Psycho-Babble Social Thread 763560

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)))))))DH_pain_in_the_butt :((((((((( (nm) » Happyflower

Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:18:19

In reply to Ya, DH is being a pain in the butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (nm), posted by Happyflower on June 16, 2007, at 16:39:18


Re: Summer plans » annierose

Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:19:52

In reply to Re: Summer plans » scratchpad, posted by annierose on June 16, 2007, at 17:10:54

> Hooray for you for volunteering your Saturday morning to such a worthwhile endeavor.
> Last winter, my family vacationed on the island of Cozumel, Mexico. One part of the small island has no electricity so islanders and party-loving people, tend to camp out and party at night on this side. Result --- a ton of debris. I would love to organize a clean-up effort with college students --- "SPRING BREAK IN COZUMEL" - earn community service points!!

That sounds like a lot of work to organize, but what a great idea. One of my relatives goes to Central America for 2 weeks every spring with colleagues to administer medical care to the underserved population there. Says it's refreshing to help people who are SO grateful, and so needy. :)


Re: Summer plans » TexasChic

Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:24:43

In reply to Re: Summer plans, posted by TexasChic on June 16, 2007, at 23:12:31

> You never cease to impress me scratchpad. What a great thing to do.
> As for the bike riding, I bought one over a year ago. I rode it for 5 minutes and my butt hurt for two days. I also felt like my feet weren't close enough to the ground and almost fell down, so I haven't ridden it since. Plus it fell over and broke the thing that changes the speed - I don't really know how important that is. So I guess I like the idea of riding, but not the actual riding itself. Although I would be okay if I didn't feel like I was going to fall over and break my leg. I wish I had someone to ride with. They have a club at work, but I feel like I'm the only newbie. Surely there's some other people like me who haven't ridden since they were 12.

There are some bike trails that are paved and easy. Try going to a nearby state park or nature preserve and talking to a ranger or guide about your (current) beginner-status.

Sounds like you busted the deraileur. Depending on how fancy you want to go, you can replace the whole thing for about 50$. OR, it may just need a little tweaking and adjustment for less. Take it to a bike shop, and while you're there, have them fit it to your legs. Legs come in different sizes :)
> -T



Re: hey, my butt hurts too! scott in v trigger!!!! » karen_kay

Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:33:12

In reply to hey, my butt hurts too! scott in v trigger!!!!! » LlurpsieNoodle, posted by karen_kay on June 17, 2007, at 8:16:31

> i took a nasty fall while attempting to grab an ashtray. i missed a wooden puzzle piece, slid to the ground, and somehow fell on my left side. no bruise reveiling proof of my pain, but only me rubbing my left butt cheek and wondering from time to time 'why does my left side hurt so much?' (this whole forgetfulness game isn't a lie dear, i really do forget things.)

Smoking kills... ;)
I thought I worked out my bicep the other day with packing and stuff, but actually I just had a big bruise on the back of my arm. darn..

> i did go to a party last night though. it was out in the woods. it reminds me of those parties i used to post to scott in vermont about. i remember now why kegs (4!!!!!!!), woods, shorts, and 5 lbs of bean dip are rarely a good idea together in one place. i have scratches in places i shouldn't. i tried to start a mosh pit, yet i only suceeded in hitting my neck against my mr kk's elbow. and i still can't figure out why everytime i drink beer i want to wrestle or take my clothes off.

****mmm. KK with her clothes off. well... sigh... reminds me of my college days..
i did neither (again, i attempted to mosh, unsuccessfully), but have an upset belly anyway.

moshing always gives me a headache, that is when I'm bonking heads with other dancers and throwing my nonexistent hair around. And the kegs. That would pretty much do my system in too. With my meds and all, 4 kegs is more like 8 kegs ;)

> i did learn a way to cook a hotdog (a guess if you cut of the top of a beer can, and let it boil in the beer? something like that.... after that, i was trying to give my recipe for brawts and i got a bit too excited and pointed my finger screamign to two men, 'you suck!' they laughed, but i explained that i was stil thinking about the hot dogs. i really was, adn i guess that's the way to win men over? :) i forgot my brawt recipe and decided it was time to rejoin mr kk..
> i hope you're having fun dear. i've got some good toilet material for you. it's coming, wait for it... and watch for sore butts with that material too..
> love ya doll,
> kk

love ya too. look up the recipe for beer can chicken sometime, if you're feeling ambitious:)



Re: Summer plans » LlurpsieNoodle

Posted by scratchpad on June 17, 2007, at 12:38:27

In reply to Re: Summer plans » scratchpad, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:17:28

There weren't any mosquitoes because the water is tidal and doesn't sit still long enough for the little buggers (ha ha) to breed, I guess. I don't want to think about what was flying around me, but I didn't get bit by anything. There were lots of little snails, and the birds looked like they were waiting for us to finish so they could start eating!

The event got great local press coverage, and I'll be signing up for future cleanups. We just can't wait for the local governments to take action, you know? Everything, but everything, eventually ends up in the worlds' oceans. Cleaning debris seems like a backwards thing in that we're not addressing the cause of the pollution; but it needs to be done at some point. It's so cool to be doing something that makes an immediate and visible difference.



Re: Summer plans » TexasChic

Posted by scratchpad on June 17, 2007, at 12:43:32

In reply to Re: Summer plans, posted by TexasChic on June 16, 2007, at 23:12:31

> You never cease to impress me scratchpad. What a great thing to do.

That is such a cool thing to say!! Thank you, TC.

I am a disaster waiting to happen on a bicycle. I have very little confidence and get spooked whenever a car goes past me. A bus or truck is enough to necessitate a rest stop to calm me down. Plus I think I look like a dork on a bicycle.



Re: Summer plans - press coverage

Posted by scratchpad on June 17, 2007, at 12:50:16

In reply to Re: Summer plans, posted by scratchpad on June 16, 2007, at 16:06:24

Here's the test of the local newspaper coverage of the cleanup:

ST. PETERSBURG -- Five hundred volunteers gathered in Clam Bayou Saturday for a massive cleanup that may have finally gotten the trash problem there under control. About 9, 500 bags of trash were taken out of the preserve, according to an initial estimate, along with a host of items too big to be put in bags, including 200 or so car tires. The cleanup was the culmination of weeks of planning and preparation by the nonprofit Green Armada and St. Petersburg's stormwater department.

Clam Bayou, a nature preserve nestled between Gulfport and St. Petersburg, has been polluted for decades with trash from the storm drains that empty there.

Media coverage and earlier cleanup efforts by kayak tour guide Kurt Zuelsdorf helped draw attention to the bayou's problems, leading to Saturday's event.

The bayou awaits a planned Southwest Florida Management District project to solve area drainage problems and restore its habitat.

The Green Armada enlisted the support of St. Petersburg and Gulfport despite initial disputes between the two cities over the source of the problem.

State Rep. Rick Kriseman showed up in support. He said he was happy to see the two city governments come together and tackle an issue that needed to be addressed.

"We were involved and had communications with both cities," He said. "We were prepared to mediate, but I'm glad to say we didn't have to."

Mayor Rick Baker of St. Petersburg and Mayor Mike Yakes of Gulfport both thanked the volunteers.

Baker also brought up future plans for the park, which is mostly in St. Petersburg, including the installation of bike paths and boardwalks throughout the mangroves. He said he was glad to see the number of volunteers.

"It's a great statement," Baker said. "Most people want to help and sometimes it's our job to direct them as to how they can be part of the solution. This is a great example of that."

After the mayors' comments and some safety instructions, the volunteers took to the trails and makeshift boardwalks that St. Petersburg's stormwater department had made in the mangroves.

Volunteers of all ages trudged through the mud and water, filling red garbage bags with trash and debris. Within minutes they began emerging from the swamp, taking with them decades of litter.

Judy Trehy of St. Petersburg, a second-grade teacher at Westgate Elementary, came sloshing back out with mud on her feet and a smile on her face, looking for more bags. A member of the Boca Ciega Yacht Club, she said many of the members had come out to help.

"I'm just out here doing my part, keeping the water beautiful because I use it a lot and I want to keep it clean," Trehy said.

Sarah Gansz of Clearwater said she decided to come to her first cleanup after seeing a St. Petersburg Times photo of trash in the bayou.

"I saw the picture in the newspaper and I didn't have anything better to do so I came down," Gansz said, adding that this wouldn't be her last volunteer cleanup effort.

As volunteers collected trash, St. Petersburg city employees used front-end loaders and jon boats to move the bags to dump trucks. The operation ran so smoothly, it seemed an everyday occurrence.

By noon, the targeted areas had been cleaned and volunteers began packing up their tents and tables.

Mark Maksimowicz of the Green Armada said the effort had been a huge success.

"We got it whipped," he said. "Tonight it's going to rain. We've got more trash on the way, but now we can handle it until Swiftmud (the Southwest Florida Management District) takes it over."

Zuelsdorf, who runs his kayak tours in the bayou, was in charge of overseeing the volunteers who gathered trash by boat. He said he was thrilled about the day's progress and the impact it would have on the area wildlife.

"We've been watching the birds up in the trees, just waiting for us to get out of there because under that debris is just a smorgasbord of food," he said.


Re: Yes, my bum is hurting. » LlurpsieNoodle

Posted by Nathan_Arizona on June 17, 2007, at 13:27:33

In reply to Re: Yes, my bum is hurting. » Nathan_Arizona, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:07:35

I ride both in both english and western saddles (well, not at the same time obviously).

My instructor has this big australian stock saddle that is more comfortable than my sofa. It weighs ~50 lbs and I swear it has a cup holder.

Riding in an english saddle really helps to develop my seat and balance. Personally, I like the extra feel of the horse with the english saddle, but the western saddle keeps the bum nice and comfy.

Also I really like mecate reins, as it is hard for me to stay out of the horses mouth in an english bridle - but I guess that is what practice is for.

My poor horse Jay - obviously he is very patient.


Re: Summer plans » LlurpsieNoodle

Posted by Kath on June 17, 2007, at 18:15:43

In reply to Summer plans, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 16, 2007, at 10:48:15

Yay for you - so brave!!!!!

I'm going camping next week - Kathryn's Week Away. Every year - end of June - all by myselfeeoh.

Then husband & I are renting a cottage on the Bruce Penninsula again in August, then camping at Pinery Provincial Park - southern Ontario - miles of sand beach backed by huge sand dunes; pines...very pretty.

THEN - in September a week in a cottage, during which we visit Killbear Park.

Lots of cool stuff. Now I just need to try to detach my mind from my son so I don't worry & ruin my holidays!! Wish it was easy.

Hope your sore areas are improving!!!

hugs, Kath

PS - at Killbear there are HUGE rock areas. On one rock area that juts out into the water & is quite hilly & about 6 or more acres I've seen people's always astounded me!!


Re: Yes, my bum is hurting. » wishingstar

Posted by Kath on June 17, 2007, at 18:22:24

In reply to Re: Yes, my bum is hurting., posted by wishingstar on June 16, 2007, at 12:44:03

Hi Wishingstar -

your plans sound WONDERful!!!!!!!!! Especially given the fact that you usually don't do these type of things.

I hope you are SO pleased with yourself!

Hubby & I (a few years ago) visited Vermont & hiked up Mount Mansfield - were camping at the base of it at Underhill State Park (nice park with some sites that were quite private).
It was pretty darned cool! You got up above the tree-line! They suggested each person take 3 litres of water with them. We though "yeah, right" & once up (or partway up) we realized "OK -they were right!!!" The view was pretty spectacular.

Do let us know how things go.

hugs, Kath


Re: Arctic Norway... » meri-tuuli

Posted by Kath on June 17, 2007, at 18:24:46

In reply to Arctic Norway..., posted by meri-tuuli on June 16, 2007, at 13:20:55

Jeez Louise - WHAT an interesting life you have!

Are there any pesky bugs like black flies/mosquitoes?

How are you coping with it being day all the time?

hugs, Kath


Re: My bum hurts, too. » jammerlich

Posted by Kath on June 17, 2007, at 18:26:01

In reply to My bum hurts, too., posted by jammerlich on June 16, 2007, at 13:50:04

Hi J,

Is this your new place? Sounds like you're super-busy.

How are you doing?

hugs, Kath


Re: Summer plans - press coverage » scratchpad

Posted by Kath on June 17, 2007, at 18:32:44

In reply to Re: Summer plans - press coverage, posted by scratchpad on June 17, 2007, at 12:50:16

thanks for posting that!

I admire you for being involved in that, PLUS the fact that you clean up your own section of beach (you mentioned this in another thread).

Hope you're well.

luv, Kath


Re: Summer plans » scratchpad

Posted by TexasChic on June 17, 2007, at 19:08:00

In reply to Re: Summer plans » TexasChic, posted by scratchpad on June 17, 2007, at 12:43:32

That's how I feel too, I'm such a klutz. I bought a helmet because I figured if anyone was going to wreck and land on their head, it would be me.



Re: Summer plans » LlurpsieNoodle

Posted by TexasChic on June 17, 2007, at 19:14:36

In reply to Re: Summer plans » TexasChic, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:24:43

Thanks for the advice. I actually emailed someone in the bike club at work and they recommended a bike shop. I'm kind of embarrassed about the fact that my bicycle only cost $50 at Walmart. But I didn't want to spend too much when I might be too scared to ride it (like I kind of actually am). But if I can overcome my fear I think I might like it. I know what I need, a bike tutor! Someone to take me around and teach me what to do. That would be cool.



Re: Summer plans » TexasChic

Posted by Phillipa on June 17, 2007, at 19:48:34

In reply to Re: Summer plans, posted by TexasChic on June 16, 2007, at 23:12:31

T you need a beach bike like I have no gears and it builds incredible thigh muscle as no gears all the work you do. The reason you're falling over is feet should be able to touch ground when sitting on the seat and also no butt hurting as a beach bike has a nice big comfy one. Love Phillipa ps seat that is.


Re: Summer plans » LlurpsieNoodle

Posted by Phillipa on June 17, 2007, at 19:54:30

In reply to Re: Summer plans » Phillipa, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 17, 2007, at 10:03:53

Lurpsie we own a condo at Emerald Isle NC end of the outter banks we lived there for a while but got beached out. I won't even go there anymore. Too fat for my multiple bathing suits. Love Phillipa ps condo is for sale want to buy it complex on the ocean. Has two pools one indoors the other indoors open a sliding door in the summer this one is across from the screened porch of our condo.


Re: Summer plans

Posted by TexasChic on June 17, 2007, at 20:14:02

In reply to Re: Summer plans » TexasChic, posted by Phillipa on June 17, 2007, at 19:48:34

I think you may be right, the gears intimidate me. So do the hand breaks. I read you could flip over if you did them wrong and now I'm scared. I think I should have got the simple one with the big comfy seat and cool shiny fenders! I don't know if I can trade mine in, I've long since lost the receipt, plus I broke the gear thingy.



bum excrutiatus

Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 18, 2007, at 9:51:16

In reply to Re: Summer plans, posted by TexasChic on June 17, 2007, at 20:14:02

i went biking again yesterday- this time just simple roads and paths. I was hoping that the bumache would go away after a few minutes. to no avail. every bump was felt from tailbone to the crown of my head.


the scenery was nice, though, and we got the camp packed up in 70 minutes. good weather :)


p.s. if only I had remembered to pack my provigil. Now I'm in stuporous heavy legged irritable fog...


Re: My bum hurts, too. » Kath

Posted by jammerlich on June 18, 2007, at 10:48:08

In reply to Re: My bum hurts, too. » jammerlich, posted by Kath on June 17, 2007, at 18:26:01

Yes, it's my new place. Still trying to get excited about it. Still not really working. I wouldn't have done as much as I have if my parents hadn't butted in and insisted. I'm a little bitter about it, but I have to admit the rooms we painted do look a lot better.


Re: My bum hurts, too. » jammerlich

Posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 18, 2007, at 12:55:26

In reply to Re: My bum hurts, too. » Kath, posted by jammerlich on June 18, 2007, at 10:48:08

> Yes, it's my new place. Still trying to get excited about it. Still not really working. I wouldn't have done as much as I have if my parents hadn't butted in and insisted. I'm a little bitter about it, but I have to admit the rooms we painted do look a lot better.

So, what you're saying is that your parents BUTTed in? har har har. I'm glad that you're painting the trim. Often that's the last thing to get painted and the first thing that gets procrastinated. Soon you'll be able to do the fun stuff, like pick out the fixtures that need to be replacing (brushed stainless steel... bevelled glass... halogen spotlights... sigh)

Think of it as exercise, does it help your mood any?

Hope that things are coming along and that you are starting to get this vision in your head of Jammerlich in the new place... drinking a hard-earned limeade (with or without tequila?)



Re: My bum hurts, too. » LlurpsieNoodle

Posted by jammerlich on June 18, 2007, at 14:30:53

In reply to Re: My bum hurts, too. » jammerlich, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 18, 2007, at 12:55:26

Definitely WITH tequila. Heck, screw the limeade. How about JUST tequila? You know how I love the shots.

Sadly, my mood is still in the dumps. Maybe for different reasons, though. I'm not excited about the house, but I hate it just a little less than I did before. On the other hand, this stuff with my parents being nice is really hard for me. I feel ashamed of myself for going into T and saying bad stuff about them. You know? Maybe they're really nice people and I've just gotten it all wrong. Or maybe they're different people than they used to be and I just need to let the old stuff go. If I go in tomorrow and report the positive stuff to my T, does it negate the bad? It's all so confusing.


Re: bum excrutiatus » LlurpsieNoodle

Posted by Kath on June 18, 2007, at 15:36:00

In reply to bum excrutiatus, posted by LlurpsieNoodle on June 18, 2007, at 9:51:16

Hey LLLLLurps

Are you actually camping & biking?
If so, where?


Re: My bum hurts, too. » jammerlich

Posted by Kath on June 18, 2007, at 15:37:21

In reply to Re: My bum hurts, too. » Kath, posted by jammerlich on June 18, 2007, at 10:48:08

My thoughts are with you. This must be a very difficult time.

I send hugs & wish I were closer so I could help ya.

luv, Kath


Re: My bum hurts, too. » jammerlich

Posted by Kath on June 18, 2007, at 15:42:37

In reply to Re: My bum hurts, too. » LlurpsieNoodle, posted by jammerlich on June 18, 2007, at 14:30:53

No hunny,

It doesn't negate the bad.

It just means that they're not heaping more hurt on you. Yes, maybe they've changed & that's good 'cuz you (we all) need caring & support.

But, guess what - the old hurts WERE done - even if not intentionally & you're seeking help to heal them. Please try to be pleased with yourself for doing this! Please try not to feel guilty, or ANYthing negative, okay? T is a very positive move for you. The fact that you LET yourself seek help is wonderful.

I applaud you. I also applaud you for accepting your parents' help, even though you feel bitter about it. (On the other hand, if it feels like it's NOT good for you to accept their help, I'm sure the therapist will help you sort that out)

Feelings are feelings. They aren't good or bad. If you have feelings about things that happened before, it's good to get help in sorting them out.

I send you my warm support.

love, Kath

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