Posted by TemporarilyBob on September 9, 2012, at 0:48:36
I've had an idea, a dream even, of starting a web site with multiple goals. The core of it is that neurological disorders lead to thinking that is "non-normative" or not "rational". Society fears that, since it is not the norm or the accepted. The only response to such fear is education.
I would like to see a safe place for people like my friends here to explore their minds through art -- visual, lyrical, poetic, prose. Art can transcend the rational while still maintaining a connection to it. Art has dimensions that extend beyond the rational mind yet maintain enough of a connection to tap into that other-meaning. I think that connection can also create a glimpse for a "rational" mind into that space beyond the rational. I've stood in the MOMA in NYC and watched people stare at Van Gogh's "Starry Night", so I know the connection is possible.
Back to the point. For more than 12 years now, I've dreamed of this site. Art therapy for those who need it and wish to share. A place of education for those different from us who need to see into another's mind in order to begin to comprehend. And an absolutely ruthless editorial policy to moderate for abusive from those unwilling to open their minds, believing they can abuse those baring their thoughts so others might come to an understanding. I know I do not have the energy to do it alone. That's why I raise it here--to see what interest there may be. Babble mail me if you do not wish to respond below ... More of my ruthlessness in this is to protect any participant's identity.
I do have a name for it: The Fine Line. As in, of course, "the fine line between genius and insanity." I don't think any of us would be here with our problems if we did not have equal or greater gifts. As my sig says, "Great wits are sure to madness near allied, and thin partitions do their bounds divide." I mean to erase that boundary, in my way....
Great wits are sure to madness near allied,
And thin partitions do their bounds divide.