Posted by Gabbix2 on February 1, 2005, at 23:36:19
In reply to Re: I got kicked off Psych Central (or) Dear Dr. John, posted by Angielala on February 1, 2005, at 22:15:36
> Oh My... you are right...
> I didn't think that a "Doctor" than ran a whole "support" board would have time to read PB... looks like he's the one playing games, huh?EWWW, well after reading that response to you it sounds like he's unhealthily preoccupied with Babble.. I'm saying that 'in nice.' In another 6 months he'll be all skinny and have unwashed hair, and a scraggly beard, screaming at strangers on the street that they are the spawn of Bob's board.
I think he wouldn't have to read the whole board though, you can just type key words into the "edit" function scan the screen and it will highlight the words, it would still be time consuming but he wouldn't have to read each post.
It's pretty sad that Dr. John is so involved with this petty stuff when people acutally need help.That's it. That's what really galled me. He completely overlooked your pain, and if he genuinely thought you were being negative, well
being a psychiatrist should have understood the many possible reasons for that *aside from you having an ulterior motive*. The most important thing to him was to skewer you, to show that you hadn't put anything past him.. and he had no proof, he couldn't have, he was wrong. That kind of accusation coming from a Dr. toward somone in a vulnerable position is really really frightening. What if a suicidal person posted and he accused them of just wanting to test how he would react because he doesn't allow suicidal posts..Okay I'm on a tangent, and I'll stop now.
> When help is already hard to find, and then you find a board like this and it treats you like this on an incorrect assumption... well, it's horrible.
> > Angie, no one necessarily did anything. He was obviously already reading or he wouldn't have yanked his welcome post. Someone may have tipped him off about that. Perhaps he just kept reading to see what was said. Or maybe he reads Babble every day.
> >
> > Maybe it's just Dr. John himself.
> >
> > I don't think anyone would want to see you get blocked here or there.