Posted by sar on September 18, 2001, at 23:54:44
In reply to lighting a candle, posted by susan C on September 18, 2001, at 21:21:58
if i'd read this earlier, i certainly would have gone out and lit a candle.
i was shocked when i saw the special-edition magazines, the pictures of soot-covered survivors, the blood, the hand-holding building jumpers...
but i haven't cried, i haven't been worried. i saw a picture of osama bin laden in the paper and thought, oooh, he's kind of cute. i feel like i understand why the pakastanis and afghanstans hate us. don't we exploit the shit out of them?
i express sympathy to the survivors and feel sorry that so many innocent victims died, and it makes me smile to see everyone waving American flags around but i'm just not feeling very patriotic, i feel like the other countries deserve to win for a change, i feel like we've been to powerful and exploitative for too long, certainly not that we *deserved* a terorist attack but if you lived in Afghanistan how would you feel about America as a whole?
i feel so fuct up about this, somebody argue with me please...i'm so sorry about the deaths but i feel as if America is one giant asshole...
my dad sits on the couch, the portable phone beside him--"I'm waitin for Dubya to call!" he jokes--he was in vietnam, did 20 years in the navy, and i think this war business has got his juices flowing. he would love to go commandeer a ship--but he is too old.
i'm not speaking from a lot of knowledge, i don't really keep up with current events, just snippets, but--does anyone else feel this way? apathetic--my own fatalism sinks in--i wouldn't mind being bombed, it would solve all of my do-i-or-don't-i questions...or i want to be a neo-hippie out in the streets protesting can we have war with just a few terrorists? it'd have to be a whole country, right?
plz someone do inform, my cognition has sharpened enough to skim the papers but not really read, esp not daily, and i still believe that The Onion is America's Finest News Source--
someone tell me something...