM on June 24, 2004, at 21:16:17
In reply to racer..., posted by karen_kay on June 24, 2004, at 16:03:38
But remember, I have boys:
From Ghost Busters: "Are you a GOD?" "No..." "Then --- DIE!""
"RAY! Next time someone asks you if you are a God, say YES!"F. Bueller's Day Off: "Anyone?" "Anyone?"
Star Trek NG, Data: (singing) "Searching for life-forms, Searching for life-forms"
Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home
Kirk: "A GUESS Spock? That's extraordinary!"Mr. Scott, talking to the computer: "Computer! Hello Computer? Oh, a keyboard, how quaint!"
Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan
"The good of the many, outweigh the good of the few...or the one""I have been, and always shall be, your friend."
Bruce Almighty: "Behind every great man there is a woman rolling her eyes."
Dustin Hoffman: (I can't remember which movie) "Some men have allergic reactions to latex condoms; it may cause severe swelling.
So what's the problem?"Happy Gilmore: "just tap it in, give it a little tappy, tap tap taparoo!"
Fugative: "It's Hinky!"
Humprey Bogart: "That's hooey!"
And finally, from those great philosopher's The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Posted by Emme on June 24, 2004, at 22:04:12
In reply to Today's List Challenge -- Poster's Choice!, posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 11:12:16
That was Ghostbusters, right?
Posted by mair on June 24, 2004, at 22:14:47
In reply to I'll try, posted by DaisyM on June 24, 2004, at 21:16:17
My favorite star trek line is "we are the borg; resistance is futile" - which is pretty much how I feel about depression sometimes. (-:
Posted by Racer on June 24, 2004, at 23:55:04
In reply to Re: I'll try » DaisyM, posted by mair on June 24, 2004, at 22:14:47
We are Borg. You *will* be assimilated. Resistance is futile. << I love that line myself. In fact, that's one of the lines that I use a lot with a lot of people -- although I usually say it, "Come, join us. You *will* be..." etc. Just the whole concept of the Borg fascinates me -- the whole Hive Mind thing fascinates me.
Thanks for adding it -- and it *is* a line that I've used about some issues in therapy, both Good Therapy and the Nightmare Therapy stuff recently. It does fit depression, especially for those of us who feel like aliens wherever we are, and I think there are a fair few here who have expressed that feeling. Thank you for showing us some more common ground here.
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Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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