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Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 13:28:41
standard first year ethics...
the case of the lonesome stranger.
you imagine an angy mob. angry about whatever whatever it doesn't matter. the reason or source of what is making them mad has gone away or vanished or maybe it's just out of their reach and they can't get to it.
then imagine a lonesome stranger riding into town.
the sherrif knows the angry mob will riot and many many innocent people will die. but a way to stop them rioting would be to blame the ills of the world on the stranger and sort of swiftly excuse the lonesome stranger to placate the angry mobs desire for a scapegoat. for blood.
the stranger is lonesome. we are supposed to imagine. nobody would miss the stranger. the stranger has no family. the stranger is a stranger.
people are supposed to come to the conclusion that it would be wrong to scapegoat the lonesome stranger.
well, people with a sense of morality.
but that's the kind of democracy we have got.
mob rule. rule of the most likeable. most charasmatic. yes men. sychophants. if they can get ahead by trampling and stomping then that's what life's about -- surely.
my grandfather lost his ministry for harboring men who didn't want to fight in a war out on his farm. he preached turn the other cheek in a time of war.
whose job was it to preach turn the other cheek and to provide refuse for people who did not want to kill / die for their country?
whose job was it?
whose job was it -- if it wasn't his?
perhaps it was nobody's job. nobody's job. nobody's at all.
perhaps the role or the point of church leadership is only to pied piper up all the unwanted's and spin an idology for their untimely death.
nz is going to roll out some hospital trial of antimalerial for corona virus. of course we are. the WHO suggested antimalerial medication might be effective as an antiviral.
and of course it's doctors jobs to put a positive spin on that. of course. of course it is. i mean, if it isn't their job then whose job is it?
to prescribe antimalerials to mummy and daddy who made ones selection into the program possible.
apparently the problem is that goochie goochie goo... all about you. all about you. all about you. i want nothing more than to helpy help helpy helpy help (myself to) you. here.. . have some antimalerials...
kind of a psychopathy is most valued.
most.. likeable.
i didn't know that rhode island was rhode island and the plantation colony. i have been reading about the community college that apparently produces the majority of health workers for the state. been reading that apparently things are turning around there, over the last couple years.
i have also been reading that the 'we're number 1' thing that auckalnd is doing right now is a link to some bogus survey nonsense measure that nobody cares about... but it is something that puts the sustainable development goals centre stage. as something that they at least have on the agenda as caring about, now.
which... you know... 2 years after i placed it central stage on my thesis (that nobody has accepted) is kind of nice to see.
the fact that they are getting with the f*ck*ng agenda or program at least nominally. at least some kind of an appreciation of what the program might be.
why would you wash your hands if you could get away with not washing your hands?
i mean.. if nobody is watching... nobody is standing over you... i mean... you can't see germs...
i guess it's such a small state that people commute in and out for work. i guess i should look and see about the slum regions. the worst of it.
it's kind of nice to see some of the things... the town hall meetings are on youtube.
which shows some degree of trying. at least.
the problem is immigration, isn't it. the mass immigration of people who were only allowed to arrive because it was a cheap supply of labor for jobs the locals didn't want to do. immigrants came intentionally from worse situations back home... because they thought they could work their way up. or usually people don't actually seem to want that in fact... they actually seem to prefer their kids to have a better life rather than for them to have a better life in their lifetime.
so... people don't want to go to medical school themselves. don't want to learn medicine themselves. want their kids to go to medical school and become hailed as doctor.
people don't want to work towards a system whereby they could go to medical school themsleves if that is something they in fact want to do. because... they don't want to do it, i can only surmise. they want their kids to do it. they want this kid to do it and that kid to do it. and maybe this kid would make a good life partner for their kid so they want that kid to do it.
that appears to be the problem / what is going on... what is going wrong...
so people around selections are people to who aren't medical doctors. or, if they are, people who don't practice medicine. they are people who don't do the pateint contact medicine thing. they gave that up to have control over who does get to do the patient contact thing. they gave that up to have control over medical admissions and the like.
and they really do seem rather more intent on undermining the whole thing. making it impossible for anybody to do it. because they want to make more people like them, i suppose. little mirror copies of themself. lots of people getting selected into medical admissions to join the army of people selecting people into medical admissions an army of administrators having meeting after meeting after meeting about how there isn't any money left to by supplies or hire doctors...
we are rolling out a trial on antimalerials.
i wonder how much we sold out for.
i remember at some point Trump and England trade talk meetings. England said the health of the people of England wasn't on the table.
Yeah... the demise of the health system in England... the downward trajectory of the NHS.
I guess issues in NY too. and all those doctors in Kentucky writing scripts for antimalerials.
Places don't have to participate in the match. The match is / was an optional thing. Private hospitals / universities could choose whomever they liked.
But we don't have a functioning private sector. Because people use the public sector for private advantage, here. So you have people picking and choosing like they are the private sector -- but they don't have teh ability to pick and choose for a good / valued / functioning private sector. So it's the worst of the public sector where you simply have corruption. Simple as that. Hijack of public system for private advantage.
The private advantage of darling child prescribing antimalerials that will kill you.
Because nobody wants to live like this in this shithole anyway.
The will to live...
The will to survive.
I just see masses of suicide bombers, really.
I don't see people working towards developing the things they want to see in the world.
I don't see...
Sure I don't.
I've been locked out.
Ethics in this country is not for me. It's for the Maori they picked precisely because they lack capacity. They picked them for those positions / places precisely because they lack capacity -- so as to encourage racism where you see these prominent people picked because of their race picked because they lack capacity... That was what the centre for bioethics was turning into at Otago when I left. I wasn't allowed to ask a question (I would usually ask 1 question per talk I was not dominating). But now was the time for ethics talks (at a visiting lecturer from overseas level) to be not even 101 level at University. I mean... A 'you like vanilla ice cream and I like chocolate ice cream adn that's okay'. Level. Just that. Only that. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Just that. Only that. ANd speaking rights are just... Stuck. Stuck ther eon that. No progres is made.
So I walked away.
And I walk around this country... The development of the people...
And get to thinking about the mechaimss and the invisible hand holding everything back...
Beacuse those people should have got to study ethics. And maybe they could. Maybe they could enrol in a first year ethics class. And maybe they could get someone teaching it well and simply. There are some good ethics in the schools programs that are supposed to teach precisely that. Civil communiciation and respect for difference. It's okay to like differnet things. It's okay to have different opinions. We don't all have to be a mob for things to be okay...
But they don't get to have that kind of an education.
Because we are too busy hiring them. Paying them. To teach. They are the mighty academics. Making sure that the ones amongst them with the capacity to do just that are shut down and silenced and mobbed away...
I guess the idea of the borders closing is to sort of force people to focus on improving local situations instead of allowing them to flee.
Because all the best people leave. Because they realise they can't accomplish half as much, a quarter as much, an eighth as much as they could someplace else.
I'm expected to take 2 years writing a 1 year thesis because this one is a slow reader. And because that one is a slow thinker. And because people want to feel that I like hanging out with them before they can start work. And so I'm supposed to let things run over time 'it's okay I am just like you we can let things run overtime together. It isn't like I want to do anything else with my life than to hang out with you all day anyway lolz. I just want to stay with you taking exttra time violating the normal working rules about normal work forever!!!'
And I can't do it.
Because it's like trying to walk at 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/8 your normal walking speed. And it really doesn't take very long before you are wanting to shoot your face off.
And that's our highest levels. Our higheset level of academia!!
But it's okay because they've set baout restruturing the University system so they will only pass the most sychophantic. So it's all up front and obvious and clear about how this nation is a nation that values mob rule and rewards the psychopathic leader of the mob. The likeable leader who will get many many sign ups for the antimalerial trial.
So you get to thinking that it's just people working for the interests of overseas psychopaths...
Did they suggest the trial to us to see if we would trade the health of our people?
Is it even worth sending us anything other than placebo?
If the medical doctors don't know the symptoms of toxicity (to distinguish from the sympoms of the disease) then why should they have access to medication at all.
And if they aren't willing to pay a fair price.. If they arne't ordering x number of litres of hand sanitiser for that many people on the workforce seeing that many patients...
I don't like it, here.
What good comes of me, being here.
Why was I born?
I didn't ask to be born.
I'm sorry I wasn't dropped on my head at birth so I fit in better.
I understand that's why they are all up in the trials of oxygen deprivation for infants. At birth. To try and create a generation that fits in better.
F*ck*ng psychopaths.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 13:53:49
In reply to the mobbing of the lonesome stranger, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 13:28:41
it's just pointless, me being here.
i mean, i didn't come back here, to do philosophy.
philosophy isn't really done, here. and i can't really do philosophy, here.
i'm expected to hang about them and hang off their every word and be all like 'oh wow you are amazing and so amazingly smart and i don't know anything and i have so many unanswered questions and i want nothing more than to hang about your feet all day like you are Jesus and write up everything you have to say about all topics'.
which isn't very fun for me, really.
especially when i don't agree with what they have to say about various things much of the time.
when i am even interested in the things they purport to care about.
i say purport to care about because they seem more interested in doing non-philosphy things, anyway. i mean it's just a job to them, right. pays their bills.
and people won't acknowledge my contribution to that.
the fact that i got my work done, in a timely fashion. which nobody is allowed to do. becuase you have to be a slow worker to be allowed to do the arts in NZ, now.
you have to go 'yes the problem is all the dead wood professors that we have who have all the jobs who don't produce anything but have the jobs and nobody will get hired until these people die'.
and long to join them. long to be a piece of dead wood yourself.
because people were goign on about dead wood back when i was an undergrdaute in philospohy. that that was the situation. that was what that was about.
and now i see... many of them are still there. and new pieces of dead wood.
and i guess they made it. that was what they wanted in life.
they are being paid to do philosphy.
or to prevent philosophy from being done.
or something.
because we are only allowed to be 'you like vanilla and i like chocolate and i am not sure that we can be friends because you are differnt from me and now i'm having a trantrum' minders.
mob rule.
we must all be the same.
sign them up for antimalerial trials then.
dem germs.
all the same.
all the people need all the thigns to be all the same all the time.
equality of what???????????
equality of what???????????
health. and health outcomes. equality of health outcomes means we are all the same. means as many non-maori die of colon cancer as maori otherwise it's not fair! nobody is allowed to do any better than this one that we kept hidden away and beat over the head each and every day that we hail as mighty leader of the back and the bottom and we will all just hang about all day with his god as our idol that nobody is allowed to be any differnet from.
we'll just all sit about in a group all day with each oher. togher. getting nothing done. doing nothing. not being any different at all from the... doll. cardboard cut out. carving of an idol.
everything always the same.
i wonder how the educational packets are working. apparently they are tailored to the kiddies. some kiddies get chalk and some other kiddies get books. some kiddies might even get something to do with numbers.
the most important thing is that we have control over the situation and we make sure that people are forced to do the things that they are least suited to and so on...
mostly it's just about imposing our will.
because we can.
and then... delighting and revelling in that.
why wouldn't you... if you can get away with it?
I can!
But I can get away with it!
That's what it means to have made it in life in these parts, I think.
Everybody is usposed to aim or aspire or long or whatever for that.
To be able to do and get away with whatever atrocities they like!
Just because they like!
They don't actually want to be in a country with accountability or fair and just rule of law.
To each their own?
Why should I have to stay here in psychopath land when it's a land of their making and their desire and their ideology?
I'm sorry they got droppe don thier head or whatever they did.
But it's not my fault.
And I don't have the capacity to play mommy. I just don't.
It is a pointless waste of time my existence, here.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 14:16:36
In reply to Re: the mobbing of the lonesome stranger, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 13:53:49
because the examiners did not say 're-enrol' or 're-submit for antoher round of examination'. because the examiners did not say 'another round of reports'. because the examiners did not say 'oral defence was required'. because the examiners did not say i should be failed.
the examiners said that substantive or significant changes were needed before it would be accepted.
that means that once the substantive or significant changes are made - it is to be accepted.
the university regulations say that the dean makes the final decision -- on the basis of the reports of the examiners.
and the reports of the examiners say that it is to be accepted subject to substantive changes.
it is going well beyond the reports to say that re-enrolment and re-examination are required. these things are not mentioned in the reports of the examiners.
it's basic reading comprehension. whether something is an inference that is based on the text -- or whether an inference goes well beyond the text.
and the entire university (my supervisor, the dean, the research school, the associate vice chancellor, the vice chancellor). and apparently the univerity lawyer... apparently the law firm or whatever that that lawyer is with...
they all think that it's perfectly fine for the university to withhold the degree unless a studnet re-enrols and hands over more fees... it's perfectly fine for the university to invoice the Tertiary Education Commission (a government department) for another round of examination... even when the examiners don't state in their reports that re-enrolment and re-examination is required.
but re-enrolment and re-examination is not something that is based in the reports of examiners.
it's a basic f*ck*ng reading comprehension thing that's going on, here.
and it's the lack of f*ck*ng basic reading comprehension...
that means that several years later... the university hasn't given me my degree.
a different university in NZ.. I have them the university regulations pertianing to the degree along with the reports of examiners.
there is only one outcome of examination that is based in reports of examiners.
that outcome required me to be signed off within 10 weeks.
the calendar allows an examiner to do it if the supervisor won't.
because supervisors start to have hissy screaming tantrum fits that you are stealing their baby when examiners say that the student shall be signed off.
the calendar allows an examiner to do it.
i'm over 40 years old.
i'm not you f*ck*ng child.
i can't explain things any slower to you.
you f*ck*ng tool.
do your job.
or give the work to examiners and let them do their job.
the only reason they hired her was to make sure no philosophy was done on her watch.
and i genuinely and really don't understand it.
i was like 'once the thesis is over we can work on getting part of it published if you would like a publication since your promotions are partly dependent on it and it could be good for both of us'
but she would rather i be failed and she be dead wood. that's a better world as far as she's concerned. she's made it already. paid to be dead wood and paid to ensure nobody be signed off on her watch.
her mistake...
from psychopath perspective...
is agreeing to supervise me.
other people knew i was competent to do the work and didn't need or rely on them to write it for me...
so they said they wouldn't supervise me.
that's what we do in NZ, now. we don't process admissions because we don't have any of the things we purport to have.
we don't process phd applicatinos unless teh studnet lacks the capacity to write a thesis. if the student can only complete if the supervisor writes it for htem -- we'll agree to supervise that student only.the med studnets who can't tell the difference between an antimalerial and an anatibiotic? who can't tell the difference between toxicity and symptoms? the students who are able to play dumb... play dumb.. keep your head down and maybe they'll think you are incompetent and you will get lucky and get to do it that way and eventually...
seems to be the only way through.
i'm just f*ck*ng speechless that they refuse to give me a degree when that is what external examiners told them to do.
one examiner is required to be external to the country of NZ.
but we don't want to be part of international community. we don't want to have an internationally accepted or accredited education system. we don't want our kids to read -- they might read reports of examiners. we dno't want our kids to do math -- they might read the double-billed invoice.
i think around the world...
UK... US...
the education systems all fell flat didn't they.
we realised how they had been gutted.
nobody home.
nobody there.
they don't externally examine the students work.
they aren't grading by university values.
they go 'you can't make us'.
because they have made it in life.
they like to do antimalerial trials on people with virus.
they like to kill a sheep to shock it's heart with adrenalin repeatedly. just to see what will happen.
htye like to put rats in little rubber rooms so they can't climb the walls and have no wheel.
they like to accuse students of crimes they didn't commit and tell them they have to talk to people pretending to be police whether they want to or not -- to see whether they will co-operate.
all these things... highly valued studies students do at our universities.
the only sorts of studies they wll get supervisors willing to allow them to do.
it isn't me that's on self-destruct, here.
it is the university system.
i guess because we hired up all the people to teach and adminsitrate in them that nobody else wanted.
but i know of competent people who they could hire instead so that's not it. they intentionally hired up the people who would contribute towards this kind of development of the education system in nz.
undermining it.
i guess its the people with the money. isn't it. where does the money go. to a bunch of psychopaths. truly.
Posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 14:26:47
In reply to Re: the mobbing of the lonesome stranger, posted by alexandra_k on April 28, 2020, at 14:16:36
so the politicians mostly.
thinking again of my time in wellington...
seeing my 'friends' get hired.
'they pay me to go into the basement and scan these paper documents into the system in response to requests for information'.
by new zealanders?
no... by foreign businesses.
i see.
'i don't really understand why they pay me so very very very much to do that'.
but you do it.
of course you do.
and they ask you to.
of course they do.
to see what you will do.
to see what your employer will have you do.
and you are willing to play dumb and sell out your people...
and so you get promoted.
sure. of course you do.
my supervisor got promoted when i enroled in the degree without a scholarship.
becauase they are trying to teach me a lesson in how pychopaths prevail.
and because they are all sitting there with popcorn.
'what are you going to do about it?'
because, you know, they made it in life.
they have the power to do harm -- and they do harm.
yay them.
look at the world that they made.
This is the end of the thread.
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