Posted by WNxPats on October 21, 2007, at 4:56:08
Hello, im 15 years old, im a guy, and i live in New Hampshire in the United States. Over the past 3 months i have woken up in the night two times. The first time i woke up at 3 AM and today i just woke up at 5 AM. Each time i felt like a fairly large bug or mouse was crawling on me, however it feels almost weightless. I can just feel something weightless moving on me. The first time i thougt it was a cockroach, but i havent seen a single cockroach in my room or even my entire house ever since that incident. So i googled bugs crawling on me and came across formication. I think its what i have but the symptons dont make sense. Its says drugs and menapose can cause this, or some mental problems. as i said above i dont do drugs, i obviously cant have menapose. I do have social anxiety and i started taking medicine for it just 2 days ago, but that wouldnt explain how it happened 2 months ago. So can anyone tell me whats going on? Is there really a bug crawling on me? Can formication be as infrequent as 2 months seperation between incidents? Why does it always happen in the morning and wake me up? Thanks a lot. Also up here in New Hampshire it is fairly cold year round, and it is about 50 degrees on average right now. It is very rare to find large bugs or cockroaches here.