Posted by CavemanXx on August 9, 2004, at 0:58:42
In reply to Re: GENERAL ELECTRIC WONT PAY SICK EMPLOYEE's, posted by Shadowplayers721 on July 28, 2004, at 22:17:36
Hi All.
I think my password is working again. some of you have answered this question but then, I read on the internet conflicting news. I have a question.... I'm writing to my isurance co.and need to know, what does the law state about informing your employer the nature of your illness when the Dr. gives you a excused from work and disabled slip?I'm Still off work. Still haven't gotten a check yet. found out that I have a heart operation coming up. So now I have to taper off all of my medication. I see the surgeon in a couple of days. I saw the cardiologist a few days ago. The Cardiologist thinks an operation is iminent.
This operation is so serious that it makes a "quadruple bypass seem easy". (Quoting my cardiologist)
I'm worried that I could get fired before or during the operation.
The cardiologist says I have a dialated aortal root that could unzip, (tear) anytime.
The good news is that I have a union at GE that almost always wins the failure to pay sick pay cases.
I am lonely. Being married, I really would like to snuggle up with my wife, or just even talk to her. But My wife is an alcohlic. I wanted to go to church today, she took the car said she would be back in a half hour. She came back 3 hours later. Drunk. She had been driving in that condition with the kids in the car. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it. She is ususally unconcious or sleeping by 9:00 pm. She has no interest in sex.
I feel guilty all the time. For being attracted to other women. I don't know how to deal with this.
I'm so affraid of leaving my kids alone with such an loser. What if I dont make it through the operation?Years ago I called the Racine County Sherriff. I told them my wife was driving drunk with my kids in the car. I told them they could catch her pulling up the drivway drunk if they come over to my house.
They came. 3 squads. then my wife showed up. Drunk, stumbling out of the car slipping on her beer cans as they fell out of the car. I watched from the house. They gave her a breathaliser. Shorly afterward they were sitting down talking and laughing. Then there was a knock on the door. 2 of these insane sheriffs handcuffed me in front of my kids. Traumatizing them. Took me out of my house. Leaving todler aged children in the house alone. They didn't even look at them. They lock me up in the squad,(me,the sober parent!) in a cagelike backseat. On a hot summer day. The motor is off windows rolled up all the way. I thinking this is the end. I'm going to die. After 15 minutes my wife happens to see me sitting in this torture chamber oven. I am crying. She stands up alarmed, angry. Stops her friendly coversation and says... WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO?
They came over and let me out. I was seeing stars, drenched in sweat. It turned out I had a unpaid ticket. My wife was visibly drunk. But amazingly, she passed the breathaliser test. so they did the politically correct thing and found a reason to arrest the male.
Sorry for the tale of woe. I didn't want to make anyone depressed.
I wish I could take my kids and move to Canada. I have loved the USA for so many years. Now, it is no longer a free country. I think that when the USSR came apart, the threat of communism ceased to exist. Then everyone forgot about human rights and didn't care how precious individual freedom was. Thanks to the Bushs, Clinton and Reagan, the rules have changed so that freedom depends on how much money you have. So our rights errode, while our constitution is forgotten.
Sad, Scared, CavemanXx