Posted by TeeJay on January 19, 2004, at 19:51:09
In reply to Re: Zinc and Selenium for AD hair loss » TeeJay, posted by tealady on January 18, 2004, at 20:43:11
Hi Jan,
I didnt know about the thyroid thing and ones ability to consume alcohol. I've always been able to tolerate huge units of spirits whilst very unable to tolerate beer in anywhere near the same quantity (measured of corse in units rather than voume).
I've not had my thyroid checked for over a decade, in fact i've pretty much given up completely with doctors over here. They either look at the M.E. diagnosis and say they can do nothing or note the depression aspect and try and palm me off with some Prozac. I could kick up a stink of course, but then i'd just be labelled an "awkward patient", so I choose not to bother with them at all.
I think you misunderstood my remarks about the SJW, magnesium etc by the way. I dont take them now, but have tried them all in the past with little success. My remark was mainly that I have yet to find the one supplement or mix of items that really make the big difference to my health and help me move forward in a meaningful way.
Once or twice recently i've had a trawl through the archives to see what people have tried and how people have reacted to various things. One of the most recent threads I read was on Tyrosine. Curiously I get that kind of feeling without any supplements and tried Tyrosine a few months ago and it certainly didnt make those feelings any worse (i cant remember if it improved them though unfortunately). I do however recall a recent thread (I think it was with Ron Hill) where a mix of Tryptophan and Tyrosine was useful, I think to increase both serotonin AND dopamine. I'm tempted to get a bottle of tyrosine and add it in whilst i'm on the tryptophan to see if there is any notable difference.
Everytime you get the urge to post on the admin board, go and have a bar of chocolate instead, its far better for you for sure!!