Posted by Robin David John on November 18, 2002, at 12:22:02
I probably will never never marry and that sucks, wish I knew how to do something about that. Being single is freedom and that sucks after a while.
While I was walking down by the lake the other day I was wondering how long can one can live alone and be happy, on the other hand if you want freedom you will have to learn to live alone and that brings me loneliness. Then I got really terrified and relised there was no one beside me to share my feelings with and express this empty feeling that I have felt recently. Holding hands and sharing a tear with someone that really cared for me would have suited me fine.
I personally loved what Janis Joplin sang in Me and Bobby Mcgee....freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose..I sure she really knew about loneliness near the end of her short lived life of freedom...I relised then and there that I dont want freedom anymore I want to give up something that I have to lose. Freedom means horse pucky to me now. Good bye freedom you suck..goodbye loneliness and take my freedom with you ..Now what do I do? ..Where am I?? What a big empty space I feel...dam back to freedom again.
poster:Robin David John