Posted by NikkiT2 on November 18, 2002, at 11:15:06
I've been feeling so sick for the past 3 months and its getting worse.. I decided that, seeing as I have run out of celexa, I would see what its like celexa free and whether its that causing my nausea... 5 days on and I feel even sicker!!!
I am just so damned fed up of all this. I told my pdoc in no uncertain terms that I didn;t want to be on an ssri as i didn';t think they agreed with me, yet he put me on celexa, teeling me it wasn't an ssri... yet it is.. and now I'm hitting withdrawal and feel all wobbly.. no where near as bad as effexor or paxil withdrawal, but still there..
and this week is sooo busy i can't just sit and wallow.. tomorrow is my husbands birthday, wednesday some friends are coming up and a friend is staying over night, and then thursday is my birthday.. can I put it all off a week??!!
*sighs* just needed a good whinge!!!
nikki xx